Many studies have shown that transformers are able to predict subject-verb agreement, demonstrating their ability to uncover an abstract representation of the sentence in an unsupervised way. Recently, Li et al. (2021) found that transformers were also able to predict the object-past participle agreement in French, the modeling of which in formal grammar is fundamentally different from that of subject-verb agreement and relies on a movement and an anaphora resolution.
To better understand transformers’ internal working, we propose to contrast how they handle these two kinds of agreement. Using probing and counterfactual analysis methods, our experiments on French agreements show that (i) the agreement task suffers from several confounders that partially question the conclusions drawn so far and (ii) transformers handle subject-verb and object-past participle agreements in a way that is consistent with their modeling in theoretical linguistics.
1 Introduction
Since Linzen et al. (2016), the long-distance agreement task has been a paradigmatic test for assessing the ability of Neural Network Language Models (NNLMs) to uncover syntactic information from raw texts: A model able to predict the correct verb form (especially when the verb does not agree with the word just before it) has to, to some extent, acquire a representation of the syntactic structure and encode it in its internal representations.
In this work, we seek to identify to what extent the NNLM abstracts its representations from surface pattern recognition to structurally motivated representations. To do this, we focus on two kinds of number agreement in French (both morphologically marked):
- (1)
Les chat · s [ que Noûr aime bien ]RC
The_Pl cats_Pl [ that Noûr likes_Sg a_lot ]RC
jou · ent dans le jardin.
play_Pl in the garden.
- (2)
Il aime les chat · s [ que Noûr a
He_Sg loves_Sg the_Pl cats_Pl [ that Noûr has_Sg
adopté · s ]RC.
adopted_Pl ]RC
These sentences involve two agreements: The first one between a noun chats and the main verb jouent and the second one between the same noun and the past participle adoptés.1 A naive look at (1) and (2) may suggest that they are two identical agreements between a noun and a verbal form separated by a few words. Yet from a linguistic perspective these two agreements receive a substantially different analysis. As in English, example (1) involves a number agreement between the main clause verb and its subject where an embedded relative clause occurs between the two. To predict this kind of agreement, the model has to learn an abstract representation that is not solely based on the linear sequence of words but also on the long syntactic dependency between the verb and its subject, in order to ignore the linear proximity of the noun Noûr.
On the other hand, the agreement between chats and adoptés in (2) is an object relative clause agreement. Overall, it involves an agreement between a noun in the main clause and a past participle in the relative clause. To predict this kind of agreement, the model must be able to detect a complex set of patterns across different clauses that brings into play an anaphora resolution and a movement, a set of operations whose nature is fundamentally different from phrase structure embedding involved in the subject-verb agreement in (1).
While these two kinds of agreement show very similar surface patterns, their modelings in formal grammar result in completely different representations of the sentence structure, and it is not clear whether and how a sequential language model can identify these abstract representations based merely on the words sequence. Even though a tremendous number of studies have brought to light the ability of neural networks to capture and abstract the information needed to predict the subject-verb agreement (see Section 6 for an overview), it is only very recently that Li et al. (2021) showed that they were also able to predict the much rarer past participle agreement across clause boundaries like the agreement between chats and adoptés in (2).
Building on Li et al. (2021, 2022), the goal of the present work is to contrast how transformers handle these two kinds of agreement: We aim to determine whether they encode the same abstract structure in their internal representations to capture the information required to choose the correct verb form or, on the contrary, if the abstract structure they encode reflects the distinction made in the theoretical modeling of these two agreements. This contrast will shed a new light on our understanding of the internal working of transformers.
The contributions of this paper are twofold. First, we assess incremental transformers’ syntactic ability to process two different syntax-sensitive dependencies with similar surface forms in French. Our results show that transformers perform consistently well on both agreement phenomena, and crucially, that they are able to abstract away from potential confounds such as lexical co-occurences or superficial heuristics. Second, we use linguistic probes as well as targeted masking intervention on self-attention to test where transformer-based models encode syntactic information in their internal representations and how they use it. We find that, for both constructions, even though the long-distance agreement information is mainly encoded locally across the tokens between the two elements involved in the agreement, transformers are able to leverage distinct linguistically motivated strategies to process these two phenomena.2
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, we define more precisely the two kinds of agreement considered in this work. Then, in Section 3, we contrast the capacity of transformers to capture subject-verb and object-past participle agreement. Following this, in Section 4, by using probing and counterfactual analysis, we examine the way transformers encode and use the syntactic information to process these two linguistic phenomena. We then discuss, in Section 5, the impact of some potential confounders, in Section 6 the related work, and finally we conclude in Section 7.
2 Long-distance Agreement
Overall, this work aims to assess to what extent transformers rely on shallow surface heuristics to predict agreement or to what extent they infer more abstract knowledge. To study this question, we rely on a contrast between two agreement tasks as exemplified in (1), (2), and in Figure 1. Both involve a long-distance agreement but they receive substantially different linguistic analyses.
Example of object-past participle agreement and long-distance subject-verb agreement. To predict the target past participle (in red) number, a human is expected to get the feature from the object relative pronoun (que) that gets it from its antecedent (moments in bold green). The latter is also the grammatical subject of the main verb (resteront in bold blue) and determines its number. For the object-pp agreement, the prefix is highlighted in blue, the context in yellow, and the suffix in green.
Example of object-past participle agreement and long-distance subject-verb agreement. To predict the target past participle (in red) number, a human is expected to get the feature from the object relative pronoun (que) that gets it from its antecedent (moments in bold green). The latter is also the grammatical subject of the main verb (resteront in bold blue) and determines its number. For the object-pp agreement, the prefix is highlighted in blue, the context in yellow, and the suffix in green.
Syntactic Phenomena
In this work, we focus on corpus-extracted sentences involving object relatives such as the one analyzed in Figure 1. These kinds of sentences could involve two types of agreement, which receive substantially different linguistic analyses. The first one between the “cue” and “target-v” is an agreement between a verb and its subject separated by an object relative clause. As exemplified in Figure 1, the number of the main verb resteront (will_stay Plural) is determined by the head of the subject moments. In this first agreement, there is no relevant relationship between the relative pronoun que and the main verb. To correctly predict the number of the verb, a model must infer an abstract structural dependency across the relative clause to distinguish the embedded subject (frère) from the main clause subject (moments). The model has to resist the lure of the linearly closer but irrelevant attractors frère and bonheur (attractors, underlined in Figure 1, are intervening nouns with misleading agreement features).
