Figure 1:
(A) Schematic of a “vanilla” RNN cell or neuron. An RNN neuron maintains a hidden state r(t) that is computed at each timestep by linearly weighting the input signal and the previous output of itself and neighboring neurons through a recurrent connection. The output S(t) is computed by applying a nonlinear transformation (e.g., ReLU, tanh, or sigmoid) to r(t). (B, C) Schematics of a GLIFR neuron. Each neuron maintains a synaptic current Isyn that is computed at each timestep by linearly weighting the input signal by Win, as well as the previous output of its neuron layer through a lateral or recurrent connection by Wlat. The neuron's voltage V decays over time according to membrane decay factor km and integrates synaptic currents and after-spike currents Ij over time based on membrane resistance Rm and the membrane decay factor. Additionally, the voltage tends toward Vreset through a continuous reset mechanism based on the firing rate at a given time. An exponential transformation of the difference between the voltage and the threshold voltage yields a continuous-valued normalized firing rate, which varies between 0 and 1. The normalized firing rate, along with terms aj and rj, is used to modulate the after-spike currents that decay according to decay factor kj. The dynamics present in a GLIFR neuron give rise to its key differences from RNN neurons; GLIFR neurons can express heterogeneous dynamics, in contrast to the fixed static transformations utilized in RNN neurons.

(A) Schematic of a “vanilla” RNN cell or neuron. An RNN neuron maintains a hidden state r(t) that is computed at each timestep by linearly weighting the input signal and the previous output of itself and neighboring neurons through a recurrent connection. The output S(t) is computed by applying a nonlinear transformation (e.g., ReLU, tanh, or sigmoid) to r(t). (B, C) Schematics of a GLIFR neuron. Each neuron maintains a synaptic current Isyn that is computed at each timestep by linearly weighting the input signal by Win, as well as the previous output of its neuron layer through a lateral or recurrent connection by Wlat. The neuron's voltage V decays over time according to membrane decay factor km and integrates synaptic currents and after-spike currents Ij over time based on membrane resistance Rm and the membrane decay factor. Additionally, the voltage tends toward Vreset through a continuous reset mechanism based on the firing rate at a given time. An exponential transformation of the difference between the voltage and the threshold voltage yields a continuous-valued normalized firing rate, which varies between 0 and 1. The normalized firing rate, along with terms aj and rj, is used to modulate the after-spike currents that decay according to decay factor kj. The dynamics present in a GLIFR neuron give rise to its key differences from RNN neurons; GLIFR neurons can express heterogeneous dynamics, in contrast to the fixed static transformations utilized in RNN neurons.

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