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In Memoriam
“Dear New England”: Margaret Fuller on Region, Nation, and Home
The New England Quarterly (2020) 93 (3): 371–381.
Becoming a “Nation of Statesmen”: The Mohicans' Incorporation into the Iroquois League, 1671–1675
The New England Quarterly (2020) 93 (3): 414–461.
Temporal Derangement and Historical Entanglement in Nathaniel Hawthorne's Alice Doane's Appeal
The New England Quarterly (2020) 93 (3): 462–488.
Barbarous Howling, Sonic Space, and Identity: The New England Regular Singing Controversy of the 1720s
The New England Quarterly (2020) 93 (3): 489–509.
Book Reviews
Overwhelmed: Literature, Aesthetics, and the Nineteenth-Century Information Revolution
The New England Quarterly (2020) 93 (3): 512–515.
Surviving Genocide: Native Nations and the United States from the American Revolution to Bleeding Kansas
The New England Quarterly (2020) 93 (3): 516–518.
Standard-Bearers of Equality: America's First Abolition Movement
The New England Quarterly (2020) 93 (3): 518–521.
Selling the Sights: The Invention of the Tourist in American Culture
The New England Quarterly (2020) 93 (3): 527–530.
Beyond the New Deal Order: U.S. Politics from the Great Depression to the Great Recession
The New England Quarterly (2020) 93 (3): 540–543.
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