MOST of the writing was done at home, where there was always a study. Though I remember vividly coming home to our first apartment once and finding Bud in the middle of the living room shuffling around dozens of 3×5 cards spread all over the floor. I think he was outlining one of the last chapters of the dissertation.

First drafts were written by hand, in ink (with a special pen), on non-shiny yellow paper attached to a clipboard. (It was the same paper on which he drew his doodles, much to the delight of his granddaughters.) These hand-written paragraphs were then transferred originally to an ordinary typewriter, later to an electric typewriter and finally, after much hesitation, into a computer. He never learned to touch type, but used two fingers, which quickly began to move quite fast—though often with some mistakes. Undoing those went from whiteout, made especially for...

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