We present Text-to-OverpassQL, a task designed to facilitate a natural language interface for querying geodata from OpenStreetMap (OSM). The Overpass Query Language (OverpassQL) allows users to formulate complex database queries and is widely adopted in the OSM ecosystem. Generating Overpass queries from natural language input serves multiple use-cases. It enables novice users to utilize OverpassQL without prior knowledge, assists experienced users with crafting advanced queries, and enables tool-augmented large language models to access information stored in the OSM database. In order to assess the performance of current sequence generation models on this task, we propose OverpassNL,1 a dataset of 8,352 queries with corresponding natural language inputs. We further introduce task specific evaluation metrics and ground the evaluation of the Text-to-OverpassQL task by executing the queries against the OSM database. We establish strong baselines by finetuning sequence-to-sequence models and adapting large language models with in-context examples. The detailed evaluation reveals strengths and weaknesses of the considered learning strategies, laying the foundations for further research into the Text-to-OverpassQL task.
1 Introduction
The OpenStreetMap (OSM) database stores vast amounts of structured knowledge about our world. Users mainly access it via applications that render a visual map of inquired areas. A more advanced and systematic way to examine the stored information is to query the underlying geodata using the Overpass Query Language (OverpassQL). OverpassQL is a feature-rich query language that is widely adopted in the OSM ecosystem by contributors, analysts, and applications. In order to make this empowering query language accessible via natural language, we propose the Text-to-OverpassQL task. The objective is to take a complex data request in natural language and translate it to OverpassQL in order to execute it against the OSM database. Several groups of users can benefit from such a natural language interface. Inexperienced users are spared from learning the OverpassQL syntax. Expert users can use it to draft Overpass queries and then manually refine them, saving time and mental load in comparison to writing the full query from scratch. Another use-case is to incorporate the interface as an API tool (Schick et al., 2023) for large language models (LLMs).
In this work, we introduce the three components that enable the Text-to-OverpassQL task. First, we present OverpassNL, a dataset of 8.5k natural language inputs and corresponding Overpass queries. The queries were collected from an OSM community website where they were written by OSM users to fulfill legitimate information needs. We then hired and trained students to write natural language descriptions of the queries. Second, we introduce a systematic evaluation protocol that assesses the prediction quality of a candidate system. To this end, we propose a task-specific metric that takes the similarity of the system output to Overpass queries on the levels of surface string, semantics, and syntax into account. Moreover, we ground the evaluation by executing the generated query against the OSM database and compare the returned elements with those returned by the gold query. Third, we explore several models and learning strategies to establish a base performance for the problem of generating Overpass queries from natural language. We finetuned sequence-to-sequence models and found that explicitly pretraining on code is not helpful for the task. We further explored in-context learning strategies for black-box LLMs and found that GPT-4 (OpenAI, 2023) with few-shot examples, retrieved by sentence similarity, yields best results, outperforming the finetuned sequence-to-sequence models.
The proposed Text-to-OverpassQL task, depicted in Figure 1, is a novel semantic parsing problem that is well motivated in real-world applications. While it shares characteristics with the Text-to-SQL task and its accompanying datasets, there are several key differences. The Text-to-OverpassQL task is grounded in a database that is genuinely in use and of global scale. The database is not divided into sub-databases or tables, and each Overpass query can retrieve any of the billions of stored elements in OSM. The desired elements have to be queried by a geographical specification and additional semantic tags. The tags are composed of key-value pairs that follow established community guidelines and conventions, but can also be open-vocabulary. Overall, the proposed task builds on a decades-long effort to structure and store the geographical world around us to make it computationally accessible. With this work, we offer all components to benchmark future semantic parsing systems on a challenging real-world task.
Our main contributions are as follows: (i) We present OverpassNL, a dataset of 8.5k natural language inputs paired with real-world Overpass queries. (ii) We define task-specific evaluation metrics that take the OverpassQL syntax into account and are grounded in database execution. (iii) We train and evaluate several state-of-the-art sequence generation models to establish base performance and to identify specific properties of the proposed Text-to-OverpassQL task.