We also consider the agreement of the past participle in the relative clause: the past-participle (denoted “target-pp” in Figure 1) agrees with its complement (the “cue”) if the latter moves before it. This agreement relies on an abstract set of relations between tokens occurring in different clauses. It involves an anaphora (designated by the antecedent arc) and a filler-gap dependency: The filler is que and the gap, indicated with a line in Figure 1, is an empty syntactic position licensed by the filler. The relative pronoun que is the pre-verbal direct object of the past participle donnés and triggers the agreement of the past participle. To obtain its agreement features, the relative pronoun has to be linked by anaphora to its nominal antecedent moments. In other words, to correctly agree the past participle in theory, it is necessary to identify the object relative pronoun and its antecedent. The model has also to ignore the effect of attractors occurring between the antecedent of the relative pronoun and the past participle.
In this paper, for both agreement phenomena, we refer to the noun item as the cue, and the verbal item as the target (see Figure 1). pp is short for past participle. We call the tokens before the cue the prefix, the tokens between the cue and the target the context, and the tokens after the target the suffix. We only consider number agreement as (i) number agreement is the only feature shared by the two agreements we consider,3(ii) the main purpose is to design reasonably simple patterns allowing us to extract a sufficiently large number of representative examples.
For object-past participle agreement, we consider the number agreement evaluation set introduced by Li et al. (2021): To study the ability of transformers to predict the object-past participle agreement, they have parsed automatically the French Gutenberg Corpus, and have extracted, with simple heuristics, a set of 68,497 French sentences (65% singular and 35% plural) involving an object relative. For the subject-verb agreement considered in this paper, we extracted from the same parsed corpus 27,582 sentences (70% singular 30% plural), in which the sequence between the subject and the verb contains at least one object relative clause. There are fewer items in subject-verb agreement evaluation set because noun phrases modified by relative clause(s) occur more frequently in the object position of the main clause as in example (2) than in the subject position like in example (1). In these two evaluation sets, an arbitrary number of words can occur between the cue and the target: On average, there are 5 tokens between the antecedent and the past participle, and 11 tokens between the subject and the verb. The intervening tokens include varied constructions such as prepositional phrases, participials or nested relative clauses, which would make the agreement tasks more challenging. We also ensure that the two evaluation sets are completely separate from the training data of LMs.
3 Number Agreement Prediction
3.1 Experimental Setting
Following Linzen et al. (2016) and Gulordava et al. (2018), we use the number agreement task to evaluate incremental transformers’ ability to capture syntactic information: Given a sentence, the model is fed with all tokens preceding the target verb (either the verb of the main clause or the past participle in the relative clause) and we compare the probabilities it assigned to the singular and plural variants of the target. The model’s syntactic ability is measured by the percentage of sentences for which the verb form with the higher probability is the one that respects the agreement rules of the language (i.e., matches the number of the cue).
To measure the prediction difficulty of the evaluation sentences in the two agreement tasks, we follow Li et al. (2021) and define a scale that quantifies the agreement difficulty for a given sentence by counting the number of surface heuristics that predict the correct form of the target verb. We target five superficial heuristics, namely, (1) the first noun of the sentence, (2) the closest noun, (3) the closest token with a mark of number, (4) the noun before the closest que, and (5) the majority number expressed in the sequence preceding the target: As illustrated in Table 1, the correct form of the target verb in the 5 heuristics subset (the “easiest” subset of our evaluation sets) can be easily predicted by simply memorizing any of the five surface heuristics (e.g., the target form should match the first noun in the sentence). On the contrary, the 0 heuristic subset gathers sentences for which the target verb form can only be predicted by constructing an abstract representation of the sentence. We will mainly focus on the hardest cases (i.e., 0 and 1 heuristic subsets) in our evaluation.
Examples from our evaluation set of subject-verb agreement, stratified by the count of surface heuristics predicting the target’s number, a proxy to the task difficulty. The target verbs and their subjects are in bold. Orange numbers in parenthesis indicate the presence of different types of heuristics.
Number of heuristics . | Difficulty of agreement . | Examples . |
5 | --- | Si les idées que ces mots représentent ne sont pas ... |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||
4 | -- | Les choses que nous avions vues cent fois avec indifférence nous touchent... |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||
3 | - | Un philosophe est curieux de savoir si les idées qu’ il a semées auront... |
A philosopher is curious to know if the ideas![]() ![]() ![]() | ||
2 | + | Les emblèmes qu’ on y rencontre à chaque pas disent ... |
The emblems![]() ![]() | ||
1 | ++ | Les qualités qui t’ont fait arriver si jeune au grade que tu as doivent te porter ... |
The qualities![]() | ||
0 | +++ | Ce soir les hommes que j’ai postés sur la route que doit suivre le roi prendront ... |
Tonight the men that I have posted on the road that the king must follow will_take ... |
Number of heuristics . | Difficulty of agreement . | Examples . |
5 | --- | Si les idées que ces mots représentent ne sont pas ... |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||
4 | -- | Les choses que nous avions vues cent fois avec indifférence nous touchent... |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||
3 | - | Un philosophe est curieux de savoir si les idées qu’ il a semées auront... |
A philosopher is curious to know if the ideas![]() ![]() ![]() | ||
2 | + | Les emblèmes qu’ on y rencontre à chaque pas disent ... |
The emblems![]() ![]() | ||
1 | ++ | Les qualités qui t’ont fait arriver si jeune au grade que tu as doivent te porter ... |
The qualities![]() | ||
0 | +++ | Ce soir les hommes que j’ai postés sur la route que doit suivre le roi prendront ... |
Tonight the men that I have posted on the road that the king must follow will_take ... |
The experiments were carried out with two incremental language models designed by Li et al. (2021): an LSTM and an incremental transformer language model. Both models perform predictions incrementally using the conditional probability P(wi|w1…wi−1;θ). The LSTM model has 2 layers and the transformer model has 16 layers and 16 heads. Word embeddings are of size 768. Note that the LSTM model has fewer parameters than the transformers and, consequently, a direct comparison of their performance is not completely fair. As training an LSTM with a comparable number of parameters is hardly computationally tractable and the LSTM language model has been shown to perform consistently well across varied agreement dependencies (Linzen et al., 2016; Gulordava et al., 2018; Marvin and Linzen, 2018), we only use it in this work as a strong baseline model and focus, in our analyses, on transformers. Hyperparameters were chosen by minimizing the perplexity on the validation set and the best hyper-parameters were used to train for each architecture five models on the French Wikipedia corpus (90 million tokens). All the results reported in this paper are averaged across five models. More details about the models are given in Section B in the appendix.
