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March 2021
ISSN 0028-4866
EISSN 1937-2213
In this Issue
Anti-Abolitionism in New England
“This Most Atrocious Crusade Against Personal Freedom” Anti-abolitionist Violence in Boston on the Eve of War
The New England Quarterly (2021) 94 (1): 47–81.
“Where the great serpent of Slavery … basks himself all summer long”: Antebellum Newport and the South
The New England Quarterly (2021) 94 (1): 82–106.
Which Ethics for Essex? Elizabeth Gaskell, Salem Witchcraft, and the Problem of Forgiveness
The New England Quarterly (2021) 94 (1): 108–141.
New Voices
Book Reviews
Shaker Vision: Seeing Beauty in Early America. By Joseph Manca
The New England Quarterly (2021) 94 (1): 171–173.
Rethinking Sympathy and Human Contact in Nineteenth-Century American Literature: Hawthorne, Douglass, Stowe, Dickinson. By Marianne Noble
The New England Quarterly (2021) 94 (1): 173–176.
Crying the News: A History of America's Newsboys. By Vincent DiGirolamo
The New England Quarterly (2021) 94 (1): 180–182.
Saving America's Cities: Ed Logue and the Struggle to Renew Urban America in the Suburban Age. By Lizabeth Cohen
The New England Quarterly (2021) 94 (1): 183–186.
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