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“So Manifest a Signe from Heaven”: Monstrosity and Heresy in the Antinomian Controversy
The New England Quarterly (2010) 83 (2): 179–199.
“A Fine Romance”: The Courtship Correspondence between Louisa Catherine Johnson and John Quincy Adams
The New England Quarterly (2010) 83 (2): 200–218.
Lineage as Capital: Genealogy in Antebellum New England
The New England Quarterly (2010) 83 (2): 250–282.
Faking It: Social Bluffing and Class Difference in Howells's The Rise of Silas Lapham
The New England Quarterly (2010) 83 (2): 283–312.
“An Unpardonable Bit of Folly and Impertinence”: Charles Francis Adams Jr., American Anti-Imperialists, and the Philippines
The New England Quarterly (2010) 83 (2): 313–338.
Book Reviews
Black Walden: Slavery and Its Aftermath in Concord, Massachusetts
The New England Quarterly (2010) 83 (2): 339–341.
Social and Economic Networks in Early Massachusetts: Atlantic Connections
The New England Quarterly (2010) 83 (2): 349–352.
Gideon's People: Being a Chronicle of an American Indian Community in Colonial Connecticut and the Moravian Missionaries Who Served There
The New England Quarterly (2010) 83 (2): 352–355.
The Inception of Modern Professional Education: C. C. Langdell, 1826–1906
The New England Quarterly (2010) 83 (2): 367–369.
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