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A Prince Went Up a Tree and Climbed into Colonial Typography: or Reversing Lettered and Unlettered in the Wampanoag Bible
The New England Quarterly (2019) 92 (1): 6–45.
“A Very Dangerous Talent”: Wit for Women in Hannah Webster Foster's The Boarding School
The New England Quarterly (2019) 92 (1): 46–74.
New Voices
Sleepy Hollow in Concord: Melville's Gothic Parody of Transcendentalist Spirit in “The Apple-Tree Table”
The New England Quarterly (2019) 92 (1): 109–142.
Book Reviews
American Harmony: Inspired Choral Miniatures from New England, Appalachia, the Mid-Atlantic, the South, and the Midwest
The New England Quarterly (2019) 92 (1): 143–146.
Lives of Consequence: Blacks in Early Kittery & Berwick in the Massachusetts Province of Maine
The New England Quarterly (2019) 92 (1): 146–149.
Above the American Renaissance: David S. Reynolds and the Spiritual Imagination in American Literary Studies
The New England Quarterly (2019) 92 (1): 149–152.
American Sectionalism in the British Mind, 1832–1863
The New England Quarterly (2019) 92 (1): 153–155.
City of Second Sight: Nineteenth-Century Boston and the Making of American Visual Culture
The New England Quarterly (2019) 92 (1): 156–159.
People Before Highways: Boston Activists, Urban Planners, and a New Movement for City Making
The New England Quarterly (2019) 92 (1): 165–168.
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