Assessing the disruptive nature of a line of research is a new area of academic evaluation that moves beyond standard citation-based metrics by taking into account the broader citation context of publications or patents. The “CD index” and a number of related indicators have been proposed in order to characterize the disruptiveness of scientific publications or patents. This research area has generated a lot of attention in recent years, yet there is no general consensus on the significance and reliability of disruption indices. More experimentation and evaluation would be desirable, but it is hampered by the fact that the calculation of these indicators is time-consuming, especially if done at scale on large citation networks. We present a novel SQL-based method to calculate disruption indices for the Dimensions publications data on Google BigQuery. This reduces the computational time taken to produce such indices by an order of magnitude, as well as making available such functionalities within an online environment that requires no setup efforts. We explain the novel algorithm and describe how its results align with preexisting implementations of disruption indicators. This method will enable researchers to develop, validate, and improve disruption models more quickly and with more precision.

Assessing the disruptive nature of a line of research is a new area of academic evaluation that moves beyond standard citation-based metrics by taking into account the broader citation context of publications or patents. The idea of characterizing scientific innovation in terms of its “disruptive” property is not new and can be traced back to the work of Popper (1969) and Kuhn (1962) in the sociology and philosophy of science. These authors drew a fundamental distinction between contributions that improve pre-established scientific theories, and hence consolidate their status as accepted truths, versus contributions that propose new or alternative methods that break away from the tradition, thus disrupting it.

In a seminal paper, Funk and Owen-Smith (2017) first proposed a citation-based metric called “CD index” to detect disruptive or consolidating patents. The CD index quantifies the degree to which future work cites a focal work together with its predecessors (that is, the references in the bibliography of the focal work). Disruptive papers are identified based on how much subsequent research cites them without citing their references (i.e., the publications they themselves cite).

The CD index has attracted particular attention ever since. On the one hand, researchers have been trying to apply these metrics to specific scientific disciplines, For example, it has been used to detect disruptive publications in subfields of clinical medicine (e.g., Abu-Omar, Kennedy et al., 2022; Grunvald, Williams et al., 2021; Hansdorfer, Horen et al., 2021; Horen, Hansdorfer et al., 2021; Khusid, Gupta et al., 2021; Sullivan, Skertich et al., 2021), nanoscience (Kong, Huang et al., 2023), and scientometrics (Bornmann & Tekles, 2019b). On the other hand, researchers working in the science of science (Fortunato, Bergstrom et al., 2018) community used the CD index to analyze global trends in science, arguing that research is overall becoming less disruptive (Park, Leahey, & Funk, 2023) and that small teams are more likely to produce impactful science than large teams (Wu, Wang, & Evans, 2019). Quite importantly, there have also been critics of the CD index and its applications (e.g., Bentley, Valverde et al., 2023; Wei, Zhao et al., 2020). Others have tried to test the metric’s validity (e.g., Bornmann, Devarakonda et al., 2020; Bornmann & Tekles, 2019a) in more general terms or create derivatives (e.g., Chen, Shao, & Fan, 2021; Leydesdorff, Tekles, & Bornmann, 2021) with the aim to enhance its ability to pick truly game-changing science. For a more exhaustive review of these different research strands, see Leibel and Bornmann (2023).

Two technological advancements underlie these developments: firstly, the growth of large, programmatically accessible bibliometric databases, such as those provided by Crossref, Dimensions, Scopus, and Web of Science (Thelwall, 2018; Visser, van Eck, & Waltman, 2021); and secondly, major advances in computing capabilities that facilitate the aggregation and processing of large-scale data sets, often using off-the-shelf cloud infrastructure (Hook & Porter, 2021). These two aspects combined make it possible to calculate novel multidimensional metrics (Bu, Waltman, & Huang, 2019) at scale—i.e., metrics that characterize the citation impact of a publication by taking into account not just a subset of scientific documents but the entire corpus of publications or patents as a single giant citations network.

