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Building Bensalem at Massachusetts Bay: Francis Bacon and the Wisdom of Eden in Early Modern New England
The New England Quarterly (2010) 83 (4): 577–606.
“Scattered as Christians Are in This Part of Our Country”: Layfolk's Reading, Writing, and Religious Community in New England's Northern Frontier, 1780–1830
The New England Quarterly (2010) 83 (4): 607–640.
The Taming of God: Revealed Religion and Natural Religion in the Eighteenth-Century Harvard Dudleian Lectures
The New England Quarterly (2010) 83 (4): 641–673.
“You Ain't No Christian, Not ‘Cordin’ to Gospel Truth”: The Literary Theology of Rose Terry Cooke
The New England Quarterly (2010) 83 (4): 674–704.
Memoranda and Documents
Book Reviews
Prospero's America: John Winthrop, Jr., Alchemy, and the Creation of New England Culture, 1606–1676
The New England Quarterly (2010) 83 (4): 719–721.
Strangers and Pilgrims, Travellers and Sojourners: Leiden and the Foundations of Plymouth Plantation
The New England Quarterly (2010) 83 (4): 724–726.
Emily Dickinson and Hymn Culture: Tradition and Experience
The New England Quarterly (2010) 83 (4): 726–729.
A Captain's Duty: Somali Pirates, Navy SEALs, and Dangerous Days at Sea
The New England Quarterly (2010) 83 (4): 738–741.
American Insurgents, American Patriots: The Revolution of the People
The New England Quarterly (2010) 83 (4): 741–743.
Ten Hills Farm: The Forgotten History of Slavery in the North
The New England Quarterly (2010) 83 (4): 748–750.
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