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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2020) 32 (5): 829–864.
Published: 01 May 2020
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With the wide deployments of heterogeneous networks, huge amounts of data with characteristics of high volume, high variety, high velocity, and high veracity are generated. These data, referred to multimodal big data, contain abundant intermodality and cross-modality information and pose vast challenges on traditional data fusion methods. In this review, we present some pioneering deep learning models to fuse these multimodal big data. With the increasing exploration of the multimodal big data, there are still some challenges to be addressed. Thus, this review presents a survey on deep learning for multimodal data fusion to provide readers, regardless of their original community, with the fundamentals of multimodal deep learning fusion method and to motivate new multimodal data fusion techniques of deep learning. Specifically, representative architectures that are widely used are summarized as fundamental to the understanding of multimodal deep learning. Then the current pioneering multimodal data fusion deep learning models are summarized. Finally, some challenges and future topics of multimodal data fusion deep learning models are described.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2017) 29 (9): 2352–2449.
Published: 01 September 2017
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Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been applied to visual tasks since the late 1980s. However, despite a few scattered applications, they were dormant until the mid-2000s when developments in computing power and the advent of large amounts of labeled data, supplemented by improved algorithms, contributed to their advancement and brought them to the forefront of a neural network renaissance that has seen rapid progression since 2012. In this review, which focuses on the application of CNNs to image classification tasks, we cover their development, from their predecessors up to recent state-of-the-art deep learning systems. Along the way, we analyze (1) their early successes, (2) their role in the deep learning renaissance, (3) selected symbolic works that have contributed to their recent popularity, and (4) several improvement attempts by reviewing contributions and challenges of over 300 publications. We also introduce some of their current trends and remaining challenges.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2017) 29 (5): 1151–1203.
Published: 01 May 2017
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This review examines the relevance of parameter identifiability for statistical models used in machine learning. In addition to defining main concepts, we address several issues of identifiability closely related to machine learning, showing the advantages and disadvantages of state-of-the-art research and demonstrating recent progress. First, we review criteria for determining the parameter structure of models from the literature. This has three related issues: parameter identifiability, parameter redundancy, and reparameterization. Second, we review the deep influence of identifiability on various aspects of machine learning from theoretical and application viewpoints. In addition to illustrating the utility and influence of identifiability, we emphasize the interplay among identifiability theory, machine learning, mathematical statistics, information theory, optimization theory, information geometry, Riemann geometry, symbolic computation, Bayesian inference, algebraic geometry, and others. Finally, we present a new perspective together with the associated challenges.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2016) 28 (6): 999–1041.
Published: 01 June 2016
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Recent research has reached a consensus on the feasibility of motor imagery brain-computer interface (MI-BCI) for different applications, especially in stroke rehabilitation. Most MI-BCI systems rely on temporal, spectral, and spatial features of single channels to distinguish different MI patterns. However, no successful communication has been established for a completely locked-in subject. To provide more useful and informative features, it has been recommended to take into account the relationships among electroencephalographic (EEG) sensor/source signals in the form of brain connectivity as an efficient tool of neuroscience. In this review, we briefly report the challenges and limitations of conventional MI-BCIs. Brain connectivity analysis, particularly functional and effective, has been described as one of the most promising approaches for improving MI-BCI performance. An extensive literature on EEG-based MI brain connectivity analysis of healthy subjects is reviewed. We subsequently discuss the brain connectomes during left and right hand, feet, and tongue MI movements. Moreover, key components involved in brain connectivity analysis that considerably affect the results are explained. Finally, possible technical shortcomings that may have influenced the results in previous research are addressed and suggestions are provided.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2015) 27 (10): 2039–2096.
Published: 01 October 2015
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Efficient learning of a data analysis task strongly depends on the data representation. Most methods rely on (symmetric) similarity or dissimilarity representations by means of metric inner products or distances, providing easy access to powerful mathematical formalisms like kernel or branch-and-bound approaches. Similarities and dissimilarities are, however, often naturally obtained by nonmetric proximity measures that cannot easily be handled by classical learning algorithms. Major efforts have been undertaken to provide approaches that can either directly be used for such data or to make standard methods available for these types of data. We provide a comprehensive survey for the field of learning with nonmetric proximities. First, we introduce the formalism used in nonmetric spaces and motivate specific treatments for nonmetric proximity data. Second, we provide a systematization of the various approaches. For each category of approaches, we provide a comparative discussion of the individual algorithms and address complexity issues and generalization properties. In a summarizing section, we provide a larger experimental study for the majority of the algorithms on standard data sets. We also address the problem of large-scale proximity learning, which is often overlooked in this context and of major importance to make the method relevant in practice. The algorithms we discuss are in general applicable for proximity-based clustering, one-class classification, classification, regression, and embedding approaches. In the experimental part, we focus on classification tasks.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2013) 25 (7): 1661–1692.