3.2 Number Prediction Results
Overall Accuracy:
The two architectures are able to predict both long-distance agreements with a very good accuracy:4 transformers made correct number prediction in 94.6% of the object past participle agreement (LSTM 82.1%) and in 98.9% of the subject-verb agreement (LSTM 94.3%), a result consistent with the conclusions drawn by previous studies (Linzen and Baroni, 2021).
Surface Heuristics:
However, detailed scores according to the difficulty of the task in Figure 2 show more nuanced results. With respect to the type of agreement, we observe that both LSTMs and transformers achieve much better performance for subject-verb agreement than for the object-past participle agreement, especially in the hardest cases (i.e., 0 & 1 heuristic subsets), even though the linear distance between the cue and the target in the subject-verb dependency is twice as long as that in the object-past participle agreement (11 tokens vs. 5 tokens on average). This performance difference could result from the agreement frequency in the training data: The subject-verb agreement exists nearly in each sentence of the training data, while only 0.35% of the training sentences involve an object-past participle agreement.
Accuracies achieved by transformers and LSTMs (indicated by lighter color bars) as a function of the agreement prediction difficulty. Blue bars represent the subject-verb agreement and orange bars for the object-pp agreement. The more heuristics are present, the easier the task is.
Accuracies achieved by transformers and LSTMs (indicated by lighter color bars) as a function of the agreement prediction difficulty. Blue bars represent the subject-verb agreement and orange bars for the object-pp agreement. The more heuristics are present, the easier the task is.
However, we do find a similar pattern across these two agreement tasks: The models’ performance always decreases with the task difficulty. This observation generalizes the conclusions of Li et al. (2021): It shows that the impact of surface heuristics is not limited to a relatively infrequent and complex kind of agreement (i.e., the object-past participle agreement) but also concerns the subject-verb agreement, further confirming that results on long-distance agreement tasks should be interpreted with great care.
It also appears that transformers outperform LSTM across the board even though, as explained above, the performance of these two models are not directly comparable: For the two types of agreements, transformers are able to predict the correct verb form most of the time, even in the hardest cases for which the performance of LSTM is below chance level. Above all, this comparison highlights the very strong capacity of transformers to capture syntactic information that even LSTM, a very good baseline on which are based most of the conclusions drawn so far on the syntactic capacity of neural networks, is unable to capture.
4 Do Transformers Process the Two Agreements in the Same Way?
In the last section, transformer language model has demonstrated a strong ability for capturing syntactic information that generalizes beyond surface heuristics when processing long-range subject-verb and object-past participle agreements. In this section, we investigate whether transformers acquire and use a meaningful, abstract representation of the sentence to predict the two theoretically distinct agreements we considered in this work or, on the contrary, whether they use one unified agreement mechanism to resolve the two agreement tasks. To do this, we use in Section 4.1 linguistic probes (Veldhoen et al., 2016; Conneau et al., 2018) to compare the distribution of the number information across the sentence token representations. Then, in Section 4.2, we compare the way transformers use the encoded syntactic information to process these two different long-range dependencies.
4.1 Probing Contextualized Representations
We now investigate how transformers represent the syntactic information required to predict the correct verb form: Is it represented across all the tokens following the cue in the sentence as made theoretically possible by the self-attention mechanism and observed by Klafka and Ettinger (2020), or is it encoded mainly locally around the cue and the target tokens? To this end, we use linguistic probes. A probe is a classifier trained to predict linguistic properties (in our case: the number of the target verb) from the model representations (the representation of a token uncovered by the model). Intuitively, a probe that achieves high accuracy implies that these properties were encoded in the representation. To test the two hypotheses and find out whether number information is encoded only locally or globally in the whole sentence, we simply have to train probes for all words in different parts of the sentence.
More precisely, for each sentence of our evaluation set, we extract the token representations from the last layer of the transformer and associate them with a label describing the number of the target verb. We then train one logistic regression classifier5 for each PoS tag of each part of the sentence (prefix, context, or suffix as defined in the “Terminology” paragraph of Section 2). We consider 80% of the examples as training data and use the remaining 20% to evaluate the probe’s performance.
Table 2 reports the average accuracy achieved by our probes on different parts of the sentence. We observe a similar pattern for the object-pp and subj-verb agreement: The target number information is essentially encoded locally within the tokens of the context and is not represented uniformly across all the sentence tokens.
Probing task results across different sentence parts (see Figure 1). Reported scores are the average of all the PoS-based classifiers’ accuracies for each part of the sentence.
. | Mean probing Accuracy . | |
Object-pp . | Subject-verb . | |
prefix | 58.6%±0.1 | 59.5%±0.2 |
context | 92.3%±0.2 | 93.0%±0.1 |
suffix | 73.6%±0.2 | 78.1%±0.2 |
. | Mean probing Accuracy . | |
Object-pp . | Subject-verb . | |
prefix | 58.6%±0.1 | 59.5%±0.2 |
context | 92.3%±0.2 | 93.0%±0.1 |
suffix | 73.6%±0.2 | 78.1%±0.2 |
As expected, in the two cases, the performance of the probe on prefix is very low: Since we consider an incremental model, the tokens of the prefix cannot attend to the cue and their representation cannot encode information about its number. The accuracy mainly reflects the imbalance between singular and plural forms in our evaluation set.
In contrast, the accuracy becomes consistently high when the tokens of the context are considered as input features, while accuracy on the suffix tokens drops sharply even though it remains better than that observed in the prefix, suggesting that the information required to predict the correct target form in both dependencies is spread over all tokens between the cue (where the number of the target verb is specified) and the target (where the information is “used”).
