Table 4.

DLM as an independent constraint: Estimates from the fitted linear-mixed models for IC-matched random structures and IC-matched RLAs.

 IC-matched random structuresIC-matched RLAs
EstimateSEt valueEstimateSEt value
Intercept 1.85 0.014 131.97* 1.81 0.022 79.50* 
S.length 0.34 0.009 36.85* 0.22 0.010 22.31* 
Real −0.19 0.009 −21.71* −0.04 0.005 −8.17* 
S.length:Real −0.07 0.005 −12.96* 0.01 0.003 3.51* 
 IC-matched random structuresIC-matched RLAs
EstimateSEt valueEstimateSEt value
Intercept 1.85 0.014 131.97* 1.81 0.022 79.50* 
S.length 0.34 0.009 36.85* 0.22 0.010 22.31* 
Real −0.19 0.009 −21.71* −0.04 0.005 −8.17* 
S.length:Real −0.07 0.005 −12.96* 0.01 0.003 3.51* 

Note. DLM = dependency length minimization; IC = intervener complexity; RLA = random linear arrangement; S.length = sentence length.

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