Published: 01 July 2013
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Models of neural responses to stimuli with complex spatiotemporal correlation structure often assume that neurons are selective for only a small number of linear projections of a potentially high-dimensional input. In this review, we explore recent modeling approaches where the neural response depends on the quadratic form of the input rather than on its linear projection, that is, the neuron is sensitive to the local covariance structure of the signal preceding the spike. To infer this quadratic dependence in the presence of arbitrary (e.g., naturalistic) stimulus distribution, we review several inference methods, focusing in particular on two information theory–based approaches (maximization of stimulus energy and of noise entropy) and two likelihood-based approaches (Bayesian spike-triggered covariance and extensions of generalized linear models). We analyze the formal relationship between the likelihood-based and information-based approaches to demonstrate how they lead to consistent inference. We demonstrate the practical feasibility of these procedures by using model neurons responding to a flickering variance stimulus.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2013) 25 (3): 567–625.
Published: 01 March 2013
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This review examines kernel methods for online learning, in particular, multiclass classification. We examine margin-based approaches, stemming from Rosenblatt's original perceptron algorithm, as well as nonparametric probabilistic approaches that are based on the popular gaussian process framework. We also examine approaches to online learning that use combinations of kernels—online multiple kernel learning. We present empirical validation of a wide range of methods on a protein fold recognition data set, where different biological feature types are available, and two object recognition data sets, Caltech101 and Caltech256, where multiple feature spaces are available in terms of different image feature extraction methods.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2010) 22 (2): 289–341.
Published: 01 February 2010
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Neural associative networks with plastic synapses have been proposed as computational models of brain functions and also for applications such as pattern recognition and information retrieval. To guide biological models and optimize technical applications, several definitions of memory capacity have been used to measure the efficiency of associative memory. Here we explain why the currently used performance measures bias the comparison between models and cannot serve as a theoretical benchmark. We introduce fair measures for information-theoretic capacity in associative memory that also provide a theoretical benchmark. In neural networks, two types of manipulating synapses can be discerned: synaptic plasticity , the change in strength of existing synapses, and structural plasticity , the creation and pruning of synapses. One of the new types of memory capacity we introduce permits quantifying how structural plasticity can increase the network efficiency by compressing the network structure, for example, by pruning unused synapses. Specifically, we analyze operating regimes in the Willshaw model in which structural plasticity can compress the network structure and push performance to the theoretical benchmark. The amount C of information stored in each synapse can scale with the logarithm of the network size rather than being constant, as in classical Willshaw and Hopfield nets ( ⩽ ln 2 ≈ 0.7 ). Further, the review contains novel technical material: a capacity analysis of the Willshaw model that rigorously controls for the level of retrieval quality, an analysis for memories with a nonconstant number of active units (where C ⩽ 1/eln 2 ≈ 0.53 ), and the analysis of the computational complexity of associative memories with and without network compression.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2008) 20 (4): 873–922.
Published: 01 April 2008
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The diffusion decision model allows detailed explanations of behavior in two-choice discrimination tasks. In this article, the model is reviewed to show how it translates behavioral data—accuracy, mean response times, and response time distributions—into components of cognitive processing. Three experiments are used to illustrate experimental manipulations of three components: stimulus difficulty affects the quality of information on which a decision is based; instructions emphasizing either speed or accuracy affect the criterial amounts of information that a subject requires before initiating a response; and the relative proportions of the two stimuli affect biases in drift rate and starting point. The experiments also illustrate the strong constraints that ensure the model is empirically testable and potentially falsifiable. The broad range of applications of the model is also reviewed, including research in the domains of aging and neurophysiology.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2005) 17 (9): 1875–1902.