2 Background
2.1 OpenStreetMap
OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a free and open geographic database that has been created and is maintained by a global community of voluntary contributors. The ever-growing community has over 10M registered members who have collectively contributed to the creation of the existing 9B elements in the database (OpenStreetMap Wiki, 2022). Elements are either nodes, ways, or relations. Nodes are annotated with geospatial coordinates. Ways are composed of multiple nodes and represent roads, building outlines, or area boundaries. Relations describe the relationships of elements, e.g., forming a municipal or major highway. Elements can be tagged with key-value pairs that assign semantic meaning and meta information. The OSM database is widely used in geodata analysis, scientific research, route planning applications, humanitarian aid projects, or augmented reality games. It also serves as a data source for geospatial services of companies like Facebook, Amazon, or Apple (OpenStreetMap Foundation, 2019).
2.2 Overpass Query Language
The Overpass Query Language (OverpassQL) is a “procedural, imperative programming language written with a C style syntax” (OpenStreetMap Wiki, 2023). It is used to query the OpenStreetMap database for geographic data and features. OverpassQL allows for detailed queries that are capable of extracting elements based on specific criteria, such as certain types of buildings, streets, or natural features within a defined area. Users can specify the types of elements they are interested in, and filter them by their associated key-value pairs.
Query Syntax
We briefly explain the OverpassQL syntax based on the query depicted in Figure 1 and refer to the official language guide for more information.2 The keyword geocodeArea in the first line triggers a geolocation service3 to find an area named “Troms”. The retrieved area is then assigned to a variable named searchArea. The third line queries for nodes that are tagged with the natural=peak key-value pair. The search is limited to nodes that are geographically within the previously defined searchArea. The nodes that fullfill these criteria are stored into the peaks variable. Line 5 queries for ways within the same area that are tagged with highway=cycleway and are within a radius of 500 meters around a node stored in peaks. Finally, the query requests a return of the specified ways.
3 Related Work
Natural Language Interfaces for Geodata
One of the first attempts to build a natural language interface for geographical data is GeoQuery (Zelle and Mooney, 1996; Kate et al., 2005a). It is a system based on Prolog, later adapted to SQL, and is tailored for a small database of U.S. geographical facts. Following work proposed methods to map the text input to the structured query language (Zettlemoyer and Collins, 2005; Kate et al., 2005b). A more recent attempt is NLmaps (Haas and Riezler, 2016; Lawrence and Riezler, 2016), which aimed to build a natural language interface for OpenStreetMap. For querying the database, they designed a machine readable language (MRL). The MRL is an abstraction of the Overpass Query Language, but it supports only a limited number of its features. To facilitate building more potent neural sequence-to-sequence parsers, they later released NLmaps v2 (Lawrence and Riezler, 2018) with augmented text and query pairs. Our work aims to support the Overpass Query Language without simplifications or abstractions, allowing to fully leverage the effort of the OpenStreetMap community that developed a query language that is optimally suited for the large-scale geospatial information in the OSM database.
The Text-to-SQL task (Tang and Mooney, 2001; Iyer et al., 2017; Li and Jagadish, 2014; Yaghmazadeh et al., 2017; Zhong et al., 2017) is closely related to the proposed Text-to-OverpassQL task and aims to provide a natural language interface to relational databases. While most of the work in this area focuses on a specific domain and database, the Spider (Yu et al., 2018) dataset provides text and queries for multiple databases spanning different domains. They emphasize the hurdles of collecting real databases with complex schemas and sufficient data records, and circumvent this problem by mainly sourcing the databases from educational material and populate them with synthetic data. In contrast, the OSM database is of global scale and is used in real-world applications. We highlight more differences between the datasets and underlying databases in Section 4.4. The Text-to-SQL task is commonly treated as a sequence-to-sequence problem (Lin et al., 2020; Yu et al., 2021). Some methods explicitly encode the database schema (Zhang et al., 2019), while Scholak et al. (2021) show that finetuning a pretrained T5 model (Raffel et al., 2019) matches the performance of more specialized systems. They further introduced PICARD, a constraint decoding method that is SQL specific and enforces syntactic correctness. With the advent of large language models and in-context learning, more recent work focuses on prompt engineering the task (Sun et al., 2023; Chen et al., 2023; Pourreza and Rafiei, 2023).
4 OverpassNL Dataset
In order to facilitate the Text-to-OverpassQL task, we constructed a parallel dataset of natural language inputs and Overpass queries. This was done by collecting queries written and shared by users of Overpass Turbo,4 a web tool that allows users to develop and execute Overpass queries within a graphical interface. We presented the queries to trained annotators who were tasked with writing natural language descriptions for them.