However, for individual researchers with no access to large computing infrastructure it is still very challenging to run these calculations. On a regular computer, calculating the CD index for a large network would take many days. Even on dedicated machines, these tasks are rather computationally intensive: For instance, in Spinellis (2023, p. 14f) the author explains how calculations of the CD index for large citation networks took them up to 30–50 hours using special hardware with 40–50 GByte memory. As a result, despite increased interest in the CD index, there are still no easily accessible data sets and means of computation that make it easier to assess its usefulness in the context of science of science analyses and literature discovery.

We present a novel method to compute the CD index using an ordinary computer via a short SQL query on the Dimensions publication table on Google BigQuery (Dimensions, 2023; Hook & Porter, 2021). Our approach makes it possible to calculate, for example, the CD5 index for all journal articles with references in Dimensions in approximately 4.5 hours. Thanks to this significantly quicker turnaround time, our method makes it possible to test different variations of the CD index and benchmark them against each other (e.g., for other time spans or only using a subset of a publication citation network, such as only looking at journal articles and excluding books, preprints, etc.). This methodology also allows for more experimentation: For example, it makes it easier to calculate the CD index not only for individual publications but also per organization, or using it for patents, which also exist as Dimensions Google BigQuery tables.

The rest of the article is organized as follows: Section 2 describes the original method for calculating the CD index and introduces our alternative method based on SQL; Section 3 presents the results of our method, in particular by comparing its performance to the standard way of calculating the CD index; and finally in Section 4 we conclude by outlining the benefits of this approach and how it can be extended so to handle other CD index derivatives.

2.1. The Original Definition of the CD Index

In its original definition from Funk and Owen-Smith (2017) and subsequent work (e.g., Park et al., 2023), the CD index is defined as an indicator for quantifying the degree to which future work cites a focal work together with its predecessors (that is, the references in the bibliography of the focal work). There have been a number of refinements and criticisms of this approach in recent years (e.g., Bu et al., 2019; Bornmann et al., 2020; Wu & Wu, 2019) but in this article we focus primarily on the original definition from Funk and Owen-Smith (2017), as the goal is to exemplify an improved implementation strategy that, we argue, can be adapted to suit any alternate CD index formula.

The calculation of the index for a fixed focal publication relies on all its references and all citations to the focal publication and the references. Figure 1 shows a simple example.

Figure 1.

Example of a publication citation network around a focal publication and calculation of the CD2 index. The x-axis is the timeline and indicates when the publications represented by squares, circles, and pentagons are published. An arrow points from a citing publication to a publication it cites.

Figure 1.

Example of a publication citation network around a focal publication and calculation of the CD2 index. The x-axis is the timeline and indicates when the publications represented by squares, circles, and pentagons are published. An arrow points from a citing publication to a publication it cites.

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In its original form, the CD index can be calculated as follows:

  1. Fix a focal publication f (the filled circle in the diagram) published in year T for which we want to calculate CDt.

  2. Fix an integer t that determines the time frame for which we want to measure impact: We will look at citations that occur at most t years after the publication of f. In most cases t is five years.

  3. Find all publications r1, …, rk that are cited by f (the empty circles in the diagram) or in other words the “predecessors” or references of f.

  4. Find all n distinct publications c1, …, cn that cite at least one of the f, r1, …, rk in the years T + 1 until and including T + t (in other words the “successors” of f or the union of all citations to f, r1, …, rk that occurred in the t years after the publication of f). Note that the original definition does not take into account citations in year T itself but it is easy to adapt all methodologies to include those as well.

  5. Assign a score s(ci) to each ci depending on what publication it cites:

    • (a) 

      Set s(ci) ≔ 1 if and only if ci cites f but none of the references r1, …, rk (the grey triangles in the diagram). The idea here is that such a citation does not care about the references but only about the focal paper f highlighting the disruptive character of f.

    • (b) 

      Set s(ci) ≔ −1 if and only if ci cites at least one of the references r1, …, rk and, in addition, also cites f (the grey square in the diagram). The idea here is that such a citation cares about the references and the focal publication f because f consolidates the literature.

    • (c) 

      Set s(ci) ≔ 0 if and only if ci cites at least one of the references r1, …, rk but does not cite f (the grey pentagons in the diagram). This means that ci covers similar topics as f (after all, it cites one or more references of f) but it ignores f because the authors of ci feel f is less significant.

