Recent systems for converting natural language descriptions into regular expressions (regexes) have achieved some success, but typically deal with short, formulaic text and can only produce simple regexes. Real-world regexes are complex, hard to describe with brief sentences, and sometimes require examples to fully convey the user’s intent. We present a framework for regex synthesis in this setting where both natural language (NL) and examples are available. First, a semantic parser (either grammar-based or neural) maps the natural language description into an intermediate sketch, which is an incomplete regex containing holes to denote missing components. Then a program synthesizer searches over the regex space defined by the sketch and finds a regex that is consistent with the given string examples. Our semantic parser can be trained purely from weak supervision based on correctness of the synthesized regex, or it can leverage heuristically derived sketches. We evaluate on two prior datasets (Kushman and Barzilay 2013; Locascio et al. 2016) and a real-world dataset from Stack Overflow. Our system achieves state-of-the-art performance on the prior datasets and solves 57% of the real-world dataset, which existing neural systems completely fail on.1
1 Introduction
Regular expressions (regexes) are widely used in various domains, but are notoriously difficult to write: regex is one of the most popular tags of posts on Stack Overflow, with over 200,000 posts. Recent research has attempted to build semantic parsers that can translate natural language descriptions into regexes, via rule-based techniques (Ranta, 1998), semantic parsing (Kushman and Barzilay, 2013), or seq-to-seq neural network models (Locascio et al., 2016; Zhong et al., 2018a; Park et al., 2019). Although this prior work has achieved relatively high accuracy on benchmark datasets, trained models still do not generalize to real-world applications: These benchmarks describe simple regexes with short natural language descriptions and limited vocabulary.
Real-world regexes are more complex in terms of length and tree-depth, requiring natural language descriptions that are longer and more complicated (Zhong et al., 2018b). Moreover, these descriptions may be under-specified or ambiguous. One way to supplement such descriptions is by including positive/negative examples of strings for the target regex to match. In fact, such examples are typically provided by users posting questions on Stack Overflow. Previous methods cannot leverage the guidance of examples at test time beyond naive postfiltering.
In this paper, we present a framework to exploit both natural language and examples for regex synthesis by means of a sketch. Rather than directly mapping the natural language into a concrete regex, we first parse the description into an intermediate representation, called a sketch, which is an incomplete regular expression that contains holes to denote missing components. This representation allows our parser to recognize partial structure and fragments from the natural language without fully committing to the regex’s syntax. We then use an off-the-shelf program synthesizer, mildly customized for our task, to produce a regex consistent with both the sketch and the provided examples. Critically, this two- stage approach modularizes the language interpretation and program synthesis, allowing us to freely swap out these components.
We evaluate our framework on several English datasets. Because these datasets vary in scale, we consider two sketch generation approaches: neural network-based with a seq-to-seq model (Luong et al. 2015) or grammar-based with a semantic parser (Berant et al. 2013). We use two large-scale datasets from past work, the KB13 dataset of Kushman and Barzilay (2013) and the Turk dataset of Locascio et al. (2016), augmented with automatically produced positive/negative examples for each regex. Our neural sketch model can exploit these large labeled datasets, allowing our sketch-driven approach to outperform existing seq-to-seq methods, even when those methods are modified to take advantage of examples.
To test our model in a more realistic setting, we also evaluate on a dataset of real-world regex synthesis problems from Stack Overflow. These problems organically have English language descriptions and paired examples that the user wrote to communicate their intent. This dataset is small, only 62 examples; to more robustly handle this setting without large-scale training data, we instantiate our sketch framework with a grammar-based semantic parser. Our approach can solve 57% of the benchmarks, where existing deep learning approaches solve less than 10%. More data is needed, but this dataset can motivate further work on more challenging regex synthesis problems.
2 Regex Synthesis Framework
In this section, we illustrate how our regex synthesis framework works using a real-world example from a Stack Overflow post.2 In this post, the user describes the desired regex as “the max number of digits before comma is 15 then accept at max 3 numbers after the comma.” Additionally, the user provides eight positive/ negative examples to further specify their intent. In this instance, the NL description is under-specified: The description doesn’t clearly say whether the decimal part is compulsory, and a period (.) is mistakenly described as a comma. These issues in NL pose problems for systems attempting to directly generate the target regex based only on the description.
Figure 1 shows how our framework handles this example. The natural language description is first parsed into a sketch by a semantic parser, which in this case is grammar-based (Section 3.2) but could also be neural in nature (Section 3.1). The purpose of the sketch is to capture useful components from the description as well as the high-level structure of the regex. For example, the sketch in Figure 1 depicts the target regex as the concatenation of two regexes, where the first regex likely involves composition of <num> and <,> in some way. We later feed this sketch, together with positive/negative examples, into the synthesizer, which enumeratively instantiates holes with constructs from our regex DSL until a consistent regex is found.
