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From Discontented Bostonians to Patriotic Industrialists: The Boston Associates and the Transcontinental Treaty, 1790–1825
The New England Quarterly (2011) 84 (3): 377–401.
Exercising Their Right: African American Voter Turnout in Antebellum Newport, Rhode Island
The New England Quarterly (2011) 84 (3): 402–421.
How To Mind Your Own Business: Thoreau on Political Indifference
The New England Quarterly (2011) 84 (3): 422–443.
Piscatorial Politics: Fishery Regulation and the Economic Future of Rhode Island, 1869–1872
The New England Quarterly (2011) 84 (3): 444–472.
Essay Review
Book Reviews
The Imperfect Revolution: Anthony Burns and the Landscape of Race in Antebellum America; Fugitive Slave on Trial: The Anthony Burns Case and Abolitionist Outrage
The New England Quarterly (2011) 84 (3): 512–515.
Reading Emily Dickinson's Letters: Critical Essays; The Creative Crone: Aging and the Poetry of May Sarton and Adrienne Rich
The New England Quarterly (2011) 84 (3): 520–522.
Architecture and Academe: College Buildings in New England before 1860
The New England Quarterly (2011) 84 (3): 528–530.
Liberal Education for a Land of Colleges: Yale's "Reports" of 1828
The New England Quarterly (2011) 84 (3): 530–533.
The Chosen Peoples: America, Israel, and the Ordeals of Divine Election
The New England Quarterly (2011) 84 (3): 533–536.
Transcendental Resistance: The New Americanists and Emerson's Challenge
The New England Quarterly (2011) 84 (3): 539–541.
Elizabeth Bishop and "The New Yorker": The Complete Correspondence
The New England Quarterly (2011) 84 (3): 542–544.
Castorland Journal: An Account of the Exploration and Settlement of New York State by French Émigrés in the Years 1793 to 1797
The New England Quarterly (2011) 84 (3): 544–546.
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