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Paulo Guimarães
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Journal Articles
What Lies behind the Returns to Schooling: The Role of Labor Market Sorting and Worker Heterogeneity
Publisher: Journals Gateway
The Review of Economics and Statistics 1–45.
Published: 22 August 2024
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Do more educated workers earn higher wages partly because they have access to high-paying firms and occupations? We rely on linked employer-employee data to combine the estimation of AKM models with the decomposition of the returns to schooling. We exploit exogenous variation in education driven by changes in compulsory education. We show that education provides access to better-paying workplaces and occupations: 30 percent of the overall return to education operates through the workplace channel and 12 percent through the occupation channel. The remainder is associated exclusively with the individual. Match quality plays a modest role in the returns to education.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
The Review of Economics and Statistics (2003) 85 (1): 201–204.
Published: 01 February 2003
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The conditional logit model based on random utility maximization has provided an adequate framework to model firm location decisions. However, in practice, the implementation of this methodology presents problems when one has to handle complex choice scenarios with a large number of spatial alternatives. We posit the Poisson regression as a tractable solution to these problems. We demonstrate that by taking advantage of an equivalence relation between the likelihood function of the conditional logit and the Poisson regression we can, under certain circumstances, easily estimate a conditional logit model regardless of the number of choices. This insight should be particularly useful for studies of economic location.