Initiating the dataset creation process with Overpass queries authored by real users and developers has several advantages: Firstly, the queries were created to satisfy legitimate information needs and, as such, cover a wide range of OverpassQL features. Also, the geographical coverage is high, as is shown in Figure 3 by the location distribution of elements returned by executing the queries in our dataset. Another advantage is that it is easier to teach annotators how to interpret Overpass queries than how to write them from scratch.
4.1 Query Annotation
For the annotation task, we recruited university students with proficient English skills and experience in database query languages like SQL. They had to complete a tutorial about OverpassQL and were subsequently tested on their knowledge. The test consisted of multiple choice questions and assignments to write text descriptions of pre-selected Overpass queries. Only the 15 students who passed this test were selected to participate in our annotation task. We built a graphical interface that showed them an Overpass query, the raw execution results, and the results rendered on a map. The task of the annotators was to write a natural language description that best represents the query. To ensure quality, we encouraged the annotators to use the Overpass documentation, continuously conducted spot tests on the submitted inputs, and required the annotators to validate the inputs written by other annotators. We paid 100€ per 250 annotations, resulting in a wage of around 20€/hour.
4.2 Dataset Statistics
In total we obtained 8,352 queries annotated with natural language inputs. We split these into 6,352 instances for training, 1,000 for development, and 1,000 test instances. We constructed the splits such that there are no (near) duplicates on the input side or query side between training and evaluation instances. Figure 2 gives some statistics illustrating important dataset properties. There are a total of 11,259 distinct words in the natural language inputs, the mean input length is 59.7 characters, the mean query length is 199.8 characters, and each query has an average of 11.9 syntactic units. A syntactic unit is a subtree in the XML representation of an Overpass query. The rightmost plot in Figure 2 shows the number of elements returned by executing the development set queries.
4.3 Complexity & Coverage
There are a total of 41 major syntax features5 in the Overpass Query Language. Thirty-one of these 41 features occur in at least 20 queries of our dataset, resulting in a feature coverage rate of 76%. See Figure 4 for a partial list of syntax features. Our queries utilize 1,046 unique keys to specify tagged elements. These keys cover 91% of all key usage in OpenStreetMap. The coverage of corresponding values is harder to estimate because of open-class keys like name, source, or operator. There are also keys that have recommended sets of values, e.g., the key leisure is commonly paired with swimming_pool, skatepark, or pitch. In total, we count 3,879 unique values and 4,880 unique key-value pairs in our dataset queries.
4.4 Comparison to Other Datasets
Because we are the first to present a dataset for the Text-to-OverpassQL task, we compare it to datasets of related tasks (see Table 1). GeoQuery (Zelle and Mooney, 1996) is a small-scale dataset with 880 instances that allow one to query 937 different geographical facts about the United States. NLmaps (Haas and Riezler, 2016) and NLmap v2 (Lawrence and Riezler, 2018) provide queries for OpenStreetMap paired with natural language inputs, however, the queries are written in their own restricted query language called MRL. In contrast, we generate queries in the well-established OverpassQL language that has more features and is widely used by the OpenStreetMap community. Additionally, the NLmaps datasets only include up to 347 distinct keys in key-value pairs, limiting the semantic expressiveness of generated queries. Furthermore, NLmaps was built for an older version of the OSM database comprising one third of the size of the current version used in our work. WikiSQL (Zhong et al., 2017) converts single tables from Wikipedia articles to SQL databases and annotates queries with natural language inputs for them. While the dataset is of large scale, it contains only simple SQL queries and unconnected tables. The Spider dataset (Yu et al., 2018) includes 166 distinct databases of different domains and was collected for the Text-to-SQL task. Each natural language input in the dataset is intended for a specific database that is known a priori. This significantly reduces the number of relevant table names and column names per query, and simplifies the task by allowing to append known table and column names together with the database schema to the input. This stands in stark contrast to our Text-to-OverpassQL task where each query can utilize any key-value pair and retrieve elements from the entire OSM database, making it harder to predict the correct named identifiers for the desired elements. Also, the number of returned elements per query is orders of magnitude larger than in SQL related datasets. This makes the grounded evaluation harder by minimizing the likelihood of false positive matches in execution accuracy.
