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Summer 2021
EISSN 2641-3337
In this Issue
Research Articles
“Garbage in, garbage out” revisited: What do machine learning application papers report about human-labeled training data?
Quantitative Science Studies (2021) 2 (3): 795–827.
All the research that’s fit to print: Open access and the news media
Quantitative Science Studies (2021) 2 (3): 828–844.
Credibility of scientific information on social media: Variation by platform, genre and presence of formal credibility cues
Quantitative Science Studies (2021) 2 (3): 845–863.
Which types of online evidence show the nonacademic benefits of research? Websites cited in UK impact case studies
Quantitative Science Studies (2021) 2 (3): 864–881.
scite: A smart citation index that displays the context of citations and classifies their intent using deep learning
Quantitative Science Studies (2021) 2 (3): 882–898.
A Bayesian hurdle quantile regression model for citation analysis with mass points at lower values
Quantitative Science Studies (2021) 2 (3): 912–931.
Counting methods introduced into the bibliometric research literature 1970–2018: A review
Quantitative Science Studies (2021) 2 (3): 932–975.
The gender gap in highly prestigious international research awards, 2001–2020
Quantitative Science Studies (2021) 2 (3): 976–989.
Analyzing scientific mobility and collaboration in the Middle East and North Africa
Quantitative Science Studies (2021) 2 (3): 1023–1047.
Peer-making: The interconnections between PhD thesis committee membership and copublishing
Quantitative Science Studies (2021) 2 (3): 1048–1070.
Identifying constitutive articles of cumulative dissertation theses by bilingual text similarity. Evaluation of similarity methods on a new short text task
Quantitative Science Studies (2021) 2 (3): 1071–1091.
L’Affaire Strumia reveals troubling gatekeeping values and outcomes at Quantitative Science Studies
Quantitative Science Studies (2021) 2 (3): 1119–1122.