Regex/Sketch DSL
Our regex language (Figure 2) is similar to the one presented in Locascio et al. (2016), but more expressive. Our DSL adds some additional constructs, such as Repeat(S,k), repeating a regex S exactly k times, in our DSL, which is not supported by Locascio et al. (2016). This DSL is equivalent in power to standard regular expressions, in that it can match any regular language.
Our sketch language builds on top of our regex DSL by adding a new construct called a “constrained hole” (the red rule in Figure 2). Our sketch DSL introduces an additional grammar symbol S and the notion of hole . Holes can be produced with the rule , where each Si on the right-hand side is also a sketch. A concrete regex r belongs to the space of regexes defined by a constrained hole if at least one of its Si defines any concrete regex r, that is, one of the subtrees in r. Put another way, the regex rooted at S must contain a subtree that matches at least one of the Si, but it does not have to match all of them. However, the synthesizer we use supports using the Si in its search heuristic to prefer certain programs. In this fashion, the constraint serves as a hint for the leaf nodes of the regex, but it only loosely constraints the structure.
For example, consider the sketch shown in Figure 1. Here, all programs on the leaf nodes of the search tree are included in the space of regexes defined by this sketch. Note that the first two explored regexes only include some of the components mentioned in the sketch (e.g., <num> and RepRange(<num>,1,3)), whereas the final correct regex happens to include every mentioned component.
Use of Holes
There is no single correct sketch for a given example. A trivial sketch consisting of just a single hole could synthesize to a correct program if the examples precisely specify the semantics; this reduces to a pure programming-by-example setting. A sketch could also make no use of holes and fully specify a regex, in which case the synthesizer has no flexibility in its search.
Our process maintains uncertainty over sketches in both training, by leaving them as latent variables, and test, by feeding a k-best list of sketches into our synthesizer. In practice, we observe a few patterns in how sketches are used. One successful pattern is when sketches balance concreteness with flexibility, as shown in Figure 1: They commit to some high-level details to constrain the search space while using holes with specified components further down in the tree. A second pattern we observe is when the sketch has a single hole at the root but enumerates a rich set of components Si that are likely to appear; this prefers synthesizing sketches using these subtrees.
3 Semantic Parser
Given a natural language description L = l1,l2, …, lm, our semantic parser generates a sketch S that encapsulates the user’s intent. When combined with examples in the synthesizer, this sketch should yield a regex matching the ground truth regex. As stated before, our semantic parser is a modular component of our system, so we can use different parsers in different settings. We investigate two paradigms of semantic parser: a seq-to-seq neural network parser and a grammar-based parser, as well as two ways of training the parser: maximum likelihood estimation based on a pseudo-gold sketch and maximum marginal likelihood based on whether the sketch leads to the correct synthesis result.
3.1 Neural Parser
Following recent work (Locascio et al., 2016), we use a seq-to-seq model with attention (Luonget al.,2015) as our neural parser. Here, we treat the sketch as a sequence of tokens S = s1, s2, …, sn and model P(S|L) autoregressively.
3.2 Grammar-Based Parser
We also explore a grammar-based semantic parser built using Sempre (Berant et al. 2013). This approach is less data-hungry than deep neural networks and promises better generalizability, as it is regulated by a grammar and has fewer parameters, which makes it less likely to fit annotation artifacts of crowdsourced datasets.
Given a natural language description, our semantic parser uses a grammar to construct possible sketches. The grammar consists of two sets of rules, lexical rules and compositional rules. Formally, a grammar rule is of the following form: . Such a rule maps the sequence of tokens or syntactic categories α1…αn into target derivation β with syntactic category c.
As shown in Figure 3, each lexical rule maps a word or a phrase in the description to a base concept in the DSL, including character classes, string constants, and operators. Compositional rules generally capture the higher-level DSL constructs, specifying how to combine one or more base concepts to build more complex ones. Our semantic parser constructs possible derivations of sketches by recursively applying these rules, first generating derivations for spans matching the lexical rules and then combining these with compositional rules. Finally, we take the the derivations over the entire natural language description with a designated $root category as the final set of output sketches.
We design our grammar3 according to our sketch DSL. For all the datasets in evaluation, we use a unified grammar that consists of approximately 70 lexical rules and 60 compositional rules. The size of grammar is reflective of the size of DSL, because either a terminal of a single DSL construct needs several rules to specify it (e.g., both digit or number can present <num>, and Concat(X,Y) can be described in multiple ways like X before Y or Y follows X). Despite the fact that the grammar is hand-crafted, it is sufficient to cover the fairly narrow domain of regex descriptions.
