Books reviewed in this article:
Avenhaus, Rudolph, Victor A. Kremenyuk, and Gunnar Sjöstedt, editors. Containing the Atom: International Negotiations on Nuclear Security and Safety.
Blackshaw, Ian S. Mediating Sports Disputes: National and International Perspectives.
Blaker, Michael, Paul Giarra, and Ezra Vogel. Case Studies in Japanese Negotiating Behavior.
Gilboa, Eytan, editor. Media and Conflict: Framing Issues, Making Policy, Shaping Opinions.
Irving, Howard H. and Michael Benjamin. Therapeutic Family Mediation: Helping Families Resolve Conflict.
Kriesberg, Louis. Constructive Conflicts: From Escalation to Resolution.
LeBaron, Michelle. Bridging Troubled Waters: Conflict Resolution from the Heart.
Raiffa, Howard, with John Richardson and David Metcalfe. Negotiation Analysis: The Science and Art of Collaborative Decision Making.
Smyser, W.R. How Germans Negotiate.
Voorhees, James. Dialogue Sustained: The Multilevel Peace Process and the Dartmouth Conference.