  6. The CD index is the average of all those scores, i.e.,
    Clearly CDt is a number between −1 and 1.

Accordingly, the 2-year index CD2 for the above diagram can be calculated as follows: the pentagon citations only cite the references and therefore receive a score of 0, the triangles cite only f and therefore receive score of 1 and the squares cite both f and its references and receive a score of −1. All in all we have five citations and therefore CD2 = 15(0 + 0 + (−1) + 1 + 1) = 0.2. Note that CD1 would only consider the two citations taking place at T + 1 and therefore CD1 = 12(0 + 1) = 0.5. (This also illustrates that the parameter t can have a significant effect on the index.)

2.2. The Challenge

From a purely algorithmic perspective there are no issues with this method. It can be implemented in Python (Funk, 2017) or other languages and run on data sets usually provided from third parties like Elsevier Scopus or Clarivate in the form of CSV files, etc. Calculations of the index for a few publications will be fast. However, calculations for a large set of publications can take many days (see, e.g., Spinellis, 2023, p. 14f). To our knowledge there has been no formal investigation of the performance of CD index calculations.

An alternative approach is to store the publication and citation information in a database and run the calculation via SQL. Dimensions’ publication data is already available as a Google BigQuery table (Dimensions, 2023) and can be queried in SQL. Google BigQuery and SQL are very fast and can handle vast amounts of data. This led us to hope that this is a quicker way to calculate the index. The challenge here is the restrictive nature of SQL. Unlike Python, Java, etc., iterative routines and procedures are difficult to implement in SQL. Therefore the original algorithm needs to be translated into a different method compatible with SQL. The following sections explain this alternative way of calculation and the resulting SQL query.

2.3. An Alternative Calculation Method

The original method requires us to first collect all citations ci to the focal paper f and all its references ri and then in a next step check each of the ci again if they cite f or not and if they cite one of the ri or not. In a sense we need to either go through all citations of the focal paper and its references twice or somehow remember where the citations have come from. We have not managed to recreate this method in SQL and neither have other colleagues who tried. At this point we are not aware if this approach can be easily implemented in SQL.

In contrast, we propose a different method that does not require cross-checking citations to f and the citations to its references. Instead we run through all citations to f and assign an intermediate score to each of them. In a next step we independently run through all citations to the focal paper’s references and assign another intermediate score to each of them. Summing up these scores then gives us the final CD index. As a result, this algorithm can be successfully expressed via SQL.

We walk through this alternative algorithm step by step. See Figure 2 for a visual summary of this approach.

  1. Just like in the original method we fix a focal paper f published in year T, an integer t, f’s references r1, …, rk and the citations c1, …, cn of any of the f, r1, …, rk that occurred between T + 1 and T + t.

  2. Assign each citation c to f (regardless of whether or not they cite any of the r1, …, rk) a score s′(c) ≔ −1 and s′(x) ≔ 0 for all other publications x.

  3. Assign each citation c to any of the r1, …, rk (regardless of whether or not they cite f) a score s″(c) = −2 and s″(x) = 0 for all other publications x.

  4. The CD index is then

Figure 2.

The same publication citation network around a focal publication as in Figure 1 but with the alternative calculation of the CD2 index.

Figure 2.

The same publication citation network around a focal publication as in Figure 1 but with the alternative calculation of the CD2 index.

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This method is more complex but will help us to create a SQL statement in the next section. Before we look at an implementation however we need to prove that both methods lead indeed to the same result. First of all, observe that we can rewrite the formula as
Therefore it is enough to show that s(c) = s′(c) + s″(c) + 2 for any c in {c1, …, cn}. This can be easily verified by running through all the cases. Each c in {c1, …, cn} falls in exactly one of the following categories (or refer to Table 1):
  1. If c cites f but none of the r1, …, rk (i.e., c is one of the grey squares in the illustration) then s′(c) + s″(c) + 2 = (−1) + 0 + 2 = 1, which is exactly s(c) from the original algorithm.

  2. If c does not cite f but it cites at least one of the r1, …, rk (i.e., c is one of the the grey pentagons in the illustration) then s′(c) + s″(c) + 2 = 0 + (−2) + 2 = 0, which is exactly s(c) from the original algorithm.

