Monday Dec. 26. 1927.

Arrived in Moscow at 2:15 and met by M. Rozinsky. Went to Hotel Bristol Trevokaya [sic] 39.1 Had dinner in hotel with R- and went for a walk, sending cable home. Picturesque costumes in streets—streets crowded—most people on foot—weather sharp—Maine-ish—no. of people selling things on sidewalks.—Good buses—fast trams—search out conductor to pay.—fined one rouble if go beyond punched ticket. Golden domes of churches in late sun. Had tea off the Theatre Square. Evening movie in large hall of the Music Academy to see a film Moscow-Leningrad. (Revolution. Strike in steel mills—rebellion of troops [side note]: End of St. Petersburg)2 Propaganda not necessarily a hindrance to artistic production. Film very good. Excelleration of human action unhinged by interpolating mechanist scenes in same tempo. Engines—steem rushing out of whistles, smoke pouring from factory chimnies. Photography excellent. Cousichealle broken photography (cut in of different scenes on one plate—not much double printing—Reaccuring [sic] motifs used symphonically. The statue of Peter the great occuring at intervals, the machinery in the mill, whistles. Owner caricature—superb elevation scene. Dignity of picture—no hysteria of movement. The frequent use of the camera at an angle. The excellence of the group scenes. No. of well composed shots surpassed those in majority of American and German films.

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