Representations Within the Context
To get a more accurate picture of how the number information is distributed within the context, we focus on a specific sentence pattern: We only consider sentences for which the cue is separated from the relative pronoun only by a prepositional phrase. For the object-past participle agreement, the pattern thus corresponds to the sequence Antecedent ADP N que PRON AUX, as in:
- (3)
... bureau · x en métal qu’ il a trouvé · s
... desks Prep. metal that he has found_Pl...
For subject-verb agreement, it corresponds to the sequence Subject ADP N que PRON V as in:
- (4)
... bureaux en métal qu’ il aime
... desks Prep. metal that he loves
coût · ent ...
We trained one probing classifier for each position on 800 randomly sampled examples.6 We then evaluated the probe on a balanced set of 200 examples, differentiating sentences in which the embedded noun is an attractor from sentences in which this noun has the same number as the cue.
Figure 3 reports the probing accuracy at each position. We observe that in the prefix (i.e., b-positions) the probe accuracy is low for the two kinds of agreement. On the contrary, in the context, the predictions of the probe are almost perfect, even when there is an attractor. It is quite remarkable that, in the suffix, once the target is encountered, the accuracy on the subsequent tokens drops quickly, especially in the presence of an attractor. These observations are consistent across the two agreement tasks we consider.
Probing accuracy at each position based on the number of the target. The bI (resp., aI) position denotes the I-th token before (resp., after) the pattern.
Probing accuracy at each position based on the number of the target. The bI (resp., aI) position denotes the I-th token before (resp., after) the pattern.
The results of the probing experiments show us that transformer language models encode the syntactic information in a very similar way across the two long-range agreements. In terms of acquired abstractions, nothing from the probing methodology allows to conclude that the model acquires substantially different representations for each agreement phenomenon.
4.2 Causal Intervention on Attention
However, probing has a well-known limitation (Belinkov and Glass, 2019): It only brings out a correlation between the representations and the syntactic information measured by the probe, and does not tell us whether and how this information is actually involved in processing the dependency. In this section, we aim to identify which tokens are actually responsible for providing the number information. To do so, we design a causal experiment in which we mask certain words preceding the target verb in the sentence to better determine their role in transformers predictions.
Masking Tokens in Self-attention Computation
Transformers rely on a self-attention mechanism to build a contextualized representation for each token by iteratively defining (as a first approximation) the token representation as a linear combination of the representations of the other tokens in the sentence. We propose to neutralize the contribution of one or more specific tokens in the construction of the target verb’s representation by forcing the weight of this or these tokens in this linear combination to be zero. This intervention can be implemented in a straightforward manner by extending the masking mechanism used in incremental transformers to prevent a token representation from taking into account future words.
More precisely, we consider the same NA tasks as in Section 3 but this time when predicting the target verb (and only at this moment!), we also mask either the cue (and its dependents),7 the relative pronoun que, both of these tokens or, all tokens in the context except these two tokens. Table 3 provides an example of sentence processing before and after an intervention of masking que. As the intervention occurs only when the target verb is being predicted, there is no effect on the tokens preceding it. As can be seen in this example, transformers originally assigned a higher probability to the correct plural form accepté · s than to the incorrect singular form accepté. After the intervention, the situation is reversed and the model predicts the (incorrect) singular form.
Example sentence processed by our transformer LM, without intervention and with masking ‘que’ intervention. We report the log-probabilities for each token of the sentence prefixes containing either the plural form of the target verb acceptés, or its singular form accepté.
. | 〈bos〉 . | Les . | cadeaux . | que . | le . | directeur . | a . | accepté· s / accepté* . |
The_Pl . | gifts_Pl . | that . | the . | director . | has . | accepted_Pl / accepted_Sg* . | ||
Original | −2.8 | −9.5 | −7.3 | −1.8 | −6.1 | −3.9 | − 5.9 / −8.3 | |
Mask ‘que’ | −2.8 | −9.5 | −7.3 | −1.8 | −6.1 | −3.9 | −13.7 / − 11.9 |
. | 〈bos〉 . | Les . | cadeaux . | que . | le . | directeur . | a . | accepté· s / accepté* . |
The_Pl . | gifts_Pl . | that . | the . | director . | has . | accepted_Pl / accepted_Sg* . | ||
Original | −2.8 | −9.5 | −7.3 | −1.8 | −6.1 | −3.9 | − 5.9 / −8.3 | |
Mask ‘que’ | −2.8 | −9.5 | −7.3 | −1.8 | −6.1 | −3.9 | −13.7 / − 11.9 |
This intervention allows us to build counterfactual representations for both the past participle and the main verb that do not take into account some tokens in the sentence when computing their representation, thereby removing any direct access to the information encoded in the representations of the masked tokens (e.g., the number information encoded in the cue).
However, information encoded in these masked tokens can still be taken into account indirectly: The target verb’s representation indeed relies on the representations of all the preceding tokens in the sentence, for which the masking mechanism is kept unchanged—therefore these tokens can still encode relevant information. By comparing performances on the agreement tasks with and without intervention, we can evaluate whether the representation of one or several specific token(s) has a direct impact on the choice of the target verb form.
Table 4 reports the results of our causal interventions on the object-past participle and subject-verb agreement tasks. Accuracies are broken down by agreement difficulty. It appears that, for these two kinds of agreement, the cue (i.e., the antecedent group and subject group) is critical for predicting the corresponding agreement: Masking these tokens strongly degrades transformers prediction performance on the harder cases (i.e., 0, 1, and 2 heuristics subsets). This suggests that transformers learn representations that are consistent with the French grammar: The model relies on the same tokens as humans to choose the correct form of the target past participle and the main verb.
Number prediction accuracies before and after the different masking interventions, based on prediction difficulty measured by the number of heuristics. cue here refers to the antecedent and its modifiers (determiners and adjectives) in object-past participle agreement and to the subject and its modifiers in subject-verb agreement.