Our parser allows skipping arbitrary tokens (Figure 3), resulting in a large number of derivations. We define a log-linear model to place a distribution over derivations given description L: where θ is the vector of parameters to be learned, and ϕ(L,Z) is a feature vector extracted from the derivation and description. The features used in our semantic parser are standard features in the Sempre framework and mainly characterize the relation between description and applied composition, including indicators when rule r is fired over a span containing token l, indicators of whether a particular rule r is fired, and indicators of rule bigrams in the tree.
3.3 Training
For both the neural and grammar-based parsers, we can train the model parameters in two ways.
4 Program Synthesizer
In this section, we describe the program synthesizer, which takes as input a sketch and a set of examples and returns a regex that is consistent with the given examples. Specifically, our synthesizer explores the space of programs defined by the sketch while additionally being guided by the examples.
Enumerative Synthesis from Sketches
We use an enumeration-based program synthesizer that is a generalized version of the regex synthesizer proposed by Lee et al. (2016). Given a program sketch and a set of positive/negative examples, the synthesizer searches the space of programs that can be instantiated by the given sketch and returns a concrete regex that accepts all positive examples and rejects all negative examples.
Specifically, the synthesizer instantiates each hole with our DSL constructs or the components for the hole. If a hole is instantiated with a DSL terminal such as <num> or <let>, the hole will just be replaced by the terminal. If a hole is instantiated using a DSL operator, the hole will first be replaced by this operator, we introduce new holes for its arguments, and we require the components for at least one of the holes to be the original holes’ components. See Figure 1 for an example of regexes that could be instantiated from the given sketch.
Whenever the synthesizer produces a complete instantiation of the sketch (i.e., a concrete regex with no holes), it returns this regex if it is also consistent with the examples (accepts all positive and rejects all negative examples). Otherwise, the synthesizer moves on to the next program in the sketch language. The synthesizer terminates when it either finds a regex consistent with the examples or it has exhausted every possible instantiation of the sketch up to depth d.
Our synthesizer differs from that of Lee et al. (2016) in two main ways. First, their regex language is extremely restricted, only allowing the characters 0 and 1 (a binary alphabet). Second, their technique enumerates DSL programs from scratch, whereas our synthesizer performs enumeration based on an initial sketch. This significantly reduces the search space and therefore allows us to synthesize complex regexes much more quickly.
Enumeration Order
Our synthesizer maintains a worklist of partial programs to complete, and enumerates complete programs in increasing order of depth. Specifically, at each step, we pop the next partial program with the highest overlap with our sketch, expand the hole given possible completions, and add the resulting partial programs back to the worklist. When a partial program is completed (i.e., no holes), it is checked against the provided examples. The program will be returned to the user if it is consistent with all the examples, otherwise the worklist algorithm continues.
Note that in this search algorithm, constrained holes are not just hard constraints on the search but are also used to score partial programs, favoring programs using more constructs derived from the natural language. This scoring helps the model prioritize programs that are more congruent with the natural language, lead to more accurate synthesis.
5 Datasets
We evaluate our framework on two datasets from prior work, KB13 and Turk, and a new dataset, StackOverflow. We list the statistics about these datasets and a typical example from each of them in Table 1 and Figure 4, respectively. Because our framework requires string examples which are absent in the existing datasets, we introduce a systematic way to generate positive/negative examples from ground truth regexes.
Dataset . | KB13 . | Turk . | SO . |
size | 824 | 10, 000 | 62 |
#. unique words | 207 | 557 | 301 |
Avg. NL length | 8 | 12 | 25 |
Avg. regex size | 5 | 5 | 13 |
Avg. regex depth | 3 | 2 | 4 |
Dataset . | KB13 . | Turk . | SO . |
size | 824 | 10, 000 | 62 |
#. unique words | 207 | 557 | 301 |
Avg. NL length | 8 | 12 | 25 |
Avg. regex size | 5 | 5 | 13 |
Avg. regex depth | 3 | 2 | 4 |
KB13 (Kushman and Barzilay 2013) was created with crowdsourcing in two steps. First, workers from Amazon Mechanical Turk wrote the original English language descriptions to describe a subset of the lines in a file. Then, a set of programmers from oDesk are required to write the corresponding regex for each of these language descriptions. In total, 834 pairs of description and regex are generated.
