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September 2022
ISSN 0028-4866
EISSN 1937-2213
In this Issue
Bernard Bailyn on the Craft and Art of Historical Writing
The New England Quarterly (2022) 95 (3): 298–333.
From Robert Keayne to Angola, Richard, and Grace: Bernard Bailyn and New England's Place in an Atlantic World
The New England Quarterly (2022) 95 (3): 334–361.
The Social Origins of Ideological Origins: Notes on the Historical Legacy of Bernard Bailyn
The New England Quarterly (2022) 95 (3): 362–400.
Biography and Bernard Bailyn: The Ordeal of Thomas Hutchinson and the “Logical Obligation” of Historical Research
The New England Quarterly (2022) 95 (3): 401–433.
Attack by a Turkey: Learning to Write History from Bernard Bailyn
The New England Quarterly (2022) 95 (3): 489–510.
The Pedagogy of Bafflement: Bernard Bailyn's History 2910, Fall 1996
The New England Quarterly (2022) 95 (3): 511–536.
Book Review
Illuminating History: A Retrospective of Seven Decades
The New England Quarterly (2022) 95 (3): 537–548.
The Living Past: Commitments for the Future The First Millennium Evening Hosted at the White House
The New England Quarterly (2022) 95 (3): 549–550.
Bernard Bailyn's Eulogy for Pauline Maier (1938–2013) October 29, 2013
The New England Quarterly (2022) 95 (3): 551–555.
Ph.D. Dissertations Directed by Bernard Bailyn at Harvard University
The New England Quarterly (2022) 95 (3): 559–563.
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