ED. NOTE: At the memorial service for Pauline Maier, William Kenan Jr. Professor of History at MIT, Bernard Bailyn's eulogy for his former graduate student revealed his engagement as an adviser while displaying his keen appreciation of Pauline Maier's intellectual temperament. Maier, who had once served as Bailyn's “grader,” went on to become one of the foremost scholars of Revolutionary America. Her first book, From Resistance to Revolution: Colonial Radicals and the Development of American Opposition to Britain, 1765–1776 (1972), grew out of her dissertation. The studies that followed—The Old Revolutionaries: Political Lives in the Age of Samuel Adams (1980), American Scripture: Making the Declaration of Independence (1997), and Ratification: The People Debate the Constitution (2010)—won critical acclaim and prestigious awards for Maier's fresh research and literary craftsmanship. She was the first professor of early American history at the University of Massachusetts Boston and taught at the University of...
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September 2022
September 01 2022
Bernard Bailyn's Eulogy for Pauline Maier (1938–2013) October 29, 2013
Bernard Bailyn
Online ISSN: 1937-2213
Print ISSN: 0028-4866
© 2022 by The New England
The New England Quarterly
The New England Quarterly (2022) 95 (3): 551–555.
Bernard Bailyn; Bernard Bailyn's Eulogy for Pauline Maier (1938–2013) October 29, 2013. The New England Quarterly 2022; 95 (3): 551–555. doi: https://doi.org/10.1162/tneq_a_00957
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