  3. If c cites f and also cites at least one of the r1, …, rk (i.e., c is one of the the empty squares in the illustration) then s′(c) + s″(c) + 2 = (−1) + (−2) + 2 = −1, which is exactly s(c) from the original algorithm.

Table 1.

This table summarizes the calculation of the CD index using our method

Type of citationWeight in CD calculationCites focal paperCites referencesss” ”s′ + s″ + 2
▼ yes no −1 
■ −1 yes yes −1 −2 −1 
⬟ no yes −2 
Type of citationWeight in CD calculationCites focal paperCites referencesss” ”s′ + s″ + 2
▼ yes no −1 
■ −1 yes yes −1 −2 −1 
⬟ no yes −2 

Hence the two methods lead to the same result.

2.4. The SQL Statement

In this section we will translate the alternative algorithm into SQL. The starting point is a table with a row for each publication with the following fields:

  1. Publication ID: a unique identifier for this publication (e.g., DOI, PubMed ID or Dimensions publication ID).

  2. Publication year: the year in which the publication was published.

  3. Citations: an array of all unique citations to this publication where each entry is a pair of a publication ID and citation (i.e., publication) year.

  4. References: an array of all unique publication IDs cited by this publication.

Each of the IDs in citations and references needs to be an ID that is also included in the table. In the Dimensions publications Google BigQuery table this data is already structured in that way with the fields id, year, citations, and reference_ids (see Dimensions, 2023).

The listing below is a simplified SQL statement that calculates CD5 for Baltimore (1970).

-- This is the focal publication f

DECLARE focal_publication_id STRING DEFAULT "pub.1019844293";

-- This is the impact span t

DECLARE time_diff INT64 DEFAULT 5;

WITH cd_raw_data AS


-- Calculating s′ for each citation to the focal publication

-- All are assigned a score s′ = -1. Any other publications appearing in

-- the second SELECT and aren't included here

-- implicitly get a score s′ = 0



DISTINCT -- make sure we list unique citations otherwise we may double count AS focal_id, -- focal publication AS citation_id, -- citing publication to focal publication

-1 AS score -- s′

-- the Dimensions Google Big Query table for publications

FROM ‘dimensions-ai.data_analytics.publications’ AS publications

-- fetch all its citing publications: id and year

LEFT JOIN UNNEST(publications.citations) AS citation

-- for this experiment we only look at one publication

WHERE = focal_publication_id

-- we only consider citations that appear at most time_diff years after

-- the focal publication has been published

AND citation.year - publications.year BETWEEN 1 AND time_diff



-- Calculating s″ for each citation to the references of

-- the focal publication

-- All are assigned a score s″ = -2. Any other publications appearing in

-- the first SELECT and aren't included here

-- implicitly get a score s″ = 0


SELECT DISTINCT as focal_id, -- focal publication as citation_id,-- citing publication to references

-2 as score – s″

FROM ‘dimensions-ai.data_analytics.publications’ as publications

-- get all the reference publication IDs of the focal publication

LEFT JOIN UNNEST(publications.reference_ids) as reference_id

-- get the references' meta data - mainly citations to it

INNER JOIN ‘dimensions-ai.data_analytics.publications’ as references

ON = reference_id

-- get the citations to the references

LEFT JOIN UNNEST(references.citations) as reference_citation

WHERE = focal_publication_id

AND reference_citation.year - publications.year BETWEEN 1 AND time_diff



-- Now add up all scores, count the distinct ids of the citations

-- in both SELECTs

-- above and use that information to calculate the $CD$-index

SELECT focal_id,

((SUM(score)/COUNT(DISTINCT citation_id))+2) as cd_index

FROM cd_raw_data

GROUP BY focal_id

At the time of calculation the result was −0.44, which is not so far away from −0.55 listed in Park et al. (2023) (which also uses a different indexing service’s publications and citation data).

