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Credentialing Scientific Claims

Perspectives on Science (1993) 1 (2): 153–203.
This article has been cited by the following articles in journals that are participating in Crossref Cited-by Linking.
  • Kent Staley
  • Aaron Cobb
Synthese (2011) 182 (3): 475.
  • David Low
Semiotica (2008) 2008 (172)
  • Bas C. van Fraassen
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (2006) 57 (2): 275.
  • D. Kevin O'Neill
  • Joseph L. Polman
Journal of Research in Science Teaching (2004) 41 (3): 234.
  • Frederick Suppe
Philosophy of Science (2000) 67 (S3): S102.
  • Frederick Suppe
Philosophy of Science (1998) 65 (3): 417.
  • Frederick Suppe
Philosophy of Science (1998) 65 (3): 381.
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