Published: 01 September 2005
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This review presents an overview of a challenging problem in auditory perception, the cocktail party phenomenon, the delineation of which goes back to a classic paper by Cherry in 1953. In this review, we address the following issues: (1) human auditory scene analysis, which is a general process carried out by the auditory system of a human listener; (2) insight into auditory perception, which is derived from Marr's vision theory; (3) computational auditory scene analysis, which focuses on specific approaches aimed at solving the machine cocktail party problem; (4) active audition, the proposal for which is motivated by analogy with active vision, and (5) discussion of brain theory and independent component analysis, on the one hand, and correlative neural firing, on the other.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2005) 17 (8): 1665–1699.
Published: 01 August 2005
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A wide variety of papers have reviewed what is known about the function of primary visual cortex. In this review, rather than stating what is known, we attempt to estimate how much is still unknown about V1 function. In particular, we identify five problems with the current view of V1 that stem largely from experimental and theoretical biases, in addition to the contributions of nonlinearities in the cortex that are not well understood. Our purpose is to open the door to new theories, a number of which we describe, along with some proposals for testing them.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2005) 17 (6): 1223–1263.
Published: 01 June 2005
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Rule extraction (RE) from recurrent neural networks (RNNs) refers to finding models of the underlying RNN, typically in the form of finite state machines, that mimic the network to a satisfactory degree while having the advantage of being more transparent. RE from RNNs can be argued to allow a deeper and more profound form of analysis of RNNs than other, more or less ad hoc methods. RE may give us understanding of RNNs in the intermediate levels between quite abstract theoretical knowledge of RNNs as a class of computing devices and quantitative performance evaluations of RNN instantiations. The development of techniques for extraction of rules from RNNs has been an active field since the early 1990s. This article reviews the progress of this development and analyzes it in detail. In order to structure the survey and evaluate the techniques, a taxonomy specifically designed for this purpose has been developed. Moreover, important open research issues are identified that, if addressed properly, possibly can give the field a significant push forward.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2005) 17 (2): 245–319.
Published: 01 February 2005
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In this review, we compare methods for temporal sequence learning (TSL) across the disciplines machine-control, classical conditioning, neuronal models for TSL as well as spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP). This review introduces the most influential models and focuses on two questions: To what degree are reward-based (e.g., TD learning) and correlation-based (Hebbian) learning related? and How do the different models correspond to possibly underlying biological mechanisms of synaptic plasticity? We first compare the different models in an open-loop condition, where behavioral feedback does not alter the learning. Here we observe that reward-based and correlation-based learning are indeed very similar. Machine control is then used to introduce the problem of closed-loop control (e.g., actor-critic architectures). Here the problem of evaluative (rewards) versus nonevaluative (correlations) feedback from the environment will be discussed, showing that both learning approaches are fundamentally different in the closed-loop condition. In trying to answer the second question, we compare neuronal versions of the different learning architectures to the anatomy of the involved brain structures (basal-ganglia, thalamus, and cortex) and the molecular biophysics of glutamatergic and dopaminergic synapses. Finally, we discuss the different algorithms used to model STDP and compare them to reward-based learning rules. Certain similarities are found in spite of the strongly different timescales. Here we focus on the biophysics of the different calcium-release mechanisms known to be involved in STDP.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2003) 15 (12): 2727–2778.
Published: 01 December 2003
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We survey and summarize the literature on the computational aspects of neural network models by presenting a detailed taxonomy of the various models according to their complexity theoretic characteristics. The criteria of classification include the architecture of the network (feedforward versus recurrent), time model (discrete versus continuous), state type (binary versus analog), weight constraints (symmetric versus asymmetric), network size (finite nets versus infinite families), and computation type (deterministic versus probabilistic), among others. The underlying results concerning the computational power and complexity issues of perceptron, radial basis function, winner-take-all, and spiking neural networks are briefly surveyed, with pointers to the relevant literature. In our survey, we focus mainly on the digital computation whose inputs and outputs are binary in nature, although their values are quite often encoded as analog neuron states. We omit the important learning issues.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2003) 15 (6): 1255–1320.