It is important to point out that one issue with this method is that COUNT DISTINCT in Google BigQuery is a statistical function and may not always be exact. For our purposes, where we are looking at trends, this is sufficient. Comparisons with the calculation via a Python library give the same results up to four decimals (see Section 3.2). If absolutely exact results for each and every publication are needed one can use the computationally much more expensive EXACT_COUNT_DISTINCT function in Google BigQuery (Google, 2023).

3.1. Calculating the CD Index for All Publications

The query that allows you to calculate the CD index for all publications can be found in Pasin and Sixt (2023). Being able to access the Dimensions Google BigQuery data is a prerequisite for running the query. Free of charge access for noncommercial scientometrics projects is available; also, it is possible to run the query on the freely available COVID data set (COVID-19: Dataset of Global Research by Dimensions, 2023) Note that it is in the nature of the CD index that changing the underlying citation network will also change the resulting index.

We have run these queries to calculate CD5 (t = 5 is used most widely in the literature) for several citation networks in July 2023:

  1. All publications (dim_all): We computed the index for the complete list of 138 million publications. Because not all publications have references and citations in the 5-year time frame the resulting table lists only 79 million publications.

  2. Journal articles (dim_journals): To make the results more compatible with the calculation in the literature and to avoid artefacts in the metadata we also ran the algorithm for only journal articles (i.e., type is article and the journal ID is not null) with at least 10 references. The restriction of references is important because the definition of the CD index gives any publication with no references and at least one citation immediately an index of 1. However, lack of references is usually just a result of missing metadata for a publication.

  3. PubMed (dim_pubmed): For a later comparison we also run the calculation for all publications listed in PubMed.

3.2. Comparison With Python Libraries

As a next step we compared the speed and accuracy of these three methods to calculate CD5:

  1. Funk’s original Python library cdindex (Funk, 2017)

  2. A faster version fast-cdindex (Funk & Spinellis, 2023)

  3. Our Google BigQuery approach (Pasin & Sixt, 2023)

We apply each method to an increasingly larger self-contained citation network (acting as a small-scale model of a full real-world citation network) and measure their performance and results:

  1. Create network: Fix a minimum publication year (see step 1c) and create a self-contained mini citation network in Google BigQuery as follows:

    • (a) 

      Start with the publications, references and citations in the Dimensions Google BigQuery publications table

    • (b) 

      Limit to those publications with the second-level Fields of Research subject “Clinical Sciences.” This is the the subject with the highest number of publications. This limitation allows us to better control the size of the citation network.

    • (c) 

      Fix a minimum publication year and pick only those publications published afterwards.

    • (d) 

      Limit the references and citations of each publication to those with the same subject and publication year requirements. This makes the citation network self-contained and helps us to control its size.

  2. Load network: Load the citation network from Google BigQuery into a Jupyter notebook, so we apply the two Python libraries.

  3. Calculation ofCD5viacdindex in a Jupyter notebook on a MacBook Pro (M1 Pro, 16 Gbyte).

  4. Calculation ofCD5viafast-cdindex in the same manner.

  5. Calculation ofCD5via SQL using our method on Google BigQuery.

  6. Load Google BigQuery calculations into the Jupyter notebook so we can compare performance and also check accuracy.

At first we looked at accuracy. We found no difference between the calculated CD5 indices by cdindex and the Google BigQuery approach (up to four decimals). However, in the largest citation network the CD5 index differed between fast-cdindex and cdindex for approximately 13% of the publications—even if we compare them only up to one decimal. As the distribution of the CD index is heavily concentrated around zero (see, e.g., Figure 4), small differences in the CD index can lead to misleading results.

In a second step we measured the time that each step took. The results can be found in Table 2 and are visualized in Figure 3. The Google BigQuery calculations (even if we also include the time to load the data into a Jupyter notebook) is faster than running the calculation via the Python libraries on a local machine. In general, importing large amounts of data from Google BigQuery into Jupyter takes quite some time. It is important to remember though that while for Python-based methods it is always necessary to load the data first into memory, this step can be skipped when running analysis on Google BigQuery directly: It is easy to write a list of all publications with their CD index to a table once and then query that table to, for example, find the number of most consolidating or disruptive papers or look at the CD index by publication year or discipline.

Table 2.

