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Cotton Mather Brings Isaac Watts's Hymns to America; or, How to Perform a Hymn without Singing It
The New England Quarterly (2012) 85 (2): 203–221.
Beyond the “Halfway Covenant”: Church Membership, Extended Baptism, and Outreach in Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1656–1667
The New England Quarterly (2012) 85 (2): 281–301.
“Once Masculines … Now Feminines Awhile”: Gendered Imagery and the Significance of Anne Bradstreet's The Tenth Muse
The New England Quarterly (2012) 85 (2): 302–325.
Memoranda and Documents
“Don't Speak to me, but Write on this”: The Childhood Almanacs of Mary and Katherine Byles
The New England Quarterly (2012) 85 (2): 335–352.
Book Reviews
Cotton Mather, Biblia Americana, Volume 1: Genesis
The New England Quarterly (2012) 85 (2): 355–358.
Hannah Mather Crocker: Reminiscences and Traditions of Boston
The New England Quarterly (2012) 85 (2): 358–360.
The Politics of Fashion in Eighteenth-Century America
The New England Quarterly (2012) 85 (2): 360–363.
Miraculous Plagues: An Epidemiology of Early New England Narrative
The New England Quarterly (2012) 85 (2): 363–365.
Clearing the Coastline: The Nineteenth-Century Ecological and Cultural Transformation of Cape Cod
The New England Quarterly (2012) 85 (2): 374–376.
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