The present study aims (a) to translate and adapt the Igroup Presence Questionnaire (IPQ) to the Portuguese context (semantic equivalence/ conceptual and content validity) and (b) to examine its psychometric properties (reliability and factorial validity). The sample consisted of 478 subjects (285 males and 193 females). The fidelity of the factors varied between 0.53 and 0.83. The confirmatory factor analysis results produced a 14-item version of IPQ-PT, accepting covariance between residual errors of some items of the instrument, as the best structural representation of the data analyzed. The CFA was conducted based on a three-variable model. The fit indexes obtained were X2/df = 2.647, GFI = .948, CFI = .941, RSMEA = .059, and AIC = 254. These values demonstrate that the proposed Portuguese translation of the IPQ maintains its original validity, demonstrating it to be a robust questionnaire to measure the sense of presence in virtual reality studies. It is therefore recommended for use in presence research when using Portuguese samples.

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