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Petr Knoth
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Quantitative Science Studies (2023) 4 (2): 547–573.
Published: 01 May 2023
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National research evaluation initiatives and incentive schemes choose between simplistic quantitative indicators and time-consuming peer/expert review, sometimes supported by bibliometrics. Here we assess whether machine learning could provide a third alternative, estimating article quality using more multiple bibliometric and metadata inputs. We investigated this using provisional three-level REF2021 peer review scores for 84,966 articles submitted to the U.K. Research Excellence Framework 2021, matching a Scopus record 2014–18 and with a substantial abstract. We found that accuracy is highest in the medical and physical sciences Units of Assessment (UoAs) and economics, reaching 42% above the baseline (72% overall) in the best case. This is based on 1,000 bibliometric inputs and half of the articles used for training in each UoA. Prediction accuracies above the baseline for the social science, mathematics, engineering, arts, and humanities UoAs were much lower or close to zero. The Random Forest Classifier (standard or ordinal) and Extreme Gradient Boosting Classifier algorithms performed best from the 32 tested. Accuracy was lower if UoAs were merged or replaced by Scopus broad categories. We increased accuracy with an active learning strategy and by selecting articles with higher prediction probabilities, but this substantially reduced the number of scores predicted.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Quantitative Science Studies (2022) 3 (4): 888–911.
Published: 20 December 2022
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The need to reform research assessment processes related to career advancement at research institutions has become increasingly recognized in recent years, especially to better foster open and responsible research practices. Current assessment criteria are believed to focus too heavily on inappropriate criteria related to productivity and quantity as opposed to quality, collaborative open research practices, and the socioeconomic impact of research. Evidence of the extent of these issues is urgently needed to inform actions for reform, however. We analyze current practices as revealed by documentation on institutional review, promotion, and tenure (RPT) processes in seven countries (Austria, Brazil, Germany, India, Portugal, the United Kingdom and the United States). Through systematic coding and analysis of 143 RPT policy documents from 107 institutions for the prevalence of 17 criteria (including those related to qualitative or quantitative assessment of research, service to the institution or profession, and open and responsible research practices), we compare assessment practices across a range of international institutions to significantly broaden this evidence base. Although the prevalence of indicators varies considerably between countries, overall we find that currently open and responsible research practices are minimally rewarded and problematic practices of quantification continue to dominate.
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Quantitative Science Studies (2022) 2 (4): 1170–1215.
Published: 01 December 2021
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The aim of this literature review is to examine the current state of the art in the area of citation classification. In particular, we investigate the approaches for characterizing citations based on their semantic type. We conduct this literature review as a meta-analysis covering 60 scholarly articles in this domain. Although we included some of the manual pioneering works in this review, more emphasis is placed on the later automated methods, which use Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing (NLP) for analyzing the fine-grained linguistic features in the surrounding text of citations. The sections are organized based on the steps involved in the pipeline for citation classification. Specifically, we explore the existing classification schemes, data sets, preprocessing methods, extraction of contextual and noncontextual features, and the different types of classifiers and evaluation approaches. The review highlights the importance of identifying the citation types for research evaluation, the challenges faced by the researchers in the process, and the existing research gaps in this field.