Dataset . | Query . | Number of . | Query . | Named Identifiers . | Extractable Elements . | Results . | ||
Language . | Instances . | Templates . | total . | per database . | total . | per database . | per query . | |
GeoQuery | SQL | 880 | 234 | 31 & 7 | 31 & 7 | 937 | 51 | 5 |
NLmaps | MRL | 2,380 | 379 | 107 | 107 | 3.4B | 3.4B | – |
NLmaps v2 | MRL | 28,609 | 360 | 347 | 347 | 3.4B | 3.4B | – |
WikiSQL | SQL | 81,654 | – | 168k | 6.38 | 460k | 11 | 1 |
Spider | SQL | 10,181 | 5,693 | 4,669 & 876 | 58 & 5 | 1.6M | 9.6k | 30 |
OverpassNL | OverpassQL | 8,352 | 3,890 | 1,046 | 1,046 | 9B | 9B | 10k |
Dataset . | Query . | Number of . | Query . | Named Identifiers . | Extractable Elements . | Results . | ||
Language . | Instances . | Templates . | total . | per database . | total . | per database . | per query . | |
GeoQuery | SQL | 880 | 234 | 31 & 7 | 31 & 7 | 937 | 51 | 5 |
NLmaps | MRL | 2,380 | 379 | 107 | 107 | 3.4B | 3.4B | – |
NLmaps v2 | MRL | 28,609 | 360 | 347 | 347 | 3.4B | 3.4B | – |
WikiSQL | SQL | 81,654 | – | 168k | 6.38 | 460k | 11 | 1 |
Spider | SQL | 10,181 | 5,693 | 4,669 & 876 | 58 & 5 | 1.6M | 9.6k | 30 |
OverpassNL | OverpassQL | 8,352 | 3,890 | 1,046 | 1,046 | 9B | 9B | 10k |
5 Task & Evaluation
The Text-to-OverpassQL task requires a user to generate an Overpass query q, given a natural language input x. A model for this task aims to accurately translate the request, formulated in natural language, into code, written in the Overpass Query Language, that returns the correct elements when executed against the OpenStreetMap database. In order to evaluate such a system, we propose to use different evaluation metrics. These include metrics that compare the generated query with the reference query, and metrics that compare the results returned by executing the queries against the OSM database. In order to make the execution results reproducible, we release the evaluation script and a Docker container with the exact snapshot of the OSM database we used. We further describe the metrics in detail.
5.1 Overpass Query Similarity Evaluation
5.2 Grounded Evaluation
The nature of the Text-to-OverpassQL task allows us to perform a grounded evaluation of generated queries by executing them against the OSM database. We quantify the correctness of the database execution by Execution Accuracy (EX), which measures the exact match of all elements returned by executing the generated query and the reference query. Each returned element has an identifier number that is unique within OSM. We use this identifier number to determine exact matching of results. The plot on the right in Figure 2 shows that there are up to 107 elements returned by a query. The matching by unique identifier and large number of returned elements make EX an inherently hard metric to satisfy.
6 Experiments
In the following, we present experiments that showcase the opportunities to train machine learning models on the OverpassNL dataset and establish base performance of commonly used techniques. We finetuned sequence-to-sequence models of different sizes and pretraining settings. Additionally, we adapted black-box large language models with different in-context learning strategies. All models are evaluated with the proposed similarity and grounded metrics, as well as exact string match (EM).
6.1 Finetuning
The task of generating Overpass queries from text is a sequence-to-sequence problem and can be addressed by a model with encoder-decoder architecture. The encoder processes the input text and the decoder autoregressively generates the Overpass query. In order to choose a suitable pretrained model, we focused on the T5 family of models because of their strong performance in a variety of sequence-to-sequence tasks (Raffel et al., 2019), in particular Text-to-SQL (Scholak et al., 2021). Besides the vanilla T5 model,6 the family also includes models specifically trained for code generation (CodeT5; Wang et al., 2021) and models with byte-level tokenization (ByT5; Xue et al., 2022). Because neither model has been trained on data covering OverpassQL syntax, we ran experiments to compare the finetuning of CodeT5 and ByT5 on the training portion of our dataset. To expand the training set, we additionally created instances from comments that query authors to put in some lines with the intention to describe the line’s purpose and functionality. We extracted the comments and used them as the natural language input for the respective query. This produced 6,000 additional training instances. We finetune all parameters (full finetuning) for 30 epochs using the Adam (Kingma and Ba, 2015) optimizer with weight decay of 0.1. The maximum learning rate is 4 × 10−4 with warmup for 10% of the steps and a linear decay schedule. Training batch size is 16 and we decode with four search beams.