Object-past participle . | ||||||
Subsets . | Size . | Original . | Mask context tokens . | Mask cue . | Mask que . | Mask cue+que . |
(in sentences) . | except cue que . | |||||
Overall | 68,497 | 94.6±0.4 | 87.1±1.0 | 71.4±0.8 | 78.8±0.5 | 66.9±0.3 |
5 heuristics | 32,149 | 99.3±0.05 | 98.1±0.1 | 93.4±0.3 | 95.9±0.2 | 92.5±0.5 |
4 heuristics | 12,711 | 96.3±0.3 | 86.1±1.1 | 78.3±0.7 | 85.3±0.4 | 75.7±0.4 |
3 heuristics | 9,159 | 91.7±0.5 | 77.9±1.7 | 51.1±1.4 | 63.9±1.0 | 42.8±0.4 |
2 heuristics | 10,621 | 87.4±0.8 | 70.8±3.3 | 30.1±1.6 | 49.4±1.4 | 19.6±0.5 |
1 heuristic | 2,870 | 76.9±2.3 | 67.9±3.3 | 25.0±1.4 | 32.1±1.0 | 12.6±0.4 |
0 heuristic | 987 | 73.8±2.3 | 63.0±3.4 | 33.1±3.1 | 30.8±1.1 | 10.0±1.3 |
Subject-verb across object relative | ||||||
Overall | 27,582 | 98.9±0.04 | 82.0±0.7 | 89.1±1.3 | 96.7±0.3 | 86.0±0.6 |
5 heuristics | 14,708 | 99.6±0.05 | 94.4±0.5 | 97.5±0.4 | 99.1±0.1 | 95.8±0.3 |
4 heuristics | 3,799 | 99.0±0.1 | 83.1±1.0 | 89.8±1.6 | 96.5±0.4 | 87.3±0.6 |
3 heuristics | 4,189 | 98.4±0.1 | 70.8±0.8 | 80.1±3.0 | 93.4±0.4 | 74.9±1.1 |
2 heuristics | 3,166 | 97.7±0.1 | 54.9±1.4 | 70.1±3.2 | 91.5±0.8 | 64.2±1.3 |
1 heuristics | 1,451 | 96.8±0.1 | 51.4±1.9 | 73.0±2.3 | 94.1±0.6 | 67.7±1.9 |
0 heuristics | 269 | 94.1±0.5 | 51.0±2.0 | 67.9±1.9 | 89.3±1.0 | 63.8±1.9 |
Object-past participle . | ||||||
Subsets . | Size . | Original . | Mask context tokens . | Mask cue . | Mask que . | Mask cue+que . |
(in sentences) . | except cue que . | |||||
Overall | 68,497 | 94.6±0.4 | 87.1±1.0 | 71.4±0.8 | 78.8±0.5 | 66.9±0.3 |
5 heuristics | 32,149 | 99.3±0.05 | 98.1±0.1 | 93.4±0.3 | 95.9±0.2 | 92.5±0.5 |
4 heuristics | 12,711 | 96.3±0.3 | 86.1±1.1 | 78.3±0.7 | 85.3±0.4 | 75.7±0.4 |
3 heuristics | 9,159 | 91.7±0.5 | 77.9±1.7 | 51.1±1.4 | 63.9±1.0 | 42.8±0.4 |
2 heuristics | 10,621 | 87.4±0.8 | 70.8±3.3 | 30.1±1.6 | 49.4±1.4 | 19.6±0.5 |
1 heuristic | 2,870 | 76.9±2.3 | 67.9±3.3 | 25.0±1.4 | 32.1±1.0 | 12.6±0.4 |
0 heuristic | 987 | 73.8±2.3 | 63.0±3.4 | 33.1±3.1 | 30.8±1.1 | 10.0±1.3 |
Subject-verb across object relative | ||||||
Overall | 27,582 | 98.9±0.04 | 82.0±0.7 | 89.1±1.3 | 96.7±0.3 | 86.0±0.6 |
5 heuristics | 14,708 | 99.6±0.05 | 94.4±0.5 | 97.5±0.4 | 99.1±0.1 | 95.8±0.3 |
4 heuristics | 3,799 | 99.0±0.1 | 83.1±1.0 | 89.8±1.6 | 96.5±0.4 | 87.3±0.6 |
3 heuristics | 4,189 | 98.4±0.1 | 70.8±0.8 | 80.1±3.0 | 93.4±0.4 | 74.9±1.1 |
2 heuristics | 3,166 | 97.7±0.1 | 54.9±1.4 | 70.1±3.2 | 91.5±0.8 | 64.2±1.3 |
1 heuristics | 1,451 | 96.8±0.1 | 51.4±1.9 | 73.0±2.3 | 94.1±0.6 | 67.7±1.9 |
0 heuristics | 269 | 94.1±0.5 | 51.0±2.0 | 67.9±1.9 | 89.3±1.0 | 63.8±1.9 |
Quite remarkably, the relative pronoun que plays a very different role in determining the form of the target verbs in these two agreement phenomena: Masking the relative pronoun on object-past participle agreement results in lower than chance prediction accuracies (e.g., the accuracy on the 1 heuristic subset drops from 76.9% to 32.1%), while it hardly impacts the prediction of the subject-verb agreement: Accuracy drops by no more than 6.2 points (for the 2 heuristics subset). This suggests that even though the two agreement phenomena have almost identical surface forms and, as reported in §4.1, the syntactic number information is encoded in a similar way in both phenomena, transformers use two distinct agreement mechanisms to resolve the object-past participle and the subject-verb agreement. This distinction is consistent with the analysis of theoretical linguistics.
Results reported in Table 4 also show that, in the case of subject-verb agreement across object relatives, the context tokens (i.e., the tokens in the relative clause between the subject and the verb) have a bigger contribution to the model’s decision than the subject group tokens (i.e., the subject and its dependents) with which the verb agrees. This counter intuitive observation seems to confirm the findings of Ravfogel et al. (2021) that, to predict the subject-verb agreement, the model uses information about relative boundaries, encoded in its word representations. To explain this intriguing observation, we hypothesize that even though the grammatical number is distributed across all tokens in the context segment, the information about relative boundaries is crucial for the model to determine how to use it to inflect the main verb, which would explain why the context tokens control the agreement in such an important way. This hypothesis needs to be confirmed by further experiments.
5 Discussion
Our experiments clearly show that transformers are capable of predicting quite well the object-past participle and subject-verb agreements in the case of French object relative clauses. Moreover, even though several confounders exist, the results consistently indicates that transformers base their predictions mainly on the tokens involved in agreement rules and they apply different strategies despite the very similar superficial forms of these two linguistic phenomena.
