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Table of Contents

PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art (2024) 46 (1 (136)): i–ii.


PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art (2024) 46 (1 (136)): 1–12.

Evelyn Brown (A Diary)

PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art (2024) 46 (1 (136)): 13–25.
PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art (2024) 46 (1 (136)): 26–45.
PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art (2024) 46 (1 (136)): 46–54.


PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art (2024) 46 (1 (136)): 55–65.
PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art (2024) 46 (1 (136)): 66–79.
PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art (2024) 46 (1 (136)): 80–89.

Art & Performance Notes

PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art (2024) 46 (1 (136)): 91–96.
PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art (2024) 46 (1 (136)): 97–102.
PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art (2024) 46 (1 (136)): 102–105.
PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art (2024) 46 (1 (136)): 106–112.

Books & Company

PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art (2024) 46 (1 (136)): 113–117.
PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art (2024) 46 (1 (136)): 118–122.

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