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Robert Frank
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics (2023) 11: 1377–1395.
Published: 13 November 2023
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Language models are typically evaluated on their success at predicting the distribution of specific words in specific contexts. Yet linguistic knowledge also encodes relationships between contexts, allowing inferences between word distributions. We investigate the degree to which pre-trained transformer-based large language models (LLMs) represent such relationships, focusing on the domain of argument structure. We find that LLMs perform well in generalizing the distribution of a novel noun argument between related contexts that were seen during pre-training (e.g., the active object and passive subject of the verb spray ), succeeding by making use of the semantically organized structure of the embedding space for word embeddings. However, LLMs fail at generalizations between related contexts that have not been observed during pre-training, but which instantiate more abstract, but well-attested structural generalizations (e.g., between the active object and passive subject of an arbitrary verb). Instead, in this case, LLMs show a bias to generalize based on linear order. This finding points to a limitation with current models and points to a reason for which their training is data-intensive. 1
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics (2022) 10: 800–810.
Published: 27 July 2022
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This paper analyzes three formal models of Transformer encoders that differ in the form of their self-attention mechanism: unique hard attention (UHAT); generalized unique hard attention (GUHAT), which generalizes UHAT; and averaging hard attention (AHAT). We show that UHAT and GUHAT Transformers, viewed as string acceptors, can only recognize formal languages in the complexity class AC 0 , the class of languages recognizable by families of Boolean circuits of constant depth and polynomial size. This upper bound subsumes Hahn’s ( 2020 ) results that GUHAT cannot recognize the DYCK languages or the PARITY language, since those languages are outside AC 0 (Furst et al., 1984 ). In contrast, the non-AC 0 languages MAJORITY and DYCK -1 are recognizable by AHAT networks, implying that AHAT can recognize languages that UHAT and GUHAT cannot.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics (2020) 8: 125–140.
Published: 01 January 2020
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Learners that are exposed to the same training data might generalize differently due to differing inductive biases. In neural network models, inductive biases could in theory arise from any aspect of the model architecture. We investigate which architectural factors affect the generalization behavior of neural sequence-to-sequence models trained on two syntactic tasks, English question formation and English tense reinflection. For both tasks, the training set is consistent with a generalization based on hierarchical structure and a generalization based on linear order. All architectural factors that we investigated qualitatively affected how models generalized, including factors with no clear connection to hierarchical structure. For example, LSTMs and GRUs displayed qualitatively different inductive biases. However, the only factor that consistently contributed a hierarchical bias across tasks was the use of a tree-structured model rather than a model with sequential recurrence, suggesting that human-like syntactic generalization requires architectural syntactic structure.