Lexical Cues Confounder
To evaluate the impact of lexical information on model predictions, we converted our original evaluation sets into nonsensical but grammatically well-formed evaluation sets: Following Gulordava et al. (2018), we have created a nonce dataset for each agreement phenomenon by substituting each content word of the original evaluation sentence with a random word having the same syntactic category.8 We then evaluated our model’s predictions on number agreement tasks in this nonce setting. The results in Table 5 show only a mild degradation relative to the original setting for the two architectures across the two agreement tasks: A drop of 3.4 percentage points in global performance for transformers (7.3 for LSTM) in subject-verb agreement, and a drop of 1.5 percentage points for transformers (5.0 for LSTM) in object-past participle agreement.
Accuracy achieved by LSTMs and transformers on nonce experimental setting, compared to the original setting, by agreement dependency and by target number.
Evaluation sets . | Size . | LSTMs . | Transformers . |
in sentences . | |||
Object-pp Original | |||
overall | 68,497 | 82.1±1.1 | 94.6±0.2 |
singular | 44.599 | 95.4±0.7 | 99.2±0.1 |
plural | 23,898 | 57.2±2.9 | 86.2±0.4 |
Object-pp Nonce | |||
overall | 68,497*3 | 77.1±2.3 | 93.9±0.2 |
singular | 44.599*3 | 90.3±1.3 | 97.5±0.1 |
plural | 23,898*3 | 52.4±5.5 | 87.2±0.6 |
Subject-v Original | |||
overall | 27,582 | 94.3±0.3 | 98.9±0.04 |
singular | 19,224 | 98.0±0.3 | 99.4±0.05 |
plural | 8,358 | 85.9±1.5 | 97.8±0.1 |
Subject-v Nonce | |||
overall | 27,582*3 | 87.0±0.4 | 95.5±0.2 |
singular | 19,224*3 | 93.7±0.7 | 97.1±0.1 |
plural | 8,358*3 | 71.6±2.5 | 91.9±0.4 |
Evaluation sets . | Size . | LSTMs . | Transformers . |
in sentences . | |||
Object-pp Original | |||
overall | 68,497 | 82.1±1.1 | 94.6±0.2 |
singular | 44.599 | 95.4±0.7 | 99.2±0.1 |
plural | 23,898 | 57.2±2.9 | 86.2±0.4 |
Object-pp Nonce | |||
overall | 68,497*3 | 77.1±2.3 | 93.9±0.2 |
singular | 44.599*3 | 90.3±1.3 | 97.5±0.1 |
plural | 23,898*3 | 52.4±5.5 | 87.2±0.6 |
Subject-v Original | |||
overall | 27,582 | 94.3±0.3 | 98.9±0.04 |
singular | 19,224 | 98.0±0.3 | 99.4±0.05 |
plural | 8,358 | 85.9±1.5 | 97.8±0.1 |
Subject-v Nonce | |||
overall | 27,582*3 | 87.0±0.4 | 95.5±0.2 |
singular | 19,224*3 | 93.7±0.7 | 97.1±0.1 |
plural | 8,358*3 | 71.6±2.5 | 91.9±0.4 |
This drop in performance is of the same order of magnitude as that reported by Gulordava et al. (2018), suggesting that the two models are able to abstract away from the potential lexical confounds.
Simplicity Confounders
As reported in Table 6, the simple heuristics of Li et al. (2021), which only rely on surface information, are able to predict the correct verb form with a very high accuracy (they even outperform a state-of-the-art LSTM). This observation, already reported by Li et al. (2021), questions the principle of using the agreement task as evidence of syntactic information being encoded in neural representations. To mitigate this “simplicity” confounding effect, we have systematically reported our results according to the “difficulty” of the agreement task and focus, in our analyses, on the hardest cases that require an abstract representation of the sentence.
Accuracy (%) achieved by the 5 surface heuristics considered in this work on the long-distance agreement task.
Heuristics . | object-pp . | subject-verb . |
(1) First noun | 69.5 | 83.7 |
(2) Most recent noun | 88.6 | 77.5 |
(3) Most recent token | 60.3 | 66.9 |
(4) Majority number | 70.0 | 75.9 |
(5) Noun before “que” | 95.7 | 91.6 |
Heuristics . | object-pp . | subject-verb . |
(1) First noun | 69.5 | 83.7 |
(2) Most recent noun | 88.6 | 77.5 |
(3) Most recent token | 60.3 | 66.9 |
(4) Majority number | 70.0 | 75.9 |
(5) Noun before “que” | 95.7 | 91.6 |
It must also be noted that humans also make agreement errors (Bock and Miller, 1991); these sequential statistical heuristics and the method of sampling evaluation sets based on heuristics may therefore serve as a source of hypotheses for experiments assessing human syntactic abilities.
Frequency Bias and Imbalanced Distribution Confounders
Given the fact that in written French, singular verbs (3rd person) occur five to ten times as often as their plural counterparts (Ågren and Van de Weijer, 2013), do our models’ performance depend on the number of the target verb? As Table 5 shows, in the original setting, across the two agreement dependencies, both models perform consistently better on the singular condition than on the plural condition, suggesting a bias towards singular verbs in both models. This observation is in line with the conclusions of Wei et al. (2021), who found that more frequent forms are more likely to be better predicted in number agreement tasks. At the same time, the results of our intervention experiments reveal a similar pattern: The masking interventions lead to greater degradation for the plural condition across the board. The remarkable different contribution of “que” persists, even though the plural condition is mainly responsible for the lower than chance accuracy after masking “que” intervention in object-past participle agreement.
A further analysis of our evaluation datasets reveals that the relation between the class distribution and the task difficulty (measured by the count of heuristics in §3) shows a very similar pattern across both agreement dependencies, with the singular class dominating in the easiest cases—5 heuristic subset (Obj-pp: 94%, Subj-v: 91%) and the plural class dominating in the most difficult cases—0 heuristic subset (Obj-pp: 99%, Subj-v: 96%).
