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September 2021
ISSN 0028-4866
EISSN 1937-2213
2020 Whitehill Prize Essay
“The Presence of Improper Females” Reforming Theater in Boston and Providence, 1820s–1840s
The New England Quarterly (2021) 94 (3): 394–430.
Memoranda and Documents
Author, Author: A Short Story of the Rise, reign and ruine of the late Antinomians, Familists, and Libertines (1644) Reappraised
The New England Quarterly (2021) 94 (3): 431–458.
Review Essay
Thomas Hutchinson and Vernacular Constitutionalism
The New England Quarterly (2021) 94 (3): 459–466.
Book Reviews
Gateways to Empire: Quebec and New Amsterdam to 1664
The New England Quarterly (2021) 94 (3): 473–477.
American Intelligence: Small-Town News and Political Culture in Federalist New Hampshire
The New England Quarterly (2021) 94 (3): 479–481.
Collecting the Globe: The Salem East India Marine Society Museum
The New England Quarterly (2021) 94 (3): 481–483.
Political Godmother: Nackey Scripps Loeb and the Newspaper that Shook the Republican Party
The New England Quarterly (2021) 94 (3): 486–490.
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