Locascio et al. (2016) collected the larger-scale Turk dataset to investigate the performance of deep neural models on regex generation. Because it is challenging and expensive to hire crowd workers with domain knowledge, the authors utilize a generate-and-paraphrase procedure instead. Specifically, 10,000 instances are randomly sampled from a predefined manually crafted grammar that synchronously generates both regexes and synthetic English language descriptions. The synthetic descriptions are then paraphrased by workers from Amazon Mechanical Turk.
The generate-and-paraphrase procedure is an efficient way to obtain description-regex pairs, but it also leads to several issues that we find in the dataset. The paraphrase procedure inherently limits the originality in natural language, leading to artificial descriptions. In addition, because the regexes are stochastically generated without being validated, many of them are syntactically correct but semantically meaningless. For instance, the regex ∖b(<vow>)&(<num>)∖b for the description lines with words containing a vowel and a number is a valid regex but does not match any string values. These null regexes account for around 15% of the data. Moreover, other regexes have formulaic descriptions since their semantics are randomly made up (more examples can be found in Section 6).
5.1 StackOverflow
To explore regex generation in real-word settings, we collect a new dataset consisting of posts on Stack Overflow. We search posts tagged as regex on Stack Overflow and then filter the collected posts with two rules: (1) the post should include both an English language description as well as positive/negative examples; (2) the post should not contain abstract concepts (e.g., “months”, “US phone numbers”) or visual formatting (e.g., “AB-XX-XX”) in the description. We collected 62 posts4 that contain both description and regex using our rules. In addition, we slightly preprocess the description by fixing typos and marking string constants, as has done in prior datasets (Locascio et al. 2016).
Although StackOverflow only includes 62 examples, the number of unique words in the dataset is higher than that in KB13 (Table 1). Moreover, its average description length and regex size are substantially higher than those of previous datasets, which indicates the complexity of regexes used in real-world settings and the sophistication of language used to describe them.
5.2 Dataset Preprocessing
Generating Positive/Negative Examples
The StackOverflow dataset organically has positive/ negative examples, but, for the other datasets, we need to generate examples to augment the existing datasets. We use the automaton library (Møller 2017) for this purpose. For positive examples, we first convert the ground truth regex into an automaton and generate strings by sampling values consistent with paths leading to accepting states in the automaton. For negative examples, we take the negation of the ground truth regex, convert it into an automaton, and follow the same procedure as generating the positive examples. To ensure a diverse set of examples, we limit the number of times that we visit each transition so that the example generator avoids taking the same transitions repeatedly. For each of these datasets, we generate 10 positive and 10 negative examples. This is comparable to what was used in past work (Zhong et al. 2018a) and it is generally hard to automatically generate a smaller set of “corner cases” that humans would write.
Generating Heuristic Sketches
Our approach does not require any notion of a gold sketch and can operate from weak supervision only. However, we can nevertheless derive pseudogold sketches using a heuristic and train with MLE to produce these in order to examine the effects of injecting human prior knowledge into learning. We generate pseudogold sketches from ground truth regexes as follows. For any regex whose Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) has depth > 1, we replace the operator at the root with a constrained hole and the components for this hole are arguments of the original operator. For example, the gold sketch for regex concat(<num>,<let>) is . For regexes with depth 1, we just wrap the ground truth regex within a constrained hole; for example, the gold sketch for the regex <num> is . We apply this method to Turk and KB13.
For the smaller StackOverflow dataset, we explored a more heavily supervised approach where we manually labeled gold sketches based on information from the gold sketch that we judged to be unambiguous about the ground truth regex. For example, the description “The input box should accept only if either (1) first 2 letters alpha + 6 numeric or (2) 8 numeric” is labeled with the sketch Or({Repeat(<let>, 2),Repeat(<num>,6)}, {Repeat(<num>), 8))}, which clearly reflects both the user’s intent and the compositional structure.
6 Experiments
We implement all neural models in Pytorch (Paszke et al. 2019). While training with MLE, we use the Adam optimizer (Kingma and Ba 2015) with a learning rate of 1e-3 and a batch size of 25. We train our models until the loss on the development set converges. When training with MML, we set the learning rate to be 1e-4 and use beam search with beam size 10 to approximate the gradients.
We build our grammar-based parsers on top of the SEMPRE framework (Berant et al. 2013). We use the same grammar for all three datasets. On datasets from prior work, we train our learning-based models with the training set. On StackOverflow, we use 5-fold cross-validation as described in Section 5 because of the limited data size. Our grammar-based parser is always trained for 5 epochs with a batch size of 50 and use a beam size of 200 when trained with MML.