A comparison of the speed of calculation of CD5: Year is the minimum publication year considered in that citation network. Publications and Edges are the number of nodes and edges in the citation network. Load network is the time it took to load the citation network from Google BigQuery into the Jupyter notebook. cdindex and fast-cdindex list the time it took those libraries to compute CD5. GBQ total is the time it took to compute CD5 in Google BigQuery and then load the data into the Jupyter notebook. GBQ query is only the time it took to compute CD5 in Google BigQuery

YearPublicationsEdgesLoad networkcdindexfast-cdindexGBQ totalGBQ query
2024 15,887 10,650 4 s 0 s 0 s 1 s 0 s 
2020 1,627,943 6,350,878 540 s 497 s 208 s 232 s 172 s 
2016 3,041,079 18,414,971 1,499 s 781 s 490 s 332 s 205 s 
2012 4,178,177 32,776,089 2,612 s 1,144 s 810 s 418 s 233 s 
2008 5,085,459 47,362,015 3,781 s 1,559 s 1,248 s 518 s 293 s 
2004 5,828,698 61,162,240 4,744 s 2,050 s 1,646 s 567 s 299 s 
YearPublicationsEdgesLoad networkcdindexfast-cdindexGBQ totalGBQ query
2024 15,887 10,650 4 s 0 s 0 s 1 s 0 s 
2020 1,627,943 6,350,878 540 s 497 s 208 s 232 s 172 s 
2016 3,041,079 18,414,971 1,499 s 781 s 490 s 332 s 205 s 
2012 4,178,177 32,776,089 2,612 s 1,144 s 810 s 418 s 233 s 
2008 5,085,459 47,362,015 3,781 s 1,559 s 1,248 s 518 s 293 s 
2004 5,828,698 61,162,240 4,744 s 2,050 s 1,646 s 567 s 299 s 
Figure 3.

A comparison of the speed of calculation of CD5. This is a visualization of Table 2.

Figure 3.

A comparison of the speed of calculation of CD5. This is a visualization of Table 2.

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Finally, we also mention another interesting comparison in regard to performance—although based on different data sets and different contexts. In Funk and Spinellis (2023) the authors of fast-cdindex write that their calculation of the index for around 91 million publications took 50 hours, and using a specialized C++ implementation 9.5 hours. In contrast, our rather simple SQL implementation for approximately 79 million publications took 4.2 hours using an ordinary computer, as mentioned in Section 3.1.

3.3. Comparison With Calculations by Russell Funk

It is in the nature of any citation metric and the CD index in particular that different citation networks lead to different results:

  1. Type of publications considered will restrict to certain references and citations (e.g., PubMed covers (bio)medical and life science literature).

  2. Time of running the query: A calculation run at time T compared to another calculation at T + x will miss out on considering citations that happened between T and T + x. Even older citations may suddenly appear or disappear (e.g., if the indexing service improves data processing or if older publications are disqualified or additional older data sources get included).

  3. Different indexation services use different ways to extract references and citations, which can lead to differences in how citations are recognized.

This raises the question of whether a Dimensions-Google BigQuery approach leads to similar types of results compared to approaches by other authors using other citation networks (e.g., PubMed) and Python.

To investigate this question we received two sample data sets with publication identifiers and DOIs and their CD index calculated by Russell Funk using Web of Science and PubMed. In Figure 4 we show the distribution of the similar calculated CD indices which all follow the same format. The column “source” describes the citation network:

  1. funk_pubmed: an example data set based on PubMed provided by Funk with 2.3 million publications.

  2. funk_wos: an example data set based on Web of Science provided by Funk with approximately 1 million publications (however, a number of them have no CD index). Both data sets only included PubMed ID, DOI, and the calculated CD indices but no citation or references.

  3. dim_all, dim_journals, dim_pubmed: our calculations, as per Section 3.1 above.

Figure 4.

The distribution of the CD5 index from the different sources. This is a histogram with bins of size 0.01 for the CD index. The data is also available in the file cd_histogram.csv in Pasin and Sixt (2023).

Figure 4.

The distribution of the CD5 index from the different sources. This is a histogram with bins of size 0.01 for the CD index. The data is also available in the file cd_histogram.csv in Pasin and Sixt (2023).