The upper half of Table 2 shows the results for combinations of model type, model size, and training data, evaluated on the development set. In general, the base variant of the models is better than the small variant. We did not gain further improvements by finetuning even larger variants of the models. The results also show that the ByT5 models are better suited for our task than the CodeT5 models. Although the instances derived from developer comments are of low quality, they contribute to consistent improvements in execution accuracy for all models. The best model for our task is ByT5-base with 582M parameters, finetuned on the enhanced training set. We further refer to this model as OverpassT5.
Model . | Setting . | Overpass Query Similarity . | EM . | Execution Accuracy . | ||||
chrF . | KVS . | TreeS . | OQS . | EX . | EXsoft . | |||
Finetuning | ||||||||
CodeT5-small | +comments | 74.0 ±0.2 | 61.2 ±0.6 | 72.2 ±0.1 | 69.1 ±0.2 | 18.5 ±0.1 | 31.9 ±0.9 | 41.9 ±0.6 |
CodeT5-small | 74.1 ±0.2 | 62.4 ±0.7 | 72.7 ±0.3 | 69.8 ±0.2 | 18.9 ±0.4 | 32.7 ±0.6 | 43.9 ±0.5 | |
CodeT5-base | +comments | 74.6 ±0.0 | 63.2 ±0.4 | 73.0 ±0.1 | 70.3 ±0.2 | 19.8 ±0.4 | 33.3 ±0.3 | 44.3 ±0.1 |
CodeT5-base | 74.9 ±0.1 | 63.6 ±0.5 | 73.5 ±0.1 | 70.7 ±0.2 | 20.3 ±0.2 | 34.5 ±0.4 | 46.2 ±0.4 | |
ByT5-small | +comments | 74.8 ±0.2 | 64.4 ±0.2 | 73.1 ±0.2 | 70.8 ±0.2 | 20.4 ±0.1 | 35.4 ±0.3 | 46.8 ±0.3 |
ByT5-small | 75.0 ±0.0 | 64.6 ±0.2 | 73.4 ±0.2 | 71.0 ±0.1 | 21.0 ±0.3 | 36.0 ±0.4 | 46.2 ±0.5 | |
ByT5-base | +comments | 75.5 ±0.0 | 65.0 ±0.2 | 73.8 ±0.2 | 71.4 ±0.0 | 21.9 ±0.4 | 36.2 ±0.0 | 46.7 ±0.4 |
ByT5-base | 75.5 ±0.1 | 66.0 ±0.2 | 73.7 ±0.4 | 71.7 ±0.1 | 22.0 ±0.1 | 36.7 ±0.6 | 47.0 ±1.0 | |
5-Shot In-Context Learning | ||||||||
GPT-3 | random | 58.8 | 48.8 | 57.5 | 55.0 | 4.1 | 16.9 | 28.0 |
GPT-3 | retrieval-BLEU | 67.4 | 55.5 | 66.8 | 63.3 | 18.0 | 28.7 | 37.7 |
GPT-3 | retrieval-sBERT | 72.1 | 63.3 | 69.9 | 68.4 | 19.5 | 34.1 | 44.2 |
GPT-4 | random | 63.8 | 57.5 | 61.1 | 60.8 | 5.1 | 25.4 | 39.5 |
GPT-4 | retrieval-BLEU | 74.3 | 66.1 | 72.4 | 71.0 | 22.9 | 38.5 | 50.7 |
GPT-4 | retrieval-sBERT | 75.7 | 69.9 | 74.0 | 73.2 | 23.4 | 40.4 | 53.0 |
Model . | Setting . | Overpass Query Similarity . | EM . | Execution Accuracy . | ||||
chrF . | KVS . | TreeS . | OQS . | EX . | EXsoft . | |||
Finetuning | ||||||||
CodeT5-small | +comments | 74.0 ±0.2 | 61.2 ±0.6 | 72.2 ±0.1 | 69.1 ±0.2 | 18.5 ±0.1 | 31.9 ±0.9 | 41.9 ±0.6 |
CodeT5-small | 74.1 ±0.2 | 62.4 ±0.7 | 72.7 ±0.3 | 69.8 ±0.2 | 18.9 ±0.4 | 32.7 ±0.6 | 43.9 ±0.5 | |
CodeT5-base | +comments | 74.6 ±0.0 | 63.2 ±0.4 | 73.0 ±0.1 | 70.3 ±0.2 | 19.8 ±0.4 | 33.3 ±0.3 | 44.3 ±0.1 |
CodeT5-base | 74.9 ±0.1 | 63.6 ±0.5 | 73.5 ±0.1 | 70.7 ±0.2 | 20.3 ±0.2 | 34.5 ±0.4 | 46.2 ±0.4 | |
ByT5-small | +comments | 74.8 ±0.2 | 64.4 ±0.2 | 73.1 ±0.2 | 70.8 ±0.2 | 20.4 ±0.1 | 35.4 ±0.3 | 46.8 ±0.3 |
ByT5-small | 75.0 ±0.0 | 64.6 ±0.2 | 73.4 ±0.2 | 71.0 ±0.1 | 21.0 ±0.3 | 36.0 ±0.4 | 46.2 ±0.5 | |
ByT5-base | +comments | 75.5 ±0.0 | 65.0 ±0.2 | 73.8 ±0.2 | 71.4 ±0.0 | 21.9 ±0.4 | 36.2 ±0.0 | 46.7 ±0.4 |