During the testing phase, we produce a k-best list of sketches for a given NL description and run the synthesizer on each sketch in parallel. For a single sketch, the synthesizer either finds an example-consistent regex or running out of a specified time budget (timeout). We pick the output of the highest-ranked sketch yielding an example-consistent regex as the answer. For KB13 and Turk, we set the beam size k to be 20 and set the timeout of synthesizer to be 2s. For the more challenging StackOverflow dataset, we synthesize top 25 sketches and set the timeout to be 30s. In the experiments, the average time to synthesize a single sketch for a single benchmark in Turk, KB13, and StackOverflow is 0.4s, 0.8s, and 10.8s, respectively, and we synthesize the k-best lists in parallel using 10 threads.
6.1 Evaluation: KB13 and Turk
Baselines: Prior Work + Translation-based Approaches
We compare our approach against several baselines. DeepRegex directly translates language descriptions with a seq-to-seq model without looking at the examples using the MLE objective. Note that we compare against both reported numbers from Locascio et al. (2016) as well as our own implementation of this (DeepRegexMLE), which outperforms the original by 0.9% and 2.0% on KB13 and Turk, respectively; we use this version in all other reported experiments.
SemRegex (Zhong et al. 2018a)5 uses the same model as DeepRegex but is trained to maximize semantic correctness of the gold regex, rather than having to produce an exact match. We implement a similar technique using maximum marginal likelihood training to optimize for semantic correctness (DeepRegexMML).
Note that none of these methods assumes access to examples to check correctness at test time. To compare these methods to our setting, we extend them in order to exploit examples: we produce the model’s k-best list of solutions, then take the highest element in the k-best list consistent with the examples as the answer. We apply this method to both types of training to yield DeepRegexMLE+ Filter and DeepRegexMML+Filter.
We evaluate three broad types of our sketch-driven models.
Our No Training approaches only use untrained sketch procedures. As an example-only baseline, we include the results using an Empty Sketch (a single hole), relying entirely on the synthesizer. We also use a variant of GrammarSketch method where we heuristically prefer sketch derivations that cover as many words in the input sentence as possible (GrammarSketch (Max Coverage)).
In the No Sketch Supervision setting, we assume no access to labeled sketch data. However, it is challenging to train a neural sketch parser from randomly initialized parameters purely with the MML objective. We therefore warm start the neural models using GrammarSketch (Max Coverage): We rank the sketches by their coverage of the input sentence, and take the highest-coverage sketch which synthesizes to the correct ground truth regex (if one can be found) as a gold sketch for warm-starting. We can train with the MLE objective for a few epochs and then continue with MML training (DeepRegexMML). As a comparison, we can also evaluate the model trained only with MLE with these sketches (DeepRegexMLE).
Models in the Pseudogold Sketches setting follow the approach described in the previous paragraph, but uses the pseudogold sketches described in Section 5.2 instead of bootstrapping with the grammar-based approach.
Table 2 summarizes our experimental results on these two datasets. Note that reported accuracy is semantic accuracy, which measures the functional equivalence of the regex compared to the ground truth. First, we find a significant performance boost by filtering the output of our DeepRegex variants using examples (11.2% on KB13 and 21.5% on Turk when applying this to DeepRegexMLE), indicating the utility of examples in verifying the produced regexes.
. | KB13 . | Turk . | ||
. | Acc . | Consistent . | Acc . | Consistent . |
Prior Work: | ||||
DeepRegex (Locascio et al.) | 65.6% | − | 58.2% | − |
SemRegex | 78.2% | − | 62.3% | − |
Translation-Based Approaches: | ||||
DeepRegexMLE | 66.5% | − | 60.3% | − |
DeepRegexMML | 68.2% | − | 62.4% | − |
DeepRegexMLE + Filter | 77.7% | 89.0% | 82.8% | 92.0% |
DeepRegexMML + Filter | 80.1% | 91.7% | 84.3% | 92.8% |
Sketch-Driven (No Training): | ||||
Empty Sketch | 15.5% | 18.4% | 21.0% | 34.4% |
GrammarSketch (Max Coverage) | 68.0% | 76.7% | 60.2% | 78.8% |
Sketch-Driven (No Sketch Supervision): | ||||
DeepSketchMLE | 76.2% | 88.8% | 74.6% | 92.8% |
DeepSketchMML | 82.5% | 94.2% | 84.3% | 95.8% |
Sketch-Driven (Pseudogold Sketches): | ||||
