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The Laws of Motion from Newton to Kant

Perspectives on Science (1997) 5 (3): 311–348.
This article has been cited by the following articles in journals that are participating in Crossref Cited-by Linking.
  • Hein van den Berg
  • Boris Demarest
British Journal for the History of Philosophy (2024) 32 (5): 1052.
  • Erdmann Görg
Kantian journal (2022) 41 (2): 7.
  • Yaohua Zhu
Open Journal of Philosophy (2018) 08 (05): 437.
  • Marius Stan
Metascience (2014) 23 (2): 233.
  • Marius Stan
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A (2013) 44 (3): 493.
  • Sheldon R. Smith
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A (2013) 44 (3): 470.
The Southern Journal of Philosophy (2012) 50 (3): 459.
  • Andrew Janiak
Perspectives on Science (2004) 12 (3): 339.
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