Virtual reality has been with us for several decades already, but we are still trying to find the right ways to control it. There are many controllers with various purposes and means of input, each with its advantages and disadvantages, but also with specific ways to be handled. Our hands were the primary means of input for human--computer interaction for a long time. However, now we can use movements of our eyes, our feet, or even our whole body to control the virtual environment, interact with it, or move from one place to another. We can achieve this with various controllers and wearable interfaces, like eye-tracking, haptic suits, or treadmills. There are numerous devices that we can choose from for every category, but sometimes it can be hard to pick the one that matches our intentions best. This article summarizes all types of user interface controllers for virtual reality, with their main pros and cons and their comparison. By combining controllers, the user's feeling of being immersed in a virtual world can be increased. We will cover positional tracking (optical and nonoptical), hand-based controllers, body tracking, wearable controllers, eye-tracking methods, and locomotion systems. New controllers are being invented by lab researchers and companies for gaming or business. We provide a look at numerous controllers, and we offer a reference guide. This guide lists sources for research papers, technical specs, user reviews, and thoughts from outside academia.

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