This experiment was designed to investigate the potential contribution to the sense of embodiment of a wristband worn by the participants in both real and virtual environments. In addition, two virtual limb models were compared following a mixed between-within subjects design: an organic hand and a non-organic prosthesis matching the proposed task. Quantitative results revealed no significant effect of the wristband, while post-experiment semistructured interviews revealed that the wristband fostered the identification with the virtual limbs for several participants, but that it might be conditioned by interindividual differences. Ownership scores were significantly higher with the virtual hand. However, participants experienced a very high sense of agency with both conditions despite the lack of finger tracking when controlling the prosthesis. Agency was positively correlated with participants' perceived change in their body schema when embodying the prosthesis. Subjective and objective measures demonstrated that participants were less hesitant and that more collisions were recorded at higher speeds against potentially threatening objects with the non-organic prosthesis.