Table 1.

Overview of the models.

SpaCy Co-occurrence Wikipedia and webcrawl 300 cBOW Cosine 
Affective similarties Task-based Valence, dominance, and arousal ratings Human ratings extrapolated based on SWOW similarities Euclidean 
Small World of Words Task-based Semantic associations NA Random walk Cosine 
Phonological similarities Phonological Transcriptions from CLEARPOND NA Number of insertions, deletions or substitutions needed to change one string into the other Levenshtein 
Phonological neighbourhood density Phonological Total number of words that differed in the addition, deletion, or substitution of a single phoneme NA Absolute value of the difference in phonological neighbourhood density 
Taxonomic structure Taxonomy WordNet v31 NA Knowledge graph where words are grouped into synsets Wu & Palmer similarity 
Experiential strength Task-based Lancaster sensorimotor norms 12 Human ratings for 39,707 concepts across six perceptual modalities and five action effectors Cosine similarity 
SpaCy Co-occurrence Wikipedia and webcrawl 300 cBOW Cosine 
Affective similarties Task-based Valence, dominance, and arousal ratings Human ratings extrapolated based on SWOW similarities Euclidean 
Small World of Words Task-based Semantic associations NA Random walk Cosine 
Phonological similarities Phonological Transcriptions from CLEARPOND NA Number of insertions, deletions or substitutions needed to change one string into the other Levenshtein 
Phonological neighbourhood density Phonological Total number of words that differed in the addition, deletion, or substitution of a single phoneme NA Absolute value of the difference in phonological neighbourhood density 
Taxonomic structure Taxonomy WordNet v31 NA Knowledge graph where words are grouped into synsets Wu & Palmer similarity 
Experiential strength Task-based Lancaster sensorimotor norms 12 Human ratings for 39,707 concepts across six perceptual modalities and five action effectors Cosine similarity 

Note. N: number of dimensions in the model. cBOW: continuous bag of words. SWOW: Small World of Words.

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