ByT5-base | 75.5 ±0.1 | 66.0 ±0.2 | 73.7 ±0.4 | 71.7 ±0.1 | 22.0 ±0.1 | 36.7 ±0.6 | 47.0 ±1.0 | |
5-Shot In-Context Learning | ||||||||
GPT-3 | random | 58.8 | 48.8 | 57.5 | 55.0 | 4.1 | 16.9 | 28.0 |
GPT-3 | retrieval-BLEU | 67.4 | 55.5 | 66.8 | 63.3 | 18.0 | 28.7 | 37.7 |
GPT-3 | retrieval-sBERT | 72.1 | 63.3 | 69.9 | 68.4 | 19.5 | 34.1 | 44.2 |
GPT-4 | random | 63.8 | 57.5 | 61.1 | 60.8 | 5.1 | 25.4 | 39.5 |
GPT-4 | retrieval-BLEU | 74.3 | 66.1 | 72.4 | 71.0 | 22.9 | 38.5 | 50.7 |
GPT-4 | retrieval-sBERT | 75.7 | 69.9 | 74.0 | 73.2 | 23.4 | 40.4 | 53.0 |
6.2 In-Context Learning
We furthermore explore the use of in-context learning for the Text-to-OverpassQL task. We prompt large language models to generate an Overpass query for the given text input while providing five example pairs as context. The example pairs are selected from the training set, either randomly or by input similarity (Liu et al., 2022). We compare BLEU (Papineni et al., 2002) and sentence-BERT embedding similarity (Reimers and Gurevych, 2019) as metrics to retrieve the most similar examples.
Figure 5 shows that the quality of queries generated by LLaMa (Touvron et al., 2023) increases with the model size. The lower half of Table 2 shows results for the even bigger GPT-3 (text-davinci-003; Brown et al., 2020) and GPT-4 (gpt-4-0314; OpenAI, 2023) models. We see a similar trend of improved results with increasing model size. Furthermore, retrieving similar instances from the training set as in-context examples is consistently better than a random selection. We also see that retrieval by sentence-BERT embedding similarity is better than retrieval by BLEU score. Best results are obtained for GPT-4 with sBERT retrieval, which will simply be referred to as GPT-4 in the following.
6.3 Comparison between Finetuning and In-Context Learning
In the previous sections, we selected the best models for finetuning and for in-context learning, based on development set performance. In order to compare the two models, we present results on the test set in Table 3 (top). While the surface metrics OQS and EM are nearly identical for both models, GPT-4 significantly outperforms OverpassT5 in the execution based metrics. It is also interesting that the queries generated by GPT-4 are more likely to raise syntax errors (#Errors), despite achieving higher execution accuracy. Inspecting the individual components of OQS reveals that GPT-4 is better at generating correct key-value pairs, indicating that they are more important for correct execution results than faithfulness to the syntax of the reference query. We conjecture that the reason is that GPT-4 has likely seen a larger amount of OSM key-value pairs during pretraining than the finetuned models that are limited to OSM knowledge acquired from our training set. Table 3 (bottom) shows the results on the hard partition of the test set (defined in Section 7.1). All performance metrics decrease significantly, without affecting the relative improvement of GPT-4 over OverpassT5. Notably, the majority of syntax errors stem from this partition of the test set.
