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EISSN 2641-4368
In this Issue
Special Issue: Cognitive Computational Neuroscience of Language. Guest Editors: Alessandro Lopopolo, Evelina Fedorenko, Roger Levy, and Milena Rabovsky
Cognitive Computational Neuroscience of Language: Using Computational Models to Investigate Language Processing in the Brain
Neurobiology of Language (2024) 5 (1): 1–6.
Research Articles
Lexical-Semantic Content, Not Syntactic Structure, Is the Main Contributor to ANN-Brain Similarity of fMRI Responses in the Language Network
Neurobiology of Language (2024) 5 (1): 7–42.
Artificial Neural Network Language Models Predict Human Brain Responses to Language Even After a Developmentally Realistic Amount of Training
Neurobiology of Language (2024) 5 (1): 43–63.
Predictive Coding or Just Feature Discovery? An Alternative Account of Why Language Models Fit Brain Data
Neurobiology of Language (2024) 5 (1): 64–79.
Computational Language Modeling and the Promise of In Silico Experimentation
Neurobiology of Language (2024) 5 (1): 80–106.
Strong Prediction: Language Model Surprisal Explains Multiple N400 Effects
Neurobiology of Language (2024) 5 (1): 107–135.
Tracking Lexical and Semantic Prediction Error Underlying the N400 Using Artificial Neural Network Models of Sentence Processing
Neurobiology of Language (2024) 5 (1): 136–166.
Surprisal From Language Models Can Predict ERPs in Processing Predicate-Argument Structures Only if Enriched by an Agent Preference Principle
Neurobiology of Language (2024) 5 (1): 167–200.
Localizing Syntactic Composition with Left-Corner Recurrent Neural Network Grammars
Neurobiology of Language (2024) 5 (1): 201–224.
Neurobiological Causal Models of Language Processing
Neurobiology of Language (2024) 5 (1): 225–247.
Dissociable Neural Mechanisms for Human Inference Processing Predicted by Static and Contextual Language Models
Neurobiology of Language (2024) 5 (1): 248–263.