GrammarSketch | 72.8% | 85.4% | 69.4% | 87.4% |
DeepSketchMLE pseudogold | 84.0% | 95.3% | 85.4% | 98.4% |
DeepSketchMML pseudogold | 86.4% | 96.3% | 86.2% | 98.9% |
. | KB13 . | Turk . | ||
. | Acc . | Consistent . | Acc . | Consistent . |
Prior Work: | ||||
DeepRegex (Locascio et al.) | 65.6% | − | 58.2% | − |
SemRegex | 78.2% | − | 62.3% | − |
Translation-Based Approaches: | ||||
DeepRegexMLE | 66.5% | − | 60.3% | − |
DeepRegexMML | 68.2% | − | 62.4% | − |
DeepRegexMLE + Filter | 77.7% | 89.0% | 82.8% | 92.0% |
DeepRegexMML + Filter | 80.1% | 91.7% | 84.3% | 92.8% |
Sketch-Driven (No Training): | ||||
Empty Sketch | 15.5% | 18.4% | 21.0% | 34.4% |
GrammarSketch (Max Coverage) | 68.0% | 76.7% | 60.2% | 78.8% |
Sketch-Driven (No Sketch Supervision): | ||||
DeepSketchMLE | 76.2% | 88.8% | 74.6% | 92.8% |
DeepSketchMML | 82.5% | 94.2% | 84.3% | 95.8% |
Sketch-Driven (Pseudogold Sketches): | ||||
GrammarSketch | 72.8% | 85.4% | 69.4% | 87.4% |
DeepSketchMLE pseudogold | 84.0% | 95.3% | 85.4% | 98.4% |
DeepSketchMML pseudogold | 86.4% | 96.3% | 86.2% | 98.9% |
However, our sketch-driven approach outperforms these previous approaches even when they are extended to benefit from examples. We achieve new state-of-the-art results on both datasets, with slightly stronger performance when pseudogold sketches are used. The results are particularly striking in terms of consistency (fraction of regexes produced consistent with the examples). Because we allow uncertainty in the sketches and use examples to guide the construction of regexes, our framework achieves 50% or more relative reduction in the rate of inconsistent regexes compared with DeepRegex+Filter baseline (91.7% and 92.8% on the two datasets), which may fail if no consistent sketch is in the k-best list.
We also find that our GrammarSketch approach, trained with pseudogold sketches, achieves nearly 70% accuracy on both datasets, which is better than DeepRegex. This indicates the generalizability of this approach. The performance of GrammarSketch lags that of DeepRegex+Filter and DeepSketch models, which can be attributed to the fact that GrammarSketch is more constrained by its grammar and is less capable of exploiting large amounts of data compared to neural approaches.
Finally, we turn to the source of the supervision. The untrained GrammarSketch (Max Coverage) achieves over 60% accuracy on both datasets; recall that this provides the set of gold sketches as initial supervision in our warm-started model. Our sketch-driven approach trained with MML (DeepSketchMML) achieves 82.5% on KB13 and 84.3% on Turk, which is comparable with the performance obtained using pseudogold sketches, demonstrating that human labeling or curation of sketches is not required for this technique to work well.
6.2 Evaluation: Stack Overflow
Additional Baselines
It is impractical to train a deep neural model from scratch on this dataset, so we modify our approach slightly to compare against such models. First, we train a model on Turk and fine-tune it on StackOverflow (Transferred Model). Second, we explore a modified version of the dataset where we rewrite the descriptions in StackOverflow to make them conform to the style of Turk (Curated Language), as users might do if they were knowledgeable about the capabilities of the regex synthesis system they are using. For example, we manually paraphrase the original description “write regular expression in C# to validate that the input does not contain double spaces” to “line that does not contain ‘space’ two or more times”, and apply DeepRegex+Filter method on the curated descriptions (without fine-tuning on them). Note that this simplifies the inputs for these baselines considerably by removing variation in the language.
We also construct a grammar-based regex parser from our GrammarSketch model by removing the grammar rules related to assembling sketches from regexes. We use our filtering technique as well and call this the GrammarRegex+Filter baseline.
Because StackOverflow is a challenging dataset, we report the top-N accuracy, where the model is considered correct if any of the top-N sketches synthesizes to a correct answer. Table 3 shows the results on this dataset. The transferred DeepRegex model completely fails on these real-world tasks. Rewriting and curating the language, we are able to get some examples correct among the top 25 derivations, but only on very simple cases. GrammarRegex+Filter is similarly unable to do well: this approach is too inflexible given the complexity of regexes in this dataset. Our transferred DeepSketch approach is also still limited here, as the text is too dissimilar from Turk.