Model . | Overpass Query Similarity . | EM . | #Errors . | Execution Accuracy . | ||||
chrF . | KVS . | TreeS . | OQS . | EX . | EXsoft . | |||
Full Test Set (1,000 Instances) | ||||||||
OverpassT5 | 74.9 ±0.1 | 66.1 ±0.3 | 72.7 ±0.2 | 71.2 ±0.2 | 20.7 ±0.2 | 23 ±5.6 | 33.9 ±0.1 | 46.3 ±0.3 |
GPT-4 | 73.6 | 68.6 | 72.0 | 71.4 | 20.7 | 34 | 38.9 | 53.0 |
Hard Partition (333 Instances) | ||||||||
OverpassT5 | 62.8 ±0.4 | 57.7 ±0.4 | 56.6 ±0.3 | 59.1 ±0.3 | 8.8 ±0.3 | 15 ±4.5 | 18.7 ±0.1 | 29.7 ±0.5 |
GPT-4 | 61.4 | 59.6 | 56.3 | 59.1 | 9.0 | 25 | 22.2 | 35.3 |
Model . | Overpass Query Similarity . | EM . | #Errors . | Execution Accuracy . | ||||
chrF . | KVS . | TreeS . | OQS . | EX . | EXsoft . | |||
Full Test Set (1,000 Instances) | ||||||||
OverpassT5 | 74.9 ±0.1 | 66.1 ±0.3 | 72.7 ±0.2 | 71.2 ±0.2 | 20.7 ±0.2 | 23 ±5.6 | 33.9 ±0.1 | 46.3 ±0.3 |
GPT-4 | 73.6 | 68.6 | 72.0 | 71.4 | 20.7 | 34 | 38.9 | 53.0 |
Hard Partition (333 Instances) | ||||||||
OverpassT5 | 62.8 ±0.4 | 57.7 ±0.4 | 56.6 ±0.3 | 59.1 ±0.3 | 8.8 ±0.3 | 15 ±4.5 | 18.7 ±0.1 | 29.7 ±0.5 |
GPT-4 | 61.4 | 59.6 | 56.3 | 59.1 | 9.0 | 25 | 22.2 | 35.3 |
In sum, while GPT-4 is better at generating queries that return correct results, the OverpassT5 model is better at producing faithful OverpassQL syntax. However, GPT-4’s advantage in execution accuracy comes at a computational cost. OverpassT5 is orders of magnitude smaller, resulting in faster inference speed and likely lower monetary cost per query. Also, GPT-4 is a 3rd-party API and does not allow for self-hosting, implying privacy concerns.
7 Analysis
7.1 Instance Difficulty
To better assess the performance of our proposed models, we aim to divide the evaluation instances into three difficulty partitions. Figure 6 displays EXsoft results for the easy, medium, and hard partitions according to different difficulty criteria. A straightforward difficulty metric like the length of the input text has little influence on the accuracy. Using the length or complexity of the query (measured as the number of syntactic units) as difficulty metric leads to a clearer partition into easy, medium, and hard instances. Surprisingly, partitioning the instances based on their maximum input text similarity to any training instance leads to an undesired negative correlation of EXsoft and difficulty where the instances with the lowest similarity to training inputs achieve best EXsoft results. Finally, the clearest partition into instances of different difficulty is achieved by using the maximum similarity of a query to any query in the training set, where query similarity is measured by the OQS metric. A partitioning based on similarity to training queries can be seen as out-of-distribution testing since it measures the performance for instances that are less likely to be memorized from the training set. We thus use this criterion to select instances constituting the hard partition in the experiments in Section 6.
