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Raul Rodriguez-Cruces
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Network Neuroscience (2023) 7 (4): 1363–1388.
Published: 22 December 2023
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A central goal in neuroscience is the development of a comprehensive mapping between structural and functional brain features, which facilitates mechanistic interpretation of brain function. However, the interpretability of structure-function brain models remains limited by a lack of biological detail. Here, we characterize human structural brain networks weighted by multiple white matter microstructural features including total intra-axonal cross-sectional area and myelin content. We report edge-weight-dependent spatial distributions, variance, small-worldness, rich club, hubs, as well as relationships with function, edge length, and myelin. Contrasting networks weighted by the total intra-axonal cross-sectional area and myelin content of white matter tracts, we find opposite relationships with functional connectivity, an edge-length-independent inverse relationship with each other, and the lack of a canonical rich club in myelin-weighted networks. When controlling for edge length, networks weighted by either fractional anisotropy, radial diffusivity, or neurite density show no relationship with whole-brain functional connectivity. We conclude that the co-utilization of structural networks weighted by total intra-axonal cross-sectional area and myelin content could improve our understanding of the mechanisms mediating the structure-function brain relationship. Author Summary For computational network models to provide mechanistic links between brain structure and function, they must be informed by networks in which edge weights quantify structural features relevant to brain function. Here, we characterized several weighted structural networks capturing multiscale features of white matter connectivity including total intra-axonal cross-sectional area and myelin density. We describe these networks in terms of edge weight distribution, variance, and network topology, as well as their relationships with each other, edge length, and function. Overall, these findings support the joint use of structural networks weighted by the total intra-axonal cross-sectional area and myelin content of white matter tracts in structure-function models. This thorough characterization serves as a benchmark for future investigations of weighted structural brain networks.
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Network Neuroscience (2022) 6 (2): 320–338.
Published: 01 June 2022
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Author Summary Epilepsy is increasingly recognized as a network disorder characterized by recurrent seizures as well as broad-ranging cognitive difficulties and affective dysfunction. Our manuscript reviews recent literature highlighting brain network substrates of cognitive and affective dysfunction in common epilepsy syndromes, namely temporal lobe epilepsy secondary to mesiotemporal sclerosis, extratemporal epilepsy secondary to malformations of cortical development, and idiopathic generalized epilepsy syndromes arising from subcortico-cortical pathophysiology. We discuss prior work that has indicated both shared and distinct brain network signatures of cognitive and affective dysfunction across the epilepsy spectrum, improves our knowledge of structure-function links and interindividual heterogeneity, and ultimately aids screening and monitoring of therapeutic strategies. Abstract Epilepsy is one of the most common chronic neurological conditions, traditionally defined as a disorder of recurrent seizures. Cognitive and affective dysfunction are increasingly recognized as core disease dimensions and can affect patient well-being, sometimes more than the seizures themselves. Connectome-based approaches hold immense promise for revealing mechanisms that contribute to dysfunction and to identify biomarkers. Our review discusses emerging multimodal neuroimaging and connectomics studies that highlight network substrates of cognitive/affective dysfunction in the common epilepsies. We first discuss work in drug-resistant epilepsy syndromes, that is, temporal lobe epilepsy, related to mesiotemporal sclerosis (TLE), and extratemporal epilepsy (ETE), related to malformations of cortical development. While these are traditionally conceptualized as ‘focal’ epilepsies, many patients present with broad structural and functional anomalies. Moreover, the extent of distributed changes contributes to difficulties in multiple cognitive domains as well as affective-behavioral challenges. We also review work in idiopathic generalized epilepsy (IGE), a subset of generalized epilepsy syndromes that involve subcortico-cortical circuits. Overall, neuroimaging and network neuroscience studies point to both shared and syndrome-specific connectome signatures of dysfunction across TLE, ETE, and IGE. Lastly, we point to current gaps in the literature and formulate recommendations for future research.