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Matteo Cacciatore
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
The Review of Economics and Statistics 1–36.
Published: 22 August 2024
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We study the effects of uncertainty on time use and their macroeconomic implications. Employing data from the American Time Use Survey and the Bureau of Labor Statistics, we document that heightened uncertainty increases housework and reduces market hours, mildly impacting leisure. We then propose a model that quantitatively accounts for these estimates. We show that substitution between market and housework provides self-insurance to households, weakening precautionary motives. However, it also reduces aggregate demand, ultimately amplifying uncertainty's recessionary impact. Time reallocation can lead to higher inflation, particularly when uncertainty is coupled with policies redirecting time use towards housework (e.g., lockdown restrictions).
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
The Review of Economics and Statistics (2022) 104 (6): 1206–1223.
Published: 14 November 2022
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We present novel insights on the role of international trade following unanticipated fiscal changes in a flexible exchange rate environment. We show analytically that fiscal multipliers can be larger in economies more open to trade, even when fiscal expansions imply trade deficits. Three factors determine how trade linkages matter: the relative import share of public and private goods, the financing of government debt, and the currency invoicing of exports. A Bayesian prior-predictive analysis shows that a quantitative model bears the same predictions. Conditioning on Canadian and U.S. data, we find support for larger multipliers relative to a counterfactually closed economy.
Includes: Supplementary data