7.2 Human Expert Evaluation
One motivation of the Text-to-OverpassQL task is to facilitate a system that assists expert users with crafting queries. While the surface and execution metrics allow us to compare different models, it is difficult to estimate how helpful imperfect queries are to human developers. To this end, we conducted an evaluation of the OverpassT5 outputs by human experts. They are Overpass developers that were acquired by postings in Overpass communities and they participated voluntarily in our experiment. They had to rate the helpfulness of a query given the input text on a scale from “very unhelpful” to “very helpful”. There were seven experts casting a total of 228 votes across 100 instances of the hard partition. The results in Figure 7 show that the majority of generated queries were rated helpful, and less than a third were deemed unhelpful. This shows that even for the hardest test instances, the OverpassT5 model generates queries that are mostly helpful for developers when crafting a new query.
7.3 Self-Refinement from Execution Feedback
Recently, studies have shown that LLMs are able to self-refine their own outputs (Madaan et al., 2023). The generated hypothesis is appended to the context and the LLM is prompted to generate an improved version. We conduct self-refine experiments for GPT-4 by appending the generated query and by additionally providing feedback from the query execution. If the query cannot be executed, we use the error message as feedback, otherwise we append a sample of the returned elements to the prompt. Table 4 shows results for self-refinement in two scenarios where either self-refinement is applied to all queries, or only to queries that raised a syntax error during execution. The results show that only refining syntax errors reduces the error count from 24 to 7 if an explicit error message is appended to the prompt, compared to a reduction to 19 errors if only the generated query is appended. However, this only leads to a slight increase in execution accuracy. On the other hand, refining all instances leads to an increase in errors, but also improves EXsoft by 1.5 points when providing explicit feedback. These experiments show that there is still room for improving query generation with clever prompting techniques. Figure 8 shows the prompt incorporating hypothesis and execution feedback. The feedback is either an error if raised during execution, the returned results, or “No results found”.
Model . | OQS . | EM . | #Errors . | EX . | EXsoft . |
GPT-4 | 73.2 | 23.4 | 24 | 40.4 | 53.0 |
Refine Syntax Errors Only | |||||
no feedback | 73.2 | 23.4 | 19 | 40.4 | 53.1 |
with feedback | 73.2 | 23.4 | 7 | 40.7 | 53.7 |
Refine All Instances | |||||
no feedback | 73.1 | 21.9 | 31 | 39.6 | 52.9 |
with feedback | 73.1 | 23.4 | 26 | 41.4 | 54.5 |
Model . | OQS . | EM . | #Errors . | EX . | EXsoft . |
GPT-4 | 73.2 | 23.4 | 24 | 40.4 | 53.0 |
Refine Syntax Errors Only | |||||
no feedback | 73.2 | 23.4 | 19 | 40.4 | 53.1 |
with feedback | 73.2 | 23.4 | 7 | 40.7 | 53.7 |
Refine All Instances | |||||
no feedback | 73.1 | 21.9 | 31 | 39.6 | 52.9 |
with feedback | 73.1 | 23.4 | 26 | 41.4 | 54.5 |
8 Conclusion
We introduced a novel semantic parsing task, called Text-to-OverpassQL. The objective of this task is to generate Overpass queries from natural language inputs. We highlighted its relevance within the OpenStreetMap ecosystem and related it to similar tasks. We identified key differences to the Text-to-SQL that pose unique challenges. To facilitate research on the task, we proposed OverpassNL, a dataset of real-world Overpass queries and corresponding annotations with natural language inputs. We used this dataset to train several state-of-the-art models and establish a base performance of the task. In order to measure prediction performance, we proposed task-specific metrics that take the OverpassQL syntax into account and are grounded in database execution. We presented a detailed evaluation of results that reveals the strengths and weaknesses of the considered learning strategies. We hope that our work serves as a foundation for further research on the challenging task of semantic parsing of geographical information needs grounded in the large and widely used OpenStreetMap database.
The research reported in this paper was supported by a Google Focused Research Award on “Learning to Negotiate Answers in Multi-Pass Semantic Parsing”. We also thank Martin Raifer for helping us to acquire queries shared by Overpass Turbo users.
The shared queries constitute an unrestricted collection that is publicly available on https://overpass-turbo.eu/. The website is maintained by Martin Raifer, who helped us to acquire queries shared between 2014–2022.
The vanilla T5 model is not suited for code or Overpass because it lacks tokens for ‘{’ or ‘[’ (Wang et al., 2021).
Author notes
Equal contribution.
Work done while at Computational Linguistics, Heidelberg University.
Action Editor: Keith Hall