Approach . | Top-N Acc . | ||
top-1 . | top-5 . | top-25 . | |
ḎeepRegex+Filter | |||
Transferred Model | 0% | 0% | 0% |
+Curated Language | 0% | 0% | 6.6% |
GrammarRegex+Filter | 3.2% | 9.7% | 11.3% |
Empty Sketch | 4.8% | − | − |
DeepSketch | |||
Transferred Model | 3.2% | 3.2% | 4.8% |
GrammarSketch | |||
Max Coverage | 16.1% | 34.4% | 45.2% |
MLE, manual sketches | 34.4% | 48.4% | 53.2% |
MML, no sketch sup | 31.1% | 54.1% | 56.5% |
Approach . | Top-N Acc . | ||
top-1 . | top-5 . | top-25 . | |
ḎeepRegex+Filter | |||
Transferred Model | 0% | 0% | 0% |
+Curated Language | 0% | 0% | 6.6% |
GrammarRegex+Filter | 3.2% | 9.7% | 11.3% |
Empty Sketch | 4.8% | − | − |
DeepSketch | |||
Transferred Model | 3.2% | 3.2% | 4.8% |
GrammarSketch | |||
Max Coverage | 16.1% | 34.4% | 45.2% |
MLE, manual sketches | 34.4% | 48.4% | 53.2% |
MML, no sketch sup | 31.1% | 54.1% | 56.5% |
Our GrammarSketch approach, trained without explicit sketch supervision, achieves a top-1 accuracy of 31.1%. Surprisingly, this is comparable to the performance of GrammarSketch trained using manually written sketches, and even outperforms this model in terms of top-5 and top-25 accuracy. This substantially outperforms all of the baseline approaches. We attribute this success to the problem decomposition: Because the sketches produced can be simpler than the full regex, our model is much more robust to the complex setting of this dataset. By examining the problems that are solved, we find our approach is able to solve several complicated cases with long descriptions and sophisticated regexes (e.g., the example in Figure 1).
6.3 Detailed Analysis
Data Efficiency
In Figure 5, we explicitly evaluate the data efficiency of our techniques, comparing the performance of DeepRegex+Filter, GrammarSketch, and DeepSketch on Turk. When the data size is extremely limited (no more than 500), our GrammarSketch approach is much better than the DeepRegex+Filter baseline. Our DeepSketch approach is more flexible and achieves stronger performance for larger training data sizes, consistently outperforming the DeepRegex+Filter baseline as the training data size increases. More importantly, the difference is particularly obvious when the size of training data is relatively small, in which case correct regexes are less likely to exist in the DeepRegex generated k-best lists due to lack of supervision. By contrast, it is easier to learn the mapping from the language to effective sketches, which are simpler than gold regexes.
Overall, these results indicate that DeepRegex, as a technique, is only effective when large training sets are available, even for a relatively simple set of natural language expressions.
Impact of Number of Examples
We show how the number of positive/negative examples impacts the performance on Turk in Table 4. Our sketch-driven techniques rely on examples to search for the desired regexes in the synthesizer step, and therefore are inferior to DeepRegex+Filter when only limited number of examples are provided. However, as more examples are included, our sketch-driven approaches are more effective in taking advantage of the multi-modality than simply filtering the outputs (DeepRegex+Filter). Note that in the StackOverflow setting, we evaluate on sets of examples provided by actual users, and find that users typically provide enough examples for our model to be in an effective regime.
Impact of Beam Size
We study the effect of varying beam size on the performance on Turk in Table 5. DeepSketch outperforms DeepRegex+ Filter by a substantial gap with smaller beam sizes, as we naturally allow uncertainty using the holes in sketches. Note that using larger beam sizes is important for DeepSketch because we feed the entire k-best list to the synthesizer instead of the top sketch only.
6.4 Examples of Success And Failure Pairs
We now analyze the output of the DeepRegex+Filter and DeepSketch. Figure 6 provides some success pairs that DeepSketch solves while DeepRegex+Filter does not. Examples of success pairs suggest that our approach can deal with under-specified descriptions. For instance, in pair (a) from Figure 6, the language is ungrammatical (3 more instead of 3 or more) and also ambiguous: Should the target string consist of only capital letters, or could it have capital letters as well as something else? Our approach is able to recover the faithful semantics using sketch and examples, whereas DeepRegex fails to find the correct regex. In pair (b), the description is fully clear but DeepRegex still fails because the phrase none of rarely appears in the training data. Our approach can solve this pair because it is less sensitive to the description.
We also give some examples of failure cases for our model. These are particularly common in cases of unnatural semantics. For instance, the regex in pair (c) accepts any string except the string truck (because ∼ (truck) matches any string but truck). The semantics are hard to pin down with examples, but the correct regex is also artificial and unlikely to appear in real word applications. Our DeepSketch fails on this pair because the synthesizer fails to catch the at least 7 times constraint when strings that have fewer than 7 characters can also be accepted (since without truck can match the empty string). DeepRegex is able to produce the ground-truth regex in this case, but this is only because the formulaic description is easy enough to translate directly into a regex.
