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Pollution Abatement Costs and Foreign Direct Investment Inflows to U.S. States: A Nonparametric Reassessment
The Review of Economics and Statistics (2007) 89 (1): 178–183.
Factor Substitution and Factor-Augmenting Technical Progress in the United States: A Normalized Supply-Side System Approach
The Review of Economics and Statistics (2007) 89 (1): 183–192.
Births, Deaths, and New Deal Relief during the Great Depression
The Review of Economics and Statistics (2007) 89 (1): 1–14.
Agglomeration, Adjustment, and State Policies in the Location of Foreign Direct Investment in the United States
The Review of Economics and Statistics (2007) 89 (1): 30–43.
Markups, Gaps, and the Welfare Costs of Business Fluctuations
The Review of Economics and Statistics (2007) 89 (1): 44–59.
Market Structure and Competition among Retail Depository Institutions
The Review of Economics and Statistics (2007) 89 (1): 60–74.
Pricing and Firm Conduct in California's Deregulated Electricity Market
The Review of Economics and Statistics (2007) 89 (1): 75–87.
Pharmaceutical Price Controls and Entry Strategies
The Review of Economics and Statistics (2007) 89 (1): 88–99.
Do High Birth Rates Hamper Economic Growth?
The Review of Economics and Statistics (2007) 89 (1): 110–117.
Lousy and Lovely Jobs: The Rising Polarization of Work in Britain
The Review of Economics and Statistics (2007) 89 (1): 118–133.
Can Teacher Quality Be Effectively Assessed? National Board Certification as a Signal of Effective Teaching
The Review of Economics and Statistics (2007) 89 (1): 134–150.
Neighborhood Drug Crime and Young Males' Job Accessibility
The Review of Economics and Statistics (2007) 89 (1): 151–164.
Fighting against Malaria: Prevent Wars while Waiting for the “Miraculous” Vaccine
The Review of Economics and Statistics (2007) 89 (1): 165–177.
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