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Spring 2022
EISSN 2641-3337
In this Issue
Research Articles
See further upon the giants: Quantifying intellectual lineage in science
Quantitative Science Studies (2022) 3 (2): 319–330.
Research coauthorship 1900–2020: Continuous, universal, and ongoing expansion
Quantitative Science Studies (2022) 3 (2): 331–344.
The effect of academic mobility on research performance: The case of Italy
Quantitative Science Studies (2022) 3 (2): 345–362.
Do women undertake interdisciplinary research more than men, and do self-citations bias observed differences?
Quantitative Science Studies (2022) 3 (2): 363–392.
The confirmation of scientific theories using Bayesian causal networks and citation sentiments
Quantitative Science Studies (2022) 3 (2): 393–419.
Generic instruments in a synchrotron radiation facility
Quantitative Science Studies (2022) 3 (2): 420–442.
Funding CRISPR: Understanding the role of government and philanthropic institutions in supporting academic research within the CRISPR innovation system
Quantitative Science Studies (2022) 3 (2): 443–456.
The emergence of graphene research topics through interactions within and beyond
Quantitative Science Studies (2022) 3 (2): 457–484.
Values matter in science, so do facts: Response to Gingras
Quantitative Science Studies (2022) 3 (2): 485–487.