Published: 01 June 2003
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Spatiotemporal connectionist networks (STCNs) comprise an important class of neural models that can deal with patterns distributed in both time and space. In this article, we widen the application domain of the taxonomy for supervised STCNs recently proposed by Kremer (2001) to the unsupervised case. This is possible through a reinterpretation of the state vector as a vector of latent (hidden) variables, as proposed by Meinicke (2000). The goal of this generalized taxonomy is then to provide a nonlinear generative framework for describing unsupervised spatiotemporal networks, making it easier to compare and contrast their representational and operational characteristics. Computational properties, representational issues, and learning are also discussed, and a number of references to the relevant source publications are provided. It is argued that the proposed approach is simple and more powerful than the previous attempts from a descriptive and predictive viewpoint. We also discuss the relation of this taxonomy with automata theory and state-space modeling and suggest directions for further work.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2002) 14 (12): 2791–2846.
Published: 01 December 2002
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This review provides a comprehensive understanding of regularization theory from different perspectives, emphasizing smoothness and simplicity principles. Using the tools of operator theory and Fourier analysis, it is shown that the solution of the classical Tikhonov regularization problem can be derived from the regularized functional defined by a linear differential (integral) operator in the spatial (Fourier) domain. State-ofthe-art research relevant to the regularization theory is reviewed, covering Occam's razor, minimum length description, Bayesian theory, pruning algorithms, informational (entropy) theory, statistical learning theory, and equivalent regularization. The universal principle of regularization in terms of Kolmogorov complexity is discussed. Finally, some prospective studies on regularization theory and beyond are suggested.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2001) 13 (2): 249–306.
Published: 01 February 2001
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This article reviews connectionist network architectures and training algorithms that are capable of dealing with patterns distributed across both space and time—spatiotemporal patterns. It provides common mathematical, algorithmic, and illustrative frameworks for describing spatiotemporal networks, making it easier to compare and contrast their representational and operational characteristics. Computational power, representational issues, and learning are discussed. In additional references to the relevant source publications are provided. This article can serve as a guide to prospective users of spatiotemporal networks by providing an overview of the operational and representational alternatives available.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2001) 13 (1): 1–33.
Published: 01 January 2001
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The temporal precision with which neurons respond to synaptic inputs has a direct bearing on the nature of the neural code. A characterization of the neuronal noise sources associated with different sub-cellular components (synapse, dendrite, soma, axon, and so on) is needed to understand the relationship between noise and information transfer. Here we study the effect of the unreliable, probabilistic nature of synaptic transmission on information transfer in the absence of interaction among presynaptic inputs. We derive theoretical lower bounds on the capacity of a simple model of a cortical synapse under two different paradigms. In signal estimation , the signal is assumed to be encoded in the mean firing rate of the presynaptic neuron, and the objective is to estimate the continuous input signal from the postsynaptic voltage. In signal detection , the input is binary, and the presence or absence of a presynaptic action potential is to be detected from the postsynaptic voltage. The efficacy of information transfer in synaptic transmission is characterized by deriving optimal strategies under these two paradigms. On the basis of parameter values derived from neocortex, we find that single cortical synapses cannot transmit information reliably, but redundancy obtained using a small number of multiple synapses leads to a significant improvement in the information capacity of synaptic transmission.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (2000) 12 (5): 995–1007.
Published: 01 May 2000
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Neuronal function involves the interaction of electrical and chemical signals that are distributed in time and space. The mechanisms that generate these signals and regulate their interactions are marked by a rich diversity of properties that precludes a “one size fits all” approach to modeling. This article presents a summary of how the model description language NMODL enables the neuronal simulation environment NEURON to accommodate these differences.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Neural Computation (1999) 11 (2): 305–345.
Published: 15 February 1999
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Factor analysis, principal component analysis, mixtures of gaussian clusters, vector quantization, Kalman filter models, and hidden Markov models can all be unified as variations of unsupervised learning under a single basic generative model. This is achieved by collecting together disparate observations and derivations made by many previous authors and introducing a new way of linking discrete and continuous state models using a simple nonlinearity. Through the use of other nonlinearities, we show how independent component analysis is also a variation of the same basic generative model. We show that factor analysis and mixtures of gaussians can be implemented in autoencoder neural networks and learned using squared error plus the same regularization term. We introduce a new model for static data, known as sensible principal component analysis, as well as a novel concept of spatially adaptive observation noise. We also review some of the literature involving global and local mixtures of the basic models and provide pseudocode for inference and learning for all the basic models.