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EISSN 2472-1751
Focus Feature: Linking Experimental and Computational Connectomics
FOCUS FEATURE: Linking Experimental and Computational Connectomics
Editorial: Linking experimental and computational connectomics
Network Neuroscience (2019) 3 (4): 902–904.
An architectonic type principle integrates macroscopic cortico-cortical connections with intrinsic cortical circuits of the primate brain
Network Neuroscience (2019) 3 (4): 905–923.
Network remodeling induced by transcranial brain stimulation: A computational model of tDCS-triggered cell assembly formation
Network Neuroscience (2019) 3 (4): 924–943.
Beyond spikes: Multiscale computational analysis of in vivo long-term recordings in the cockroach circadian clock
Network Neuroscience (2019) 3 (4): 944–968.
Increasing robustness of pairwise methods for effective connectivity in magnetic resonance imaging by using fractional moment series of BOLD signal distributions
Network Neuroscience (2019) 3 (4): 1009–1037.
Comparison between diffusion MRI tractography and histological tract-tracing of cortico-cortical structural connectivity in the ferret brain
Network Neuroscience (2019) 3 (4): 1038–1050.
Connection strength of the macaque connectome augments topological and functional network attributes
Network Neuroscience (2019) 3 (4): 1051–1069.
Flexible network community organization during the encoding and retrieval of spatiotemporal episodic memories
Network Neuroscience (2019) 3 (4): 1070–1093.
Adaptive frequency-based modeling of whole-brain oscillations: Predicting regional vulnerability and hazardousness rates
Network Neuroscience (2019) 3 (4): 1094–1120.
Synchronization lag in post stroke: relation to motor function and structural connectivity
Network Neuroscience (2019) 3 (4): 1121–1140.