We show some solved and unsolved examples using GrammarSketch from the StackOverflow dataset. Our approach can successfully deal with multiple-sentence inputs like pairs (e) and (f). They both contain multiple sentences with each one describing certain a component or constraint, which seems to be a common pattern of describing real world regexes. Our approach is effective for this structure because the parser can extract fragments from each sentence and hand them to the synthesizer for completion.
Some failure cases are due to lack of corner-case examples. For example, the description from pair (g) doesn’t explicitly specify whether the decimal part is required and there are no corner-case negative examples that provide this clue. Our synthesizer mistakenly treats the decimal part as an option, failing to match the ground truth. In addition, pair (h) is an example in which the natural language description is too concise for the grammar parser to generate a useful sketch.
7 Related Work
Other NL and Program Synthesis
There has been recent interest in synthesizing programs from natural language. One line of work uses either grammar-based or neural semantic parsing to synthesize programs. Particularly, several techniques have been proposed to translate natural language to SQL queries (Yaghmazadeh et al., 2017; Iyer et al., 2017; Suhr et al., 2018), “if-this-then-that” recipes (Quirk et al., 2015), bash commands (Lin et al., 2018), Java expressions (Gvero and Kuncak, 2015) and more. Our work is different from prior work in that it utilizes input-output examples in addition to natural language. Although several past approaches use both natural language and examples (Kulal et al., 2019; Polosukhin and Skidanov, 2018; Zhong et al., 2020), they only use the examples to verify the generated programs, whereas our approach heavily engages examples when searching for the instantiation of sketches to make the synthesizer more efficient.
Another line of work has focused on exploring which deep learning techniques are most effective for directly predicting programs from natural language. Recent work has built encoder-decoder models to generated logical forms or programs represented by sequences (Dong and Lapata, 2016), and ASTs (Rabinovich et al., 2017; Yin and Neubig, 2017; Iyer et al., 2019; Shin et al., 2019). However, some of the most challenging code settings such as the Hearthstone dataset (Ling et al., 2016) only evaluates the produced strings by exact match accuracy or BLEU score, rather than executing the programs on real data as we do.
There is also recent work using neural models to generate logical forms utilizing a coarse-to-fine approach (Zettlemoyer and Collins, 2009; Kwiatkowski et al., 2013; Artzi et al., 2015; Dong and Lapata, 2018; Wang et al., 2019), which first generates an abstract logical form and then concretizes it using neural modules, whereas we complete the sketch via a synthesizer.
Program Synthesis from Examples
Recent work has studied program synthesis from examples in other domains (Gulwani, 2011; Alur et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2016; Feng et al., 2018). Similar to prior work (Balog et al., 2017; Kalyan et al., 2018; Odena and Sutton, 2020), we implement an enumeration-based synthesizer to search for the target program, but they use probability distribution of functions or production rules predicted by neural networks to guide the search, whereas our work relies on sketches.
Our method is closely related to sketch-based approaches (Solar-Lezama, 2008; Nye et al., 2019) in that our synthesizer starts with a sketch. However, we produce sketches automatically from the natural language description whereas traditional sketch-based synthesis (Solar-Lezama, 2008) relies on a user-provided sketch, and our sketches are hierarchical and constrained compared to other neural sketch-based approaches (Nye et al., 2019).
8 Conclusion
We have proposed a sketch-driven regular expression synthesis framework that utilizes both natural language and examples, and we have instantiated this framework with both a neural and a grammar-based parser. Experimental results reveal the artificialness of existing public datasets and demonstrate the advantages of our approach over existing research, especially in real-world settings.
This work was partially supported by NSF grant IIS-1814522, NSF grant SHF-1762299, gifts from Arm and Salesforce, and an equipment grant from NVIDIA. The authors acknowledge the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) at The University of Texas at Austin for providing HPC resources used to conduct this research. Thanks as well to our TACL action editor Luke Zettlemoyer and the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments.
Code and data available at https://github.com/xiye17/SketchRegex/.
A readable version of grammar is available at https://github.com/xiye17/SketchRegex/blob/master/readable_grammar.pdf.
These posts are filtered from roughly 1,000 top posts. Despite the fact that more data is available on the Web site, we only view the top posts because the process requires significant human involvement.
Upon consultation with the authors of SemRegex Zhong et al. (2018a), we were not able to reproduce the results of their model. Therefore, we only include the printed numbers of semantic accuracy on the prior datasets.