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We observe that all versions of the CD index behave very similarly: a distribution around 0 which is heavily concentrated around 0 (i.e., most publications are neither consolidating nor disruptive). An exception is dim_all, which seems to have many more publications with a high CD index. This is mainly due to the fact that there are 13 million publications in the dim_all data set that have no references because Dimensions (or other services like CrossRef, which Dimension relies on) has not received the necessary metadata or full text to extract all references and citations. A simple histogram (Figure 4) of the five versions makes this even more evident.

In Figure 5 we also reproduce the decline of disruptive papers over time, which is one of the central results of Park et al. (2023) illustrating that our approach and Dimensions’ data allows the same type of analysis that researchers carry out already.

Figure 5.

The average CD5 index from our calculations over time. It shows the same behaviour as Figure 2 in Park et al. (2023). The data is also available in Pasin and Sixt (2023).

Figure 5.

The average CD5 index from our calculations over time. It shows the same behaviour as Figure 2 in Park et al. (2023). The data is also available in Pasin and Sixt (2023).

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In this article we presented a novel method for calculating disruption metrics based on SQL and the Dimensions data set on Google BigQuery. Compared to traditional methods using Python and other citation networks, this method allows us to significantly reduce the computation time on an ordinary computer. We validate our method against the original implementation of the CD index, both mathematically and by comparing the results of the calculations. The CD index results for the PubMed data set and the code used to generate them are available online for review.

Being able to calculate disruption metrics of publications and patents at scale, using multiple configurations and within reasonable amounts of time, makes it easier for researchers to focus on experimentation and analyses of these indicators, thus enabling the science of science community to assess and refine the usefulness of disruption indicators with increased confidence and speed.

4.1. Other Benefits of This Method

Apart from being significantly faster, this method also has other benefits. By leveraging the cloud-based architecture of Dimensions, this approach does not require specialized knowledge for setting up specialized computing infrastructure, buying specialized hardware, or adapting software (e.g., by reimplementing parts of the code of Python libraries) that can handle large-scale analytical tasks. Researchers can focus on fine-tuning the configuration of citation networks and analyzing the results rather than dealing with infrastructure. Moreover, as discussed in Section 3.2, this approach eliminates the time-consuming step of loading all raw data (networks or resulting calculations) into memory. As the data is in the cloud, it is readily available to be analyzed and visualized using standard tools (e.g., Looker Studio, Excel, or Tableau).

4.2. Other Disruption Indices

Apart from calculating the CD index in its original definition, it is also possible to calculate a number of disruption indices. Example code is included in the accompanying notebook “alternative_indices”, which can be found in Pasin and Sixt (2023):

  1. Selecting different citation networks, such as only certain publications of certain subjects or type (e.g., only journal articles).

  2. mCD index as defined in Funk and Owen-Smith (2017).

  3. The original definition only takes into account citations from the years after the publication year of the focal paper but it is easy to also include citations that happened in the publication year of the focal paper.

  4. In Bornmann et al. (2020, Figure 1), other disruption indices are defined and we can easily calculate DIlnok with a similar method. However, we suspect DIl will require a larger reworking of the algorithm.

We thank Russell Funk for providing us with some of his results for comparison with our own data and Daniel Hook for his advice.

Joerg Sixt: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Validation, Writing—original draft, Writing—review & editing. Michele Pasin: Conceptualization, Project administration, Supervision, Validation, Writing—original draft, Writing—review & editing.

The authors are employees of Digital Science, the owner and commercial operator of Dimensions.

This research was not funded. The Open Access fees have been covered by Digital Science.

Jupyter notebooks and SQL queries for Dimensions on Google BigQuery are available on Github (Pasin & Sixt, 2023). Dimensions on Google BigQuery data is available for noncommercial scientometrics research projects.

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Extra credit for disruption: Trend of disruption in radiology academic journals
Clinical Radiology
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Viral RNA-dependent DNA polymerase: RNA-dependent DNA polymerase in virions of RNA tumour viruses
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Author notes

Handling Editor: Vincent Larivière

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