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Human Capital and the Supply of Religion
The Review of Economics and Statistics (2016) 98 (3): 415–427.
Long-Lasting Effects of Socialist Education
The Review of Economics and Statistics (2016) 98 (3): 428–441.
How Accurate Are Surveyed Preferences for Public Policies? Evidence from a Unique Institutional Setup
The Review of Economics and Statistics (2016) 98 (3): 442–454.
One-Child Policy and the Rise of Man-Made Twins
The Review of Economics and Statistics (2016) 98 (3): 467–476.
What Are Cities Worth? Land Rents, Local Productivity, and the Total Value of Amenities
The Review of Economics and Statistics (2016) 98 (3): 477–487.
Do Wage Subsidies Provide a Stepping-Stone to Employment for Recent College Graduates? Evidence from a Randomized Experiment in Jordan
The Review of Economics and Statistics (2016) 98 (3): 488–502.
The Price Is Right: Updating Inflation Expectations in a Randomized Price Information Experiment
The Review of Economics and Statistics (2016) 98 (3): 503–523.
Measuring Rationality with the Minimum Cost of Revealed Preference Violations
The Review of Economics and Statistics (2016) 98 (3): 524–534.
Regional Policy Evaluation: Interactive Fixed Effects and Synthetic Controls
The Review of Economics and Statistics (2016) 98 (3): 535–551.
Finance-Led Growth in the OECD since the Nineteenth Century: How Does Financial Development Transmit to Growth?
The Review of Economics and Statistics (2016) 98 (3): 552–572.
Resource Windfalls, Political Regimes, and Political Stability
The Review of Economics and Statistics (2016) 98 (3): 573–590.
Adaptation to Poverty in Long-Run Panel Data
The Review of Economics and Statistics (2016) 98 (3): 591–600.
Price Setting and Rapid Technology Adoption: The Case of the PC Industry
The Review of Economics and Statistics (2016) 98 (3): 601–616.
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