Changes of research direction in scientific careers are related to the so-called “essential tension” between the exploration of new knowledge and the exploitation of established knowledge in research and innovation. Changes of research direction are thereby assumed to influence the evolution of science in general. Research has shown that such changes may also affect the success of individual scientists in their careers. However, the gender dimension of this aspect of career development is so far understudied. There is also a need for more dynamic indicators to record and interpret career developments in macro data. This study combines the gender perspective with the introduction of new indicators. We selected more than 29,000 scientists in Physics & Astronomy and studied them over six decades using a bibliographic data set from Scopus. We find that women are less likely to change research direction than their men counterparts, and that the research performance of women is less negatively affected by changing research direction. We discuss the policy implications of these findings as well as the methodological advancement related to the new indicators of career development.
Author notes
Handling Editor: Vincent Larivière