Therefore, this asymmetry in singular and plural condition, in terms of prediction accuracy on number agreement tasks, may be either due to the higher frequency of singular verbs in the language, or to the frequency imbalances in verb number across syntactic constructions, or to the different ways the model encodes singularity and plurality as suggested by Jumelet et al. (2019). In future work, these hypotheses could be tested by artificially manipulating the relative frequency of singular and plural nouns in various constructions in the training corpus.
6 Related Work
6.1 Understanding the Inner Working of Neural Networks
Three kinds of approaches have been used in the literature to analyze the inner working of neural networks (Rogers et al., 2020; Belinkov et al., 2020). Our analyses, based on a combination of these existing methods, bridge the gap between the representations and behavioral approaches, and provide a framework for systematically measuring the causal factors underlying the model’s behavior in order to evaluate a precise hypothesis about the abstract structure.
Linguistic Probes
Probing (Alain and Bengio, 2017; Hupkes et al., 2018) consists of training a supervised classifier to predict linguistic properties from models’ internal representations; achieving high accuracy in this task implies that these properties were encoded in the representation. Substantial prior work (see Belinkov [2022 ] for a review) has used this approach to assess neural networks linguistic capacity, finding that NLMs encode a variety of information about, among others, grammatical number, part of speech and syntactic role (Giulianelli et al., 2018; Tenney et al., 2019; Jawahar et al., 2019).
Many recent studies, such as Hewitt and Liang (2019) or Pimentel et al. (2020b), have criticized the theoretical foundations of probing, in particular by raising issues related to the capacity of the classifiers used for probing representations. There is an ongoing debate as to whether the choice of a linear classifier (as we did in our experiments) is the right decision, in particular when comparing the capacity of two neural networks to capture a given linguistic phenomenon (Pimentel et al., 2020a). As we are only interested in detecting whether one linguistic property is encoded and consider a single model in our experiments, the choice of a linear classifier is fully justified.
Causal Approaches
These approaches rely on interventions that modify parts of the neural networks and analyze the impact/consequences on model output (Vig et al., 2020; Ravfogel et al., 2021). They allow us to avoid one of the main pitfalls of linguistic probes, namely, that probes can only detect correlations: As shown by Vanmassenhove et al. (2017), information encoded in the representation (revealed by the probe) is not necessarily used by the model. Giulianelli et al. (2018), one of the first studies to use this approach, combined the probing and causal intervention by using a trained probe to modify NN’s representations, which allows them to improve the model’s agreement prediction. Finlayson et al. (2021) performed controlled interventions on input sentences to analyze NLM’s syntactic agreement mechanism, showing that LMs rely on similar sets of neurons when processing similar syntactic structure. Our intervention, described in §4.2, is most closely related to Elazar et al. (2021), who proposed to erase the “part-of-speech property” encoded in a model representation to measure how important this information is for word prediction. Our approach differs from much prior work in causal analysis in two aspects: (i) We perform intervention on the attention mechanism rather than on the input sentences. (ii) We test linguistically motivated hypotheses through two phenomena with very similar surface forms, which provides more fine-grained insights and can be easily extended to other linguistic hypotheses.
Challenge Sets
This approach seeks to assess the linguistic competence of a model on examples carefully selected to exhibit a particular language characteristic (Isabelle et al., 2017). For instance, Linzen et al. (2016), an iconic example of the approach on which our work is based, study the ability of a neural network to learn syntax-sensitive dependencies and in particular the agreement between the subject and the verb. Warstadt et al. (2019) and Warstadt et al. (2020) introduce challenges sets covering a wide range of grammatical phenomena in English. To the best of our knowledge, most of the existing challenge sets are for English; our work perfectly illustrates the benefit of extending this approach to non-English languages: Considering French, a morpho-syntactically richer language, allows us to evaluate neural networks in a more fine-grained way and to gain additional insights into their inner working.
6.2 Number Agreement Task
The prediction of subject-verb agreement has long been identified as a way to assess the capacity of neural networks to track syntactic dependencies: it was already used by Elman (1989), one of the first studies on the analysis of the inner working of neural networks. Revitalized by the seminal work of Linzen et al. (2016), this task has been used in a tremendous number of studies to bring to light the ability of neural networks to capture abstract information.
Building on these results, a first line of research has tried to provide further evidence regarding neural networks capacity to build an abstract representation of sentences either by generalizing them to other languages (Lakretz et al., 2021), or to other models (Goldberg, 2019), or by identifying possible confounds such as lexical co-occurrences (Gulordava et al., 2018) or unbalanced datasets (Li et al., 2021).
Another interesting line of research aims at generalizing the conclusions of Linzen et al. (2016) to other constructions. For instance, Marvin and Linzen (2018) evaluated the grammaticality judgement of a neural network on a wide array of linguistic phenomena, using carefully designed templates to generate sentences, and Li et al. (2021) investigated the object-verb agreement in French.
A few studies have questioned the conclusions drawn by all these studies. For instance, Newman et al. (2021) questioned the use of the 0/1 loss to evaluate the number agreement task, arguing that this evaluation does not take into account the probability distributions over the vocabulary and, when not restricted to choose between two verb forms, the model might actually give more weight to verbs with the wrong number. Lasri et al. (2022) observed that the capacity of a model to predict the correct form of the verb decreased with the sentence complexity, an observation confirmed by the results reported in Section 3.2 or reported by Li et al. (2021). Despite these potential confounds, our results align with these authors, confirming that the drop in performance is not sufficient to invalidate the conclusions of Linzen et al. (2016).
7 Conclusion
This work addresses the question of the capacity of transformers to uncover abstract representation of sentences rather than to merely capture surface patterns. To this end, we investigate the mechanisms implemented by this model to predict two kinds of agreement in French: the subject-verb and the object-past participle agreements. Even though these two agreements involve very similar word sequences, their linguistic analyses are fundamentally different.
The first set of experiments we reported show that transformers are indeed able to predict these two kinds of agreement and, by comparing their predictions with those of simple surface heuristics, we highlight their ability to capture syntactic information. In a second set of experiments, we used probing and counterfactual analysis methods to provide evidence that transformers are actually succeeding for good reasons: our analyses reveal that (i) the incremental transformer bases its predictions on cues that are linguistically motivated and consistent with French grammar, (ii) the abstract structure uncovered by transformers reflects the distinction made in the theoretical modeling of these two agreements.
