In the last couple of years a few seemingly independent debates on scientific explanation have emerged, with several key questions that take different forms in different areas. For example, the questions what makes an explanation distinctly mathematical and are there any non-causal explanations in sciences (i.e., explanations that don’t cite causes in the explanans) sometimes take a form of the question what makes mathematical models explanatory, especially whether highly idealized models in science can be explanatory and in virtue of what they are explanatory. These questions raise further issues about counterfactuals, modality, and explanatory asymmetries: i.e., do mathematical and non-causal explanations support counterfactuals, and how ought we to understand explanatory asymmetries in non-causal explanations? Even though these are very common issues in the philosophy of physics and mathematics, they can be found in different guises in the philosophy of biology where there is the statistical interpretation of the Modern...
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January-February 2019
February 01 2019
Unifying the Debates: Mathematical and Non-Causal Explanations
Daniel Kostić
Daniel Kostić
University Bordeaux Montaigne/SPH and IHPST-CNRS & University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
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Daniel Kostić
University Bordeaux Montaigne/SPH and IHPST-CNRS & University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
This research is funded by the European Commission, Horizon 2020 Framework Programme, Excellent Science, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions under REA grant agreement n° 703662; project: Philosophical Foundations of Topological Explanations (Proposal acronym: TOPEX) as well as by the New Aquitaine Region- Bordeaux Montaigne University through the project “Neuroessentialism: neuroscientific explanation and the spread of neuroscience: the case of “neurolaw.”
Online ISSN: 1530-9274
Print ISSN: 1063-6145
© 2019 by The Massachusetts Institute of Technology
by The Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Perspectives on Science (2019) 27 (1): 1–6.
Daniel Kostić; Unifying the Debates: Mathematical and Non-Causal Explanations. Perspectives on Science 2019; 27 (1): 1–6. doi:
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