Our work is a first step towards a better understanding of the inner representations of NNLMs. Designing new probes, supported by causal analysis and involving a wider range of languages, could improve our understanding of such models. In particular, our observation about the linguistically motivated distribution of syntactic information in transformers’ representations could be extended to other linguistic phenomenon and languages.
We sincerely thank the reviewers and action editors for their careful reviews and insightful comments, which are of great help in improving the manuscript. This work was granted access to the HPC resources of French Institute for Development and Resources in Intensive Scientific Computing (IDRIS) under the allocation 2020-AD011012282 and 2021-AD011012408 made by GENCI. We would also like to gratefully acknowledge support from the Labex EFL (ANR-10-LABX-0083).
A Evaluation Datasets
Although in standard French, normative grammars indicate object-past participle agreement under wh-movement as obligatory, it in fact appears to be optional in colloquial French where the past participle is often produced in its default singular, masculine form (Belletti, 2017). Therefore, to determine to what proportion the sentences in the training data of language models respect the normative past participle agreement rule, we analyzed the training data with the same automatic extraction procedure used for constructing evaluation datasets (Section 2). We found that in 10,377 sentences (0.35% of training data) containing the target filler-gap dependency, 10% of them do not respect the agreement rule.
B Language Models
Hyperparameters and Perplexities
The results reported in the paper are averaged over five best models in terms of the validation perplexity.
The total parameters of the LSTM models are 47,900,241. As described in the appendix of Li et al. (2021), the model of batch size 64, with dropout 0.1 and learning rate 0.0001, achieved the lowest perplexity scores: 37.1. We then trained four LSTM models with the same combination of hyperparameters, the resulting perplexities are: 36.8, 36.8, 36.9, and 37.0.
The total parameters of the transformer models are 126,674,513. We explored the initial learning rate of 0.01 and 0.02, with a dropout rate of 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, resulting in a total of 8 combinations. The model with learning rate 0.02 and dropout rate 0.2 achieved the lowest perplexity—27.0; we trained another four transformer models with these hyperparameters and the resulting perplexities are: 26.8, 27.0, 27.1, and 27.2. Training was performed with stochastic gradient descent and used the same hyperparameters described in appendix of Li et al. (2021): The initial learning rate was fixed to 0.02 and we used a cosine scheduling on 90 epochs without annealing. The first epoch was dedicated to warmup with a linear incremental schedule for the learning rate. Batches of size 64 ran in parallel on 8 GPUs except for warm-up, where the size was fixed to 8.
C Detailed Number Predictions Results
Accuracies (%) achieved by LSTMs and transformers as a function of the agreement prediction difficulty, on the object-pp and the subject-verb agreement tasks.
Constructions . | Size (in sentences) . | LSTMs . | Transformers . |
Object past participle | |||
overall | 68,497 | 82.1±1.1 | 94.6±0.2 |
5 heuristics | 32,149 | 95.3±0.6 | 99.2±0.1 |
4 heuristics | 12,711 | 85.9±1.0 | 96.5±0.1 |
3 heuristics | 9,159 | 71.9±1.6 | 91.6±0.4 |
2 heuristics | 10,621 | 62.2±2.4 | 87.6±0.4 |
1 heuristic | 2,870 | 37.4±4.1 | 77.9±0.8 |
0 heuristic | 987 | 40.2±2.7 | 76.1±1.0 |
Subject-verb across object relative clause | |||
overall | 27,582 | 94.3±0.3 | 98.9±0.04 |
5 heuristics | 14,708 | 98.6±0.1 | 99.6±0.05 |
4 heuristics | 3,799 | 95.2±0.5 | 99.0±0.1 |
3 heuristics | 4,189 | 91.3±0.8 | 98.4±0.1 |
2 heuristics | 3,166 | 84.8±1.0 | 97.7±0.1 |
1 heuristic | 1,451 | 81.2±1.8 | 96.8±0.1 |
0 heuristic | 269 | 74.7±2.2 | 94.1±0.5 |
Constructions . | Size (in sentences) . | LSTMs . | Transformers . |
Object past participle | |||
overall | 68,497 | 82.1±1.1 | 94.6±0.2 |
5 heuristics | 32,149 | 95.3±0.6 | 99.2±0.1 |
4 heuristics | 12,711 | 85.9±1.0 | 96.5±0.1 |
3 heuristics | 9,159 | 71.9±1.6 | 91.6±0.4 |
2 heuristics | 10,621 | 62.2±2.4 | 87.6±0.4 |
1 heuristic | 2,870 | 37.4±4.1 | 77.9±0.8 |
0 heuristic | 987 | 40.2±2.7 | 76.1±1.0 |
Subject-verb across object relative clause | |||
overall | 27,582 | 94.3±0.3 | 98.9±0.04 |
5 heuristics | 14,708 | 98.6±0.1 | 99.6±0.05 |
4 heuristics | 3,799 | 95.2±0.5 | 99.0±0.1 |
3 heuristics | 4,189 | 91.3±0.8 | 98.4±0.1 |
2 heuristics | 3,166 | 84.8±1.0 | 97.7±0.1 |
1 heuristic | 1,451 | 81.2±1.8 | 96.8±0.1 |
0 heuristic | 269 | 74.7±2.2 | 94.1±0.5 |
The two agreements could occur in the same sentence, as in the example of Figure 1.
Datasets and code are available at https://github.com/bingzhilee/contrastive_analysis.
In French, the verb has to agree in number with its subject, and the past participle conjugated with the auxiliary avoir agrees in number and in gender with its direct object if the latter appears before it.
Detailed scores are provided in table 7 in the appendix.
All classifiers were implemented with the scikit-Learn library (Pedregosa et al., 2011), setting the max_iter parameter to 1,000 and the class_weight to balanced.
We used three sampling seeds and, for each sampling, three train/test splits. The sample is constrained to ensure balance between singulars and plurals in training and test sets.
Masking all the cue dependents (predicted by an automatic dependency analysis of the sentence) allows us to “hide” all tokens with a morphological indication of the cue’s number such as the determiner and adjectives qualifying it.
We generated three nonce variants for each original sentence.
